Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


I had a reader email me wanting to know, for himself and his son, why we were really going to the moon. I personally heard a spokeswoman for NASA say that it will be great when the astronauts won’t have to carry water on their missions, to paraphrase. Oh please…..So I have given this great question some thought and just maybe have an explanation.

I am no expert on astrology nor astronomy. But, I would like to present this bit of information as a suggestion as to the reason for the bombing of the moon.

I kept getting the thought that the Moon represented the soul, or the equivalent of the soul of man, since ‘As above, so below’. Here are some basics that I found.

Please scroll down to the Moon.

The feminine principle, the soul, mother, fecundity, adaptation, wife, the family, nation. Emotions, moods, feelings, fertility, fluctuations, receptivity.

The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and is the closest planetary (it's not really a planet, but it's influences are strongly felt) object to us. The moon is without water and the only light it receives is reflected from the Sun. The light which repeats itself in phases every 28 days is caused by the Moons orbit around Earth. Because it is always near us, it represents are 'shadow self', our changeable moods and feelings. The relationship between the Moon and the Sun are especially important in Natal charts. Together these two objects represent the anima:conscious (sun) and animus:subconscious (moon) parts of our self according to Carl Jung.

My comment: As you can see, the author compares the moon to the soul.

Then Cayce goes on to describe the Soul:

Cayce sees soul as the developing portion of our whole nature. It is ever changing, growing, and learning, and uses free will to explore, create, test, discover, and more. Soul is the ultimate companion to the Creator; a true companion, because it has the free will to choose to be a companion ­ or not. The soul is also uniquely able to bridge the gulf between the spirit realms and the physical realms, between our divine, godly self and our earthly self. The mind of the soul is the subconscious. It may operate independently of the Collective Consciousness of the Creator. (At least, it is allowed to think it does. After all, there is no way to actually be outside of the Whole.) Or, it may act in harmony and conscious at-one-ment with the Collective Consciousness.

My comment: Then if the moon is associated with the Soul, and the Soul is the bridge between the physical and the spirit, has there been a deliberate attempt to destroy the Soul? Even if symbolically. I watched the Moon bombing and I saw nothing that couldn’t have easily been created with computer graphics. Maybe someone with more astrological forte, like Myth Smith, could help me out.

Also, the Moon represents the Shadow Self which is very important to the evolution of the Soul. If the Shadow Self is destroyed or damaged, then the Soul may not evolve. At some point, we ALL have to deal with our Shadow Selves and if we keep pushing our 'demons' back into the subconscious and fail to deal with them, then we as spiritual beings, cannot evolve.

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Comment by RL on October 9, 2009 at 12:00pm
nice observation. does this have any correlation between the rising polarisation of human viewpoints due to obama's nobel peace prize winning on the same day? coz im really feeling very fired up and somewhat pissed off.

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