WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is speeding up delivery of a colossal bomb designed to destroy hidden weapons bunkers buried underground and shielded by 10,000 pounds of reinforced concrete.
Call it Plan B for dealing with Iran, which recently revealed a long-suspected nuclear site deep inside a mountain near the holy city of Qom.
Okay while I'm nowhere near the competency of Brad and Clinton, I have been autowriting to my Sirius friends who are following my experience on Earth and they have had some interesting things to say.
While i can't ascertain for sure theyre 100% correct...well at least i tried!
Tues, 13 October 12.35pm. Automatic Writing.
Qtn: Can you tell me what they really did to the moon on friday?
Ans: Well, for starters, it wasnt a hole. It was… Continue
Added by RL on October 13, 2009 at 12:58am —
DISCLOSURE MAY ACTUALLY HAPPEN We captured video from this unique event, including an interview with him by yours truly — and this footage should be released very shortly. Among many astonishing things he shared with us, thanks to one of his inside contacts, we learned that the Obama administration has an active plan to disclose the reality of the extraterrestrial presence before the end of this year. Television time has already been booked — and we are told that several different ET groups… Continue
Added by jose v on October 13, 2009 at 12:55am —
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Maybe the Emperor of Japan should abdicate his throne
The Emperor is probably the biggest taboo in Japan so discussing his abdication is even more taboo. Nonetheless, there are many reasons why we need to discuss this issue. First of all the fascistic state Shintoism and Emperor worship installed during the Meiji Era was designed as a colonial policy for ruling Japan. The Japanese were taught to strictly worship the Emperor as a God king without realizing he was taking orders from… Continue
Blessed and beloved ones, some of you are of advancing years, and it will not be long before you shall vacate your body temples. Some of you shall do so by the ascension and some shall enter the realms of our world in the other manner called death.
I say to you, if you doubt that I am speaking through this messenger this night, I will make you one promise: If you will call to me secretly within your heart and ask me to come to you at that hour, I,… Continue
it shows our "brothers and sisters" presenting themselves to the whole world in gigantic ships...but a also hear they are disguised and are really reptilians!! very cool premise indeed. if anybody has anymore info about this show, let me know
How many times over the years have WE said that we know the Q better than most, better than STORY for example? WE go way back with her and updates from years ago describe her as the worlds most unreliable "flip-flopper", that she blows in the wind like a willow tree siding with which ever side appears to be "winning" at the moment. You might find it enlightening to review some of those old updates archived at www.fourwinds10.com.
Our update last Thursday reports her arrival here to… Continue
Added by jose v on October 12, 2009 at 2:21pm —
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If this doesn't scare the bajeebies out of you, nothing will. It could have been just made up to scare us. But, what is always left out is the reason WHY. I realize that the elite consider this a playground for themselves and that we are nothing but the worker bees. So what is the point to slowly kill us all? If they want to rid the world of us useless eaters, then why don't they just kill us now? What is the point of slowly killing us with poisons, etc.
The status of things tonight is beyond intense, beyond remarkable and approaches "unbelievable". Nevertheless what follows is true.
The "Blocking Scams" being provided by The Dragon Lady and Ying were OBAMA/BUSH'S last line of defense. Once this last ditch effort to stop deliveries was discovered and foiled BUSH and OBAMA basically went BERSERK. They have threatened the lives of every person involved in getting the deliveries and announcements made… Continue
Added by jose v on October 11, 2009 at 11:30pm —
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Perhaps it's necessary to repeat that these newsletters I've been doing all these years are for a specific group of people, minds that work beyond a 3rd grade level of intelligence. They who know, there is purpose behind this vast transfer of wealth on this planet, know behind my messages lies a varacity of truth. Not, however, because I Said it, but because they have done their own research or are already a part of the machine changing this world, and see… Continue
Added by jose v on October 11, 2009 at 7:58pm —
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Loving Peace
a message from Harold W. Becker
Monday, 21 September, 2009 (posted 11 October, 2009)
From: http://spiritlibrary.com/the-love-foundation/loving-peace
It is in the stillness of our heart that we find the peace we seek in the world. It is the connection deep within to the very source of our being where we recognize the oneness of life. It is here that we transcend the duality of perceived right and wrong thinking, judgment, control and… Continue
Added by Lydia on October 11, 2009 at 1:30pm —
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How to Develope Compassion ~ The KEY to Loving Kindness
What is compassion? It's part of living a good life. It's what truly connects us to others. It helps us understand their points of view, notice their… Continue
Added by Lydia on October 11, 2009 at 9:55am —
1 Comment
Not sure if you guys at S.O.E have seen this before? I copied the following from someone's blog. It was originally posted on All News Web but as far as I can see the article is no longer there. It was posted in March this year.
"Breaking News: Barack Obama prepares for UFO arrival, open alien contact"
"All News Web recently received a series of brief emails from some-one who claimed to have worked in the Pentagon within the DARPA agency on a project that involved… Continue
Obama Nobel “peace” prize a sign of Thule society desperation
The Nobel Peace Committee has proven to the world they are a scam and have permanently destroyed their credibility by awarding war-criminal mass-murderer Obama a “peace” prize. The members of the Nobel Prize committee and the Nobel family have now clearly shown they are members of the Nazi Thule society and are hereby officially designated as enemies of humanity. To this day the Nobel family makes most of their money from… Continue