Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Your power to bring out the truth has grown immensely since this century started and is shaking the dark ones to the roots as their secrets are revealed one by one

Your power to bring out the truth has grown immensely since this century started and is shaking the dark ones to the roots as their secrets are revealed one by one
"As it gathers momentum, there will be no going back to the old ways unless they can be lifted into the new vibration. The people are uniting and making it known that the time of cover-ups and secrecy is past. There is a call for justice, and a return to laws that reflect the original (US) Constitution that gave every citizen certain rights to uphold their freedom. The erosion of your rights will be rectified in time, and with that the ambitions of the Illuminati and their quest for global control will die. Whatever action they take now, it is too late to reverse the march towards the Light. You are therefore in the midst of many changes, and it will seem chaotic for some time yet. Many souls are ready to move into positions of authority, and that is necessary to move on to the major changes that you are expecting. What has been built over the centuries cannot be removed overnight; it is a mammoth task, but all the same it progresses to our liking. We cannot reveal our plan, but it is sufficient to say that we have the advantage of knowing what the dark forces doing at any given time. Our technology can pinpoint where any individual is at any moment, and we can listen in to not just their conversations, but also their thoughts. We are your formidable friends, who carry the plan for Man and will ensure it is completed according to God’s Will. We are like your Guardian Angels, so close to you at all times and watching over you. You have an advantage over the dark ones because we play by the rules, and attract the higher energies and forces. The dark so often cannot agree amongst themselves, and this is their Achilles heel. Left to their own devices they will implode and take many dark souls with them. That will not affect those of the Light as the Creator has decreed exactly how this cycle will end, and it is not to be in destruction ...."

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