Saviors Of Earth

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Sodomic mind control
Sex MC Quotes Psychopaths

[Sodomy of young children (at 3 years of age) is satanic mind control and creates bisexuals, homosexuals, and Pedophiles. All easy to control through blackmail and Monarch mind control, as well as creating psychopaths such as all the top Nazis, Stalin, Kissinger (6 million+ body count 1), and Baden-Powell. It bonds the child to the perpetrator and group, and the proper sexual function is perverted, creating lack of orgasmic function and internal anger, that needs to be expressed, hence all the Wars. Wilhelm Reich discovered this, and this would have been the main reason why they killed him in jail. The Illuminati is a satanic, hence Sodomic, group, which is why outbreaks of child abuse in the media always have high up connections and high level cover ups. Kay Griggs reveals the Sodomic culture in the US Military where only the men who behave homosexually rise to the top. Fritz Springmeier never mentions this main aspect of mind control in any of his books (just the energy vampirism aspect), backing up Marion Knox's observation on him.
That is what they do to their own, the rest of us have to run the gauntlet of child abuse practices known as circumcision, early cord clamping, bottlefeeding and vaccination, along with other attacks on emotional and physical health.

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