Prayer of the Wonderful Spirit

Wonderful Spirit We Pray for you!
Thank you Wonderful Spirit for blessing us so greatly!!
We are loved and know your compassion!!
When we thought you were so far away from us,
we did not realize that You,
our Great Spirit Father and Great Spirit Mother
have always been here right beside us!!
This realization of true love!
To know that within our hearts,
all love comes before us and beckons us.
Everyday it is seen with our eyes.
But within the flowing,
we must listen with your hearts.
There is No fear within love.
There is No hatred within love.
But "True Compassion" flows out from us and we are
complete and fully balanced within this loving embrace!
You are One with the Oneness of all the related!
We are One together in love and unity of all creation.
There is no separation, we sense it!
Here We see true reality of love's blissful wisdom!
We ask the Great Spirits to offer us a "vision quest" or a "dream"
to help us become "Aware" of the true Reality of Blissful Love.
Even though I may see what You wish,
our children need their own hearts
and vision to hear the story's song.
They are listening to you now!
Wonderful Spirits we want to hear Your blessed guidance.
May Your wisdom, Great Spirits, allow us to be purified.
Thank You for sending White Buffalo Calf Woman
"seen in the light, Heavenly sent",
Thank You for sending Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star
"felt in the darkness, Earthly sent",
to the all the Elders who come and help prepare for
our Great Missions, that unfold before our very eyes!
May we be humbled in knowing of You, Wonderful Spirits!
May we be humbled in Your blessings, Great Spirits!
May we aspire to know how rich
we truly are, as You stand right beside us!
In this "Sea of Blissful Compassion" and
all "Knowing Ways" of the Journey of Life,
may this very "LOVE" of the Oneness we share
be Realized!!
Aho ah..."spirit fly descend from heaven"
Elder Rainbow Person
Sacred Storm Dreamer
"sacred fire skywalker"
"Sanskrit name for Holy Deliverance"

Einstein Cross Gravitational Lens, which is back lit by distant quasar.
This represents cellular division of all the related. The birth of a life!
Comes the Shining Forth of the Light!
Every day we live in a world of nature and we start to conceive ideas about our own personal nature within the dark soul world. Here within you, the birthing place of the Celestial Heavens, a Sacred Pool offers the reflection of our dreams and the light of the soul is born. As we gaze upon the dream time we become the Great Revealer.
The journey of the Questor seeks through steady practice in reflective silence, many call this meditation or simply said "to think, ponder or cultivation of emptiness" either way, we offer our selves time within the dream world.
Through steady practice we can radiate our light from our beingness in any direction and upon any person or subject as we offer our light.
As we learn to gain insight nothing can be hidden from us and all knowledge is at our disposal. This is true flight of a dreamer in creation, as we give birth to our visions.
Perception of our souls light within the darkness enables us to perceive what was hidden previously. This helps us to walk the way of sacred understanding and that the forces of nature lives all around us in the world we embrace.
1. Remembering our Soul's Dance
Dancing, Dreaming, Artistic Creation, Meditation, Reflection, Being with Nature, Day-dreaming, Building, Painting, Singing, Embracing, all many ways of using the heart - our unseen soul dreamer who begins to use the right hemisphere of the brain and to seek within the sacred path!
Gradually we become conscious of our Soul and we are able to tune in, so to say, to the vibrations that are traveling along and beside us, as all the related. This allows a moment of contemplation, as we act like Sages who have wisdom. As we turn our attentions to find knowledge, we search within the darkness, as it provides a rebirth that refreshes us and blesses our souls. We feel loves embrace.
As we learn to use our Soul body, the illuminated light from within the darkness feels at times as if "information streams into consciousness". This flowing of knowledge creates a harmonious vibration that unifies our hearts. Joined together and related to all of Creation, we feel a loving warmth. As the eternal evolving soul we journey the Red Road through the multi-colors sacred directions of light we dream upon.
This stream of connection to the eternal flowing makes us feel we can access any answer to life's questions. We can can learn that sacredness begins, if we can just hold on to the blissful frequency of pure unblemished love. Here we begin to realize communion to the deliverance within our souls and a spark of light is illuminated, a dream is born.
Every time we enter solemn prayer to the universe and feel unity with our Chitta "mind stuff", a gradual change starts to happen within our physical bodies. It seems that our souls become more prevalent in our lives; and a synchronization starts to takes place. The phone call you knew would come or the friend who you just thought about, shows up at your doorstep. Time seems changed for you. You start to rely on spiritual transmissions from your soul, thus walking in enlightenment. This illumination is key to all events in your life as you begin to walk the sacred way of love.
Learning to cultivate the union of soul and physical worlds within yourself slowly increases the usage of the third "eye". This organ senses light and wavelength, much like our visual eyes do, but helps us to see into the darkness, or the world of the heart; what we call "spiritual". An inspiring wonder to the earthly realm of light and the heavenly realm of darkness as it harmoniously unifies. Let us give true reverence to the skills that lie ahead at the dawning of heaven and earth.
2. Clearing the Mind
As we get earnest in our ceremony of living life, we become aware of all things around us. We recognize our greatness and rise to our potential. Problems get resolved and actions speak louder than words as we start to do what we say. Others witness your sincere character helping the related. Speaking and clearly imparting wisdom of the ages. You become a mentor every chance you can. Each day a light grows within and illuminates outwardly for others to see. The community begins to respect you as you become a contributing source of purifying ceremony. The family noticed change within you and this teaches others to seek self illumination. They enter a vision quest of their own to find the light of a peaceful regeneration, the power of love.

3. Illuminating Insight
With this new revelation and ability to sense into the dark space, vision of a subject becomes more than physical, it now has a spiritual meaning. This is the beginning of your full potential. You start to feel the heartfelt reality of the unseen realm. Not only do you see the carrier of the form, but you begin to see through the veil of unknowing to the world of the eternal flowing and perpetual rebirth of all life. We realize a dream is reflected from heaven onto earth and all of our lives becomes an image of our visions.
4. Emotional Intelligence
We didn't realize that our hearts are guided by the Soul body, an existence that comes from Heaven, which offers to us emotional intelligence. Often people get lost inside their own feelings. Now it is a growing concern for everyone in the world. When we operated our existence purely from the Earthly physical knowing without considering your Heavenly Soul, you were missing out, on a lot of spiritual information. Those who learn how to incorporate the light and the dark worlds together, will survive the coming evolutionary change, shifting from our present physical world to enter the "Dawning". Here, the hearts feeling from Heaven and the physical actions upon Earth become one dream, which is the new reality, in Evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time.
If we continue to be silent to the Heavenly realm of the heart's desire, then our mysteries remain unexplained and unattainable to the common person. But if we enter the Vision Quest and become the "Seeker", in time with practice, we can also become the "Revealer" to all of life's questions through integration of both Soul body and Physical body. As our intellect "mind stuff" of the Earthly realm becomes illuminated by the feeling "heart stuff" of the Heavenly realm, then all the mysteries become attainable in "vision of the third eye", the organ that allows you to sense light and wavelength. Here we enter realization that we are all son's of God, and therefore we are part of God itself. And with this comes great responsibility to serve others to find their own way homeward within the path of love, the law of the heavens which now must be a part of the law of earth. For we Elders know there is little time to prepare, it is time to come homeward. Heaven and Earth wait for us down into the valleys of the darkness, where you must rely on your other senses other than vision.
Remember that religious ceremony make all things Heavenly and raise it upward our evolutionary ascension towards the embrace of love. It only takes sincerity, joy and sacred observance to bring the heart of Heaven upon the Earthly Realm where joy will be known and dreams come alive. We must learn that God is awe-inspiring, which our part is to be responsible in blessing all. Self, family, friends, communities, water, sky, heaven and earth, all the related belong to us, the Oneness of God. Mother Earth can be sacred if you choose it. Bless our hearts so we may find her, along the Red Road, the law of love! Our feet that take flight from the light, reach her body with each step we take. Our dreams have found Mother Earth to unfold. This place is where light touches the darkness and holiness begins with the deliverance of all the related.
The Elders say, "Teach children to respect others, so they may practice it their whole lives. And give thanks to the loving rain, the blossoming fruits of our labor. For when you sing to your plants both drops of water and rainbows appear. When we are happy we feel song!". The place of light and dark emerge together harmoniously, we then know peace. It takes practice in contemplation and daily blessings to find the pathway to freedom instead of suffering and pain, this present world offers us. We can be a part of this change! Shift and learn about love, the Red Road, the way!

5. Development Stages
Imagine planting a seed. It is a religious ritual, as a gardener always talks to the sky and the earth. You start to feel close to the seed as you pray for it's welfare. The seed knows the living Mother Earth who nourishes her children. We develop a deep reverence for the seed that roots into the below inward in the darkness and reaches upwards towards the light. As we spend time with our plants, we commune, just as love moves in feeling (rainbow colors) and magnitude of pureness (wavelength). As our plants sprout, we touch them and they tell other plants about our love. We begin to hear their songs to each other and to us too! And if we haven't broken in song yet, you begin to sing again! We share happiness in our hearts. This is truly a delightful miracle, joy.
Yet, this took time, a journey. We take steps toward realization of our dreams, just like the seed taking root in love. There is a gradual unfolding to all life. We are no exception to this rule; to the nature of growth and renewal. This blossoming takes steady effort and becomes a result of long patient practice. Like the seed that moves through the cycles, so do you. Learn about the spiritual world that is growing steadily more and more prevalent in our lives. Evolution is upon us, begin your journey of dreams! Enter the vision quest and become the Revealer!
We must realize that the mysteries that we receive are gradual and relatively slow, but this is a natural process of soul awakening. Self discovery is the Greatest Potential for knowing the truth of the living God within us all. And it is not going to be overnight, but a changing of seasons as in all nature. We each carry sacred directions, and finding time for reflection gives us the opportunity to grow, develop our hearts and learn about our new sense organs like the third eye. All we must do is provide the right conditions of steady perseverance, awe inspiring endurance of a loyal warrior. And you will achieve a step, every day on your journey of "piercing the veil of unknowing" into the "access to the mysteries of all knowing". Many violently rush forward, but you become more valuable to society as you are recognized as one who endeavors to follow the way of the emotionally temperate who steps on the Red Road, the law of love. You grow, taking care of yourself and others, learning to wait and receive achievements each day as a blossom on a flower. An opening bud becomes more beautiful each day as it's light manifests, just like you will.
There is a final warning to those who are forcing one's development through the premature awakening of the psychic nature. There can be certain dangers with definite results. The path is arduous just as the seasons offer us change. Taking any other way rather than natural unfoldment can harm you. Be aware of the time it takes a blossoming flower to unfold, so should you take the time in your reflection and revelation of your dreams. Remember, we are part of the whole and that means we need each other to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to understand the image of Oneness. Deliverance comes when we realize we belong to each other.
Observe sacredness in all life. Spend time in reflection with your heart. Forgive others and learn compassion as they did not know the way of love. So now it is your journey to teach others the way homeward to heaven and earth. This can only happen if we create everything we do as a religious ceremony, for when this happens, we get instantaneous occurrences between our related and the meaning of time seems changed for us all. We start to move as spiritual beings from heaven upon the loving embrace of mother earth who delivers all of our dreams come true.
We bless Heaven within ourselves to all the related and and we bless Earth outside ourselves to all the related, unified as One God. For God shall deliver their children home in sacred purity of lambs! We shall celebrate life again...

Wonderful Spirit Prayer
Great Spirits help me know, No Fear, No Hate
and be Naturally Balanced to receive Realization
of pure Love and True compassion.
Great Spirits help my Loving Hands,
extend outwardly to help others which is
Holier than lips that pray and do no work!
Great Spirits it will be my duty to reflect each day,
as a Rainbow Warrior and Unite into
Oneness within myself to know you!
Holiness David
Elder Lavender Person
"holiness running eagle shooting star"
sacred fire of holiness
Twin Deer Mother
Elder Crystal Person
"white buffalo calf woman"
purification and peace

Warriors and Elders
Join us at the Gathering!
terms indigo and crystal and what they mean!
The perfection of our soul and our body often called indigo and crystal, which are misunderstood words used today in our world. Many write that our children are just arriving. This is untrue, it is only we are recognizing ourselves in our children, we have always been here. We have always had four sacred directions as our "garment of light" as the Jewish Nation prayer this commandment.
We are only moving from the second hill to the third hill in evolution. Welcome home to Heaven and Earth. Only love and sacred blessings to all your related, as Red man states, will know the red road, the law of love.
Indigo: indigo represents the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body. We can all fly, when we dream. All of us. You can learn to fly when awake if you practice. But remember, you don't leave your body (this only happens at physical death), you enter your body within. Close your eyes and meditate, be still and listen. Please be careful about using the word Indigo. The Indigo person is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Again, the Indigo represents the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, which each of us have. But we are not all Indigo people. Instead use the word, perfect souls instead of indigo. This will help the world. Remember to teach this to everyone.
Crystal: crystal represents the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the physical body. We all have a body, we use every day. All of us. You can learn to run and dance when in dream if you practice. Many athletes use visualization in their training to prevail in the earthly realm. The ability of the body to perform so many acts of pain or joy is without limits. We all have a perfect physical body, not just the Crystal person. Please be careful about using the word Crystal.The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, your tools of light, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. As you can see we are not all Crystal people, instead use the words, the perfect physical body.
We all are perfect with gifts from God, as the true Crystal person devotes their lives in helping you find this within yourself, so you may become the perfection of god, a powerful and loving being. The true Crystal person delivers the lesson, the "treasure".
What we are all learning about is that we each have a perfect soul body (represented by the Indigo person) and the perfect physical body (represented by the Crystal person). This union is what brings Heaven and Earth together within. This is a quickening we all are feeling as spiritual beings. We must learn that we are perfect, and unique. Just as each snow flake is perfect and unique, so are you.
Each of us have four sacred directions within us, and these are represented by our tools of light to assist us to find our way. Each of us have crystalline energy that lives outside and inside of us, which makes up all the worlds of god. As with God, who has four sacred directions so do we.
And we all live together in the four sacred rolling hills of time in Evolution. Now is the time, entering the third yellow rolling hill in evolution, to believe in your self, forgive others and practice love. For the rules are changing. We are no longer renegades on top of the hill. Now we have found the treasure within, peace on earth was all it said.
AS many of you have received your four sacred colors from White Buffalo Calf Woman (twin deer mother), a crystal person, iyeshka or interpreter. Others who have not, need only ask! For only those who can see into the darkness, and know Truth, as an Elder Crystal person's light who can divide the pages and read your book of life.
Both your auric colors and your soul's song validate the very being that you are. Your mission in life is recognized, and realization begins to set inward. Each of us have four sacred colors just like the image of God, as we are learning to be God ourselves.
We become the Servants who serve, rather always asking for help, now we help others in the time of brotherhood, the yellow rolling hill in evolution. the story of the blue in you and me, kinsmen and family is known in the laws of the heart, the law of the red road, the law of love.
Aho (spirit fly)
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