[Sodomy of young children (at 3 years of age) is satanic mind control and creates bisexuals, homosexuals, and Pedophiles. All easy to control through blackmail and Monarch mind control, as well as creating psychopaths such as all the top Nazis, Stalin, Kissinger (6 million+ body count 1), and Baden-Powell. It bonds the child to the perpetrator and group, and the proper sexual function is perverted, creating lack of orgasmic function… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 12:41pm —
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There is so much this planet needs! None, more than the actual arrival of E.T.'s so we can put everyone's mind at ease. If people just stopped and listened to them, the world would be a better place. There waiting for the right time to do this, and that time is now.
If you are a follower of this site, you probably are close to the same page I'm on. Focus your light and energy to the sky, ask them to reveal themselves. If the collective conciousness of this community put are heart and… Continue
On other websites I've often hesitated to post this brief clip because, when taken out of context, it angers some Christians. And, for the record, I count myself solidly among Christ's followers. Even in its full context and in this moderate Southern Baptist church it bothered enough of the congregation that the relatively progressive minister followed up the next week with a sermon about my "sermon." In effect, he sought to reassure his flock that I was not one of… Continue
Added by Greg Barrett on May 27, 2009 at 10:59am —
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i need a little bit of your time and your help :). I'm a passionate musician and it looks like I'm gonna make it soon to earning money with it which is very cool for me. Of course I make music because music is my life, but it's even better when I can live with only making music all of the time.
I attended a Remix-Contest where the task was to make a remix of the new Depeche Mode single called "Peace". A great song with great lyrics, very… Continue
“Ten years ago I could never have imagined I’d be doing this,” says Greg Pal, 33, a former software executive, as he squints into the late afternoon Californian sun. “I mean, this is essentially agriculture, right? But the people I talk to – especially the ones coming out of business school – this is the one hot area everyone wants to get into.”
He means bugs. To be more precise: the genetic alteration of bugs – very, very small ones – so that when they feed on agricultural waste… Continue
...“an undeniable occult signature linked to 9/11. Some pointed out how the number “11”—a number known as the “eleventh hour” or last opportunity to stop an emergency—turns up repeatedly as a ‘marker’ tied to 9/11. The phone number called during the emergency (9-11) likewise matches the date on which the Twin Towers were attacked. But in occult numerology, the number 11 means much more than this. It is the first Master Number and represents a dark vision. When doubled to 22, the vision is… Continue
Selamat Balik! We come again with more to talk about on a variety of topics. As you move toward full consciousness, you are able to see more easily the occasional flashes of light that reveal the entrance into this reality of entities from much higher realms of existence. Each instance of each day is marked by Heaven thus blessing your reality by sending forth a special living bundle of Light.… Continue
Your power to bring out the truth has grown immensely since this century started and is shaking the dark ones to the roots as their secrets are revealed one by one
"As it gathers momentum, there will be no going back to the old ways unless they can be lifted into the new vibration. The people are uniting and making it known that the time of cover-ups and secrecy is past. There is a call for justice, and a return to laws that reflect the original (US) Constitution that gave every citizen… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 1:55am —
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The secret history of world finance since the removal of King Solomon's treasure from Jerusalem in 930 BCE (pdf file - 92 pages)
This document is of Asian provenance and is written by Eastern secret service insiders whose primary language is not English. In places, therefore, the text is a little clunky and some of the phraseology is jejune. However, Benjamin Fulford in Japan has authenticated the text here and is in direct contact with its authors. The story deals with secret… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 1:52am —
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The Illuminati's experiment with Soviet communism was a social catastrophe
The Illuminati's last great social experiment, Soviet Communism, was a social catastrophe. 150 million people died as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution, which was subsidised by the Illuminati (Masonic Jewish) banking cartel. The West pretended to oppose the Bolsheviks but in fact defended them and betrayed the White Russians who were the West's allies in World War One. The Bolsheviks would have lost except for… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 1:49am —
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A fir tree has been found growing inside a man's lung by surgeons who were operating on him for suspected cancer.
The tree, measuring 5cm, was discovered by Russian doctors when they opened up Artyom Sidorkin, 28, to remove what they thought was a tumour.
Full consciousness is a massive upgrade in your mental, physical and emotional capabilities. It is as if you have opened up a true unbreakable link to your soul and to the very heart of the Creator.
"You bask in this energy and draw amazing creative insights to whatever you intend to study. These insights are embellished by the data and the collaborative efforts supplied to you by your spiritual guides. In this world of galactic humans, there is a constant interaction with the environment… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 1:44am —
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The future science of the ancient shaman - ways of knowing beyond the human - Google video (52 minutes)
Wisdom from beyond Earth? Or wisdom from within Earth? Which data do shamans access? And who energises those data? More about educated modern shamanism can be… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 1:42am —
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Extraterrestrial Space Ships to Rescue us out of the Energy Crisis?
Tagged with: energy lobbyist, ET technology, Stephen Bassett
Posted by Samuel R. Avro on Monday, May 18, 2009
To most of us, UFO’s solving our energy problem will sound, at best, like wishful thinking, and most likely will be dismissed as insane.
A solution to our energy problems from out of this world, or is it just insane?
But if energy lobbyist Stephen Bassett has his way, President Barack… Continue
Credit default swaps - a systemic poison in global finance
In ten years, Credit Default Swaps (CDS) have ballooned into a multi-billion dollar industry which has changed the fundamental character of the financial system and increased systemic risk by many orders of magnitude. CDS, which were originally created to reduce potential losses from defaulting bonds, have turned into cash cows for the big banks, generating mega-profits on what amounts to nothing more than legalized gambling. In… Continue
Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 12:58am —
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By AA MIchael thru Ronna Herman
May 25, 2009, 21:23
Candace: I have placed material on Adamandine particles before. This is the smallest particle in existance, often called the God Particle. It's in the UB under a different name, the Utimaton, I think. You can consciously draw this into your aura/being, and then send them out and about. What the magic if you do this in a busy store during rush hour when people are tired and worn at the… Continue
By Thomas Troward, Excerpt from “The Hidden Power”
“It is quite a mistake to suppose that we must restrict and stint ourselves in
order to develop greater power or usefulness. This is to form the conception of
the Divine Power as so limited that the best use we can make of it is by a policy of
self-starvation, whether material or mental. Of course, if we believe that some
form of self-starvation is necessary to our producing good… Continue
Added by Ron Barrow on May 26, 2009 at 5:20pm —
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