Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Ascension Energy Symptoms

The Grander Plan, and How Are We Connected and Affected?

In the year 2000, a group of souls began an unprecedented process of spiritual evolution referred to by many as “ascension.” It was decided at the highest soul levels that it was now time to wrap things up here on Earth, release and reclaim every form that we had infused our energy within for eons of time since the very beginning, and start completely over by creating a very New Planet Earth before we moved on to…

Added by Tamarama on August 28, 2009 at 9:00am — 5 Comments

Decentralization of the fed

Decentralization for Freedom

Posted on 27 August 2009

by Dr. Donald W. Livingston,

For the first time in 144 years State interposition (Madison) and State nullification and secession (Jefferson) have entered public discourse as remedies to usurpations by the central government of rights reserved to the sovereign people of the States by the Constitution. Since Americans are not in the habit of exercising these policy options, it is worthwhile to ask… Continue

Added by publix713 on August 28, 2009 at 7:46am — No Comments

FULFORD: Andswer to Questions from a Reader

Answers to questions from a reader:

Q: People are wondering how the Queen fits in with all this. What her power might be to intervene, is she a player for the Coalition or a part of the Cabal?

A: The queen has been flipping and flopping back and forth but our latest intelligence has it that she fully supports the new financial system and a new Marshall plan for the planet earth.

Q: The Vatican is another question mark. Did you have plans to meet with them; did… Continue

Added by jose v on August 28, 2009 at 2:20am — No Comments

Love only love music video dedicated to the Venus Project


Added by Aaron on August 27, 2009 at 11:44pm — No Comments

In This Moment...

Image courtesy of

I can turn my life around with one thought. Yes, you read it right. One thought.

I can change my life by thinking that in this moment, right now, all is okay just the way it is. Let me accept things as they are.

I can change someone else's day just by smiling at them.

I can decide to be grateful, happy, blessed, thankful, fortunate; right now.

I… Continue

Added by Natasha Zeligs on August 27, 2009 at 6:58pm — 3 Comments

09/09/09 Meditation what's the focus of this number?

My cousin sent me the link to this site. Here is a portion of the site and the link is below.

This year on 09.09.09. we are planning to hold another gathering where we will celebrate family and extended family and life itself and raise our level of consciousness yet again. The energy of the number nine is all about passion and compassion and honesty. It is the number of humanitarian ideals and of planetary awareness. It is the number of completion and signifies that now is the time… Continue

Added by DivineThoughts the Love Goddess on August 27, 2009 at 4:53pm — 1 Comment

The Ufo Exposure project Movie

What an Awesome film, the first video goes more into the History of ufo's and moves on up through history, as well as sharing facts and resources. If you still have doubts about Et's or the government cover up and the advanced technology that is being hidden, this is such a remarkable film. It is not a hollywood blockbuster but it is really well done. The… Continue

Added by Aaron on August 27, 2009 at 12:02pm — No Comments


“The Meadow” has been written in a very extraordinary way. For example, there was never any intention to bring the story into manuscript format. It was only after my encounter with Elfreda that it became a reality and, between us, we prized the idea out of my head and onto a hard drive. Even when we began writing the story, there was never an outline laid out for the whole thing. Outlines were only prepared for each chapter as we took them step by step.

I remember Elfreda… Continue

Added by Mike O'Hare on August 26, 2009 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Protect your Mother!

Your mother brought you to this world.

This beautiful world full of vista’s and wonders.

She cared for you and nursed you till you were grown and able to stand on your own feet.

But you lost your way.

Your life is based on taking now. Reaping your share of the natural world.

Your life is about credit, your life is a routine of monotony.

You are dead to the simple pleasures. The smile of a loved one. The soft breath of the wind as It caresses earths endless… Continue

Added by Vaddix on August 26, 2009 at 1:10am — 2 Comments

Sheldan Nidle 8/25/09

Selamat Jarin! We come again with more to talk about with you. Wherever we look on your globe there is distress and pain. This is disheartening to us. You are a people who have endured much in the past year, but events are brewing that can go a long way toward righting these tremendous wrongs. Our Earth allies have accomplished much and despite great odds are extremely close to achieving their goals. Their activities are bringing to completion a number of crucial operations that can ensure… Continue

Added by jose v on August 26, 2009 at 12:38am — 2 Comments


Remember the metals certificates brought over by YING from CHINA a few days ago?

After trying and failing to cash several of them and failing to pull off several trade attempts using them as collateral OBAMA IS NOW REFUSING TO RETURN THEM TO YING. Ha Ha Ha, Ho Ho Ho. No honor among thieves. Ha ha ha, isn't this priceless? The CHINESE MAFIA gets screwed by the CHICAGO MAFIA. WE could give YING some tips on how to retrieve his property, face value in the Trillions by the way, but WE doubt he… Continue

Added by jose v on August 25, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments


The requirement that the "trigger packs" be delivered first has never changed so the "in and out" and the "back and forth" reported here always involves the status of those packs which you and everyone else in the world has come to realize are the FREEDOM PROGRAM PACKS. WE will avoid a repeat discussion of why. how and when these packs became the "trigger" for all other deliveries and refer you to previous updates archived at Fourwinds if you care to review the explanations.

Many… Continue

Added by jose v on August 25, 2009 at 10:29pm — No Comments


Someone brought this to my attention this morning.

There are six job openings on Monster with the hiring company being listed as the gov / military.

All of them are temporary, beginning 9/4/09 and ending 7/30/10.

They have already created jobs to man this pandemic creation and then force mandatory vaccines upon the entire population.

Do they think we are that… Continue

Added by jose v on August 25, 2009 at 10:24pm — No Comments

Isn't this really Strange? Glenn Beck and Fox news turning tides and awakening people?

Glenn Beck Special, part of a full week series called "Reasonable Questions for an Unreasonable Time". Many questions in this show about the Czars, their backgrounds and relationship to Barack Obama. Unedited full show in 5 parts.

this is on all week.

I know the media is propaganda but this is the first time i heard Glenn Beck say Start asking questions, Is he and fox news getting in line with the Revolution? Are they finally going to speak truth? are… Continue

Added by Aaron on August 25, 2009 at 7:55pm — No Comments

David Icke Seminar ~ 15 video's

David Icke Seminar, Melbourne Convention Centre, Australia, 11th April 2009.

Playlist HD:

Playlist Normal:

Part 1:



[3/6]… Continue

Added by Vonnie on August 25, 2009 at 7:11pm — No Comments

Still here

Greetings all.

Some of you may wonder where I've been in the last few months. Others probably don't know me well enough to have noticed I was gone to begin with. To both, however, the message is the same: I am still here.

Despite an emotionally draining few months that has seen me detach a lot of junk from my life, centering myself as my carefully crafted life came tumbling down, gaining antibodies to H1N1 the hard way, two attempts on my life and criminal damage done to… Continue

Added by Ullan on August 25, 2009 at 6:45pm — 12 Comments

August 21, 2009: Mattew's Message: Duality ending

Duality ending; steps to rid Earth of dark influence; radiate your light; mandatory swine flu inoculations; results of fear; specific help from other civilizations

1. A very good day to all! This is Matthew, greeting you with love from all souls at this station. Many of you are welcoming these days at hand for what they are: undeniable evidence that Earth has reached energy planes where all actions and reactions are “revving up” as the duality in humankind leaps and… Continue

Added by Lisa on August 25, 2009 at 4:18am — No Comments

An Interview with 'Henry Deacon',

This interview was transcribed from video as the interviewee expressed a wish to remain anonymous ('Henry Deacon' is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the Eureka TV series). Certain details have been deleted and/or amended in order to ensure that his identity remains concealed, and the transcript has been “cleaned” of most expressed natural hesitations and the like. Meanwhile, it is most important to note that none of the factual information… Continue

Added by jose v on August 24, 2009 at 3:09am — No Comments

27 minute interview with Henry Deacon

23 August 2009

• Here again is Rafa Palacios' excellent 27 minute interview with Henry Deacon, reframed to make it a little easier to watch - otherwise… Continue

Added by jose v on August 24, 2009 at 2:04am — No Comments

How Western civilization became like the Borg of Star Trek

How Western civilization became like the Borg of Star Trek

Western civilization has lost its most important asset: the ability to impartially seek the truth, no matter where it might lead. At its peak Western civilization used logic and science to blast away at superstition and ignorance. Any single person could, by means of evidence and logic, change the way Western civilization thought. The result was unprecedented human progress in many spheres leading to such things as the… Continue

Added by jose v on August 24, 2009 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

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