Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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At their best, our homes act as our sanctuaries. They are the nests we return to for rest and nurturing nourishment before we venture out once again to spread our wings and fly. But there are times that we may feel quite differently about our homes—times when we feel surrounded by turmoil rather than harmony, or mired in chaos rather than immersed in peace. It is at these times that we have the power to decide to bring… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 29, 2010 at 12:02pm — No Comments


All matter is made up of energy, and that energy is in motion continually. Everything in the universe, from the smallest molecules to

the most complex living beings, has an optimal rate of vibration to keep

it healthy. We reach this high vibrational level when we are whole,

healthy, and fulfilling our potential. Human beings are able to

consciously control these vibrations within themselves using a variety


Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 29, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments


Sometimes we have so many varying responsibilities in our lives, ranging from work obligations to caring for children to running a household, we feel we cannot possibly make it all work. We may feel overwhelmed in the face of it all, ending each day feeling hopelessly behind schedule. However, regardless of how frustrating this can be, these are the parameters that make up our lives, and we owe it to ourselves to find a way to make it work. Rather than buckling under the pressure of an… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 29, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with 'force of 100m bombs'

Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012…


Added by Simmy on August 29, 2010 at 9:23am — 3 Comments

2012 The Movie

Interesting collection of contemporary prognostications. Only problem may

be that their viewpoint is strictly from the physical universe.

At least they are all quite positive which is hopeful, though could they so realize, they've all been on an endless dwindling spiral of devolution, not evolution. I fear the steps they perceive as upward were but the ones we took downward.

We are all holographic chips off the big, grand, omnific, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent…


Added by jose v on August 29, 2010 at 4:22am — No Comments

Fidel Castro: Osama bin Laden is a US agent

By The Associated Press
Friday, August 27th, 2010 -- 5:53 pm

Added by jose v on August 28, 2010 at 7:14pm — 2 Comments

THE KIT: What We Can Do To Raise Up To The New Higher Vibration, Change Our World, and Meet The New! ~

THE KIT: What We Can Do To Raise Up To The New Higher Vibration, Change Our World, and Meet The New!

What We Can Do About It: The Kit of Things to Do.

There are risks for a human to go out to the Universe and there are risks of being a human on Earth, it seems. So is there a possibility to do anything about this? Well, They were saying that it is a possibility for us to get out…


Added by CHRISTINA on August 28, 2010 at 7:13am — No Comments

"Let's Dance"

Jake Shimabukuro "Let's Dance"

Added by jose v on August 28, 2010 at 1:23am — 3 Comments

The 12th Gate of the Golden Sun Disc


Added by 陳思如 Luz on August 26, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

$200 Quadrillion is a heck of a lot of money!

I found this while on my usual trawl of websites and a few questions spring to mind.

1) Who uncovered the 'Swag Bag'?

2) Where is it?

3) Who are the Western Heads of State, Vatican Satanists, US politicians that have been fingered?

4) Will they be brought to justice

5) Will this money be redistributed back to the people it was stolen from? I'm guess that $200 Quadrillion will pay for a lot of stuff for quite a while for EVERYONE on the planet without exception!…


Added by jose v on August 26, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Society's Rules Don't Create Wealth

In olden days people were forced to labor for the king and his minions in return for being allowed to live within the realm. This kind of extortion finally got tossed over and people's basic right to their lives became acknowledged – in the political philosophy of John Locke and the Declaration of Independence, for example. You don't belong to society, to other people. Your life is yours to live as you choose, although, admittedly, you could live it bad or well but not in terms set by others…


Added by jose v on August 25, 2010 at 12:25pm — No Comments


Life presents us with many opportunities to gain mastery in tending our own energy fields. At times we may want to protect ourselves by using energy shields of colour, light or angelic presence. Or in order to become more grounded, we may run energy down through our feet or first chakra, rooting ourselves to the earth. Sometimes it’s appropriate to play openly with others in an expansive, flowing state; and at other times, we may want to limit… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 25, 2010 at 11:47am — No Comments


Embracing Your Gender Opposite

Woman or man, each human being is whole. We are all a compendium of many

different forms of energy that interact to create a balanced person. To

be human, therefore, is to be both gender specific (man or woman) and

gender complemented (masculine and feminine). It may sound strange to

say that in every person there exists both female and male aspects, but

these aspects are tightly interwoven within each of us and learning…

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 25, 2010 at 11:45am — No Comments


Taking A Snow Day

With so much to do all the time, it can be difficult to find time to simply breathe, think, and explore our inner landscapes. It is still possible, however, to feed your soul and to briefly separate yourself from life's frenetic pace by taking a snow day. Personal snow days are best taken when you feel like you are running on empty with no chance of respite in sight or when you begin to resent the life you once… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 25, 2010 at 11:43am — No Comments

The Time of the Seventh Fire ~ Seeing through the Illusions (Extracts from ~

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

Here's a little story from Plato's most famous book, The Republic. Socrates is talking to a young follower of his named Glaucon, and is telling him this fable to illustrate what it's like to be a philosopher -- a lover of wisdom: Most people, including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance. We are even comfortable with that ignorance, because it is all we know. When we first…


Added by CHRISTINA on August 25, 2010 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

The dark's dominion on your world is at an end, and the Light is here to bring you abundance, Love, and Light! ~

Selamat Balik! We come again with more to discuss with you. Right now, Mother Earth is in the midst of profound changes to her surface. The current topology is based on a series of major and minor tectonic plates which float on hundreds of miles of hot, plastic-like magma that is in a constant state of flux. Large currents of energy flow from the gravitational neutral zone to a region many miles beneath these floating plates. Every one of you lives upon landmasses that lie upon one or…


Added by CHRISTINA on August 25, 2010 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

"New microbe discovered eating Gulf oil"

maybe man can not rip asunder what god hath created---the earth fights back

Added by jose v on August 25, 2010 at 12:53am — No Comments

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