Many years ago, I was told, in the event that the us continues to block the finality of the banking change over, extraordinary methods would be employed to break the backs of the resistors. Even tho many bankers are aware of and some have even gone, as far as, adopting the basel 2/3 protocols, still somehow in their minds they believe they can stay with the fed. One even saying, yea but I'm not going into this metal backed currency thing. No, then how do… Continue
I apologize for my absence and for the condition of my web site. The site has been moved and is now being hosted on mirrored servers with unlimited bandwidth. The video is now available on YouTube. The site is undergoing a major re-design and should be up by mid week with lots of content as well as downloadable documents and a new video.
I have said before that deliveries will not take place into the old system. We will not… Continue
"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer… Continue
An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
Honourable Man speaking out about the dangers presented by the medical and pharmaceutical industries aiming at children women and vets! Parents must listen to this report given the the government assembly in New York! People do not listen to the constant BS drones from our misguided Media!…
You may post this if you wish although I do not wish to jeopardize anything.
I have a problem with Obama. Is he a lightworker or not? Casper seems to have no use for him and yet on Galactic Friends they portray as if he is on our side.
We are very excited about the way things are moving and being so very close to the deliveries - or are they already happening?
Thank you again for your deligent work that you and Anne… Continue
I"m an ex V-series fan but i don't plan on watching the show since i'm not too big on tv shows anymore, i still catch one or two every now and then, mainly Heroes and Ghost Hunters.
Add in (I know what i saw) was on the Discovery Channel, and (the fourth kind) coming out in theaters in November.
British nuclear expert, Timothy Hampton, plung....
British nuclear expert, Timothy Hampton, plunges 17 floors to his death at height of UN nuclear talks with Iran in Vienna
Alcuin Bramerton
British nuclear expert, Dr Timothy Hampton (47), plunges 120 feet to his death from the 17th floor of the UN?s building in Vienna, Austria, on Tuesday 20th November 2009. [sic] [presumably should be 20th October 2009 --hobie]
Banking and Intelligence Sources Warn of Possible Nuclear Device Attacks in U.S. Cities
October 19, 2009
Prelude-Dateline Thursday 10/15/2009
In this climate of possible Banking implosions, potential WW III scenarios, continued destruction of the American middle class, and Martial Law threats against American rights and liberties, the Q-files crew pays very close attention to all information coming from various HAM radio operators monitoring the… Continue
Added by jose v on October 24, 2009 at 1:23am —
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latest immediacy data shows the turn into building tension language as occurring at:
5:12 am 10-26-2009
time zones are a problem so let us just say east coast time and we will likely be wrong by about 6 hours as it may actually be 'effective' on the paris meridian (the old rose line).
a small visibility spike occurs at 7:02 am on the 26th
The Black Dragon Society has been re-activated. The Black Dragon Society reaches into intelligence agencies, governments, crime syndicates, financial institutions etc. around the planet. Unlike other secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Black Dragon Society is not united by fear but rather by friendship, trust and shared values. It is actively seeking to overthrow the New World Order in order to promote a campaign to… Continue
DISCLOSURE MAY ACTUALLY HAPPEN We captured video from this unique event, including an interview with him by yours truly — and this footage should be released very shortly. Among many astonishing things he shared with us, thanks to one of his inside contacts, we learned that the Obama administration has an active plan to disclose the reality of the extraterrestrial presence before the end of this year. Television time has already been booked — and we are told that several different ET groups… Continue
Added by jose v on October 23, 2009 at 1:28am —
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This is the superb honest and frank speech by JFK describing the Illuminati global one world order organization. This speech along with agreeing to expose the ET cover up is what got him killed. Yet here we are on the cusp of exposing everything. God Bless you JFK!
CANADA is about to share the benefits of the most humanitarian and revolutionary event the world has ever seen. NESARA brings PEACE, WORLDWIDE PROSPERITY and… Continue
Added by jose v on October 23, 2009 at 1:27am —
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British nuclear expert, Dr Timothy Hampton (47), plunges 120 feet to his death from the 17th floor of the UN’s building in Vienna, Austria, on Tuesday 20th October 2009
Hampton fell to his death one day before high-level nuclear disarmament talks with Iran were about to resume. His death is being investigated by police as possible suicide or murder. Timothy Hampton was a member of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). More… Continue
Added by jose v on October 23, 2009 at 1:08am —
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I understand the world went to commodity based currency officially yesterday and the US was going today. Ok so this is like the setup for deliveries, as when people start accessing they will be doing so into the new banking system. Also just learned as of 10-19-09 the world is no longer accepting FRNs. We must pay in gold bullion until the new currency is engaged. Expecting deliveries to begin about any moment now. Some recent receivers of their docs were told in… Continue
Added by jose v on October 23, 2009 at 12:22am —
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I was watching TV tonight when I notice this advertising on the tv and I was shocked go to and see the videos and please spread the word. I did not like it. It's kind of scary that they are trying to tell people to be prepared but for what?
Ready Campaign Public Service Advertisements (PSAs)
In order to encourage Americans to prepare themselves, their families and their communities, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in partnership with The… Continue
It sounds like this is becoming a regular occurance in and around the Niagara Region. I've taken it upon myself to start doing some research about these sightings. Over the last 2 months they've been popping up everywhere, and again last night. I watched the object for about 15 mins after I got out of work. I don't have a good camera, or a video camera, so sorry that I won't be able to show you anything unless i find some on the web. I stopped for 30sec to take a quick number 1 on a tree,… Continue