Greetings and Salutations;
Perhaps it's necessary to repeat that these newsletters I've been doing all these years are for a specific group of people, minds that work beyond a 3rd grade level of intelligence. They who know, there is purpose behind this vast transfer of wealth on this planet, know behind my messages lies a varacity of truth. Not, however, because I Said it, but because they have done their own research or are already a part of the machine changing this world, and see in my words a bridge in the gaps of info they have to complete their own informational banks. People can say the world is flat if they choose, that still doesn't make it so. We are living in a time where people across the world, will see a flip in what they have believed to be true. As a great person said, many years ago, 'facts are but accepted opinions'. I like the bumper sticker which states, 'the mind is like a parachute, it only works if it's open'.
Folks, I will tell you something that perhaps may have escaped your attention, as all of this has been winding down to finality. If you know, the fed res system, was created by non americans to get a hold of our banking system, then you should also be aware, any and everybody that was a apart of it's creation, had an ax to grind. Every last one of them has come up to be addressed at the last moment about their own personal iron in the fire...wanting a piece of the action in some sort of way of this changeover. France got over their's some time ago. The vatican and the queen of england, not so much. For some reason, the most powerful banking family in the modern world, has been been forgotten about, as everybody is focussed on the fed, the dollar, gold, wash dc, obama, the middle east, etc. This reminds me of don quixote jousting at windmills, paying no attention to the wind driving them or what makes the wind blow. Even they who pretend they know about the big r family, give nothing up to date, nothing about the vast changes that has happened in their organization, as the younger folks took over. The power of england wouldn't have been such without the rothschild family stepping in with some creative engineering, creating 'the city of london' powerbase. Remember, Amshel's statement; I care not what a country's politics be, as long as, I control the money. As I watch things out here and all the brain trusts flap their gums, there's no mention of the folks who've been in the gears for over 200 years. What, do think they just faded away? Not hardly! Just how many sit downs with Jacob has the queen had since the beginning of the year? The fed's contract is over so, now what?
Enter the Dragon; they who they all borrowed gold from and never paid back. Contracts, legal paperwork, created over the 19th and 20th century, are all due now...without any of the citizens knowlege as they were being given their daily soma, as tho they wouldn't understand. No, their knowlege wouldn't have allowed it, thus the soma. When the dragon walked into brussels in 08 and dropped the archival papers on the shiney desks, the silence was deafening. What had been only whispered in the past, was now clearly put before them and signed off on, signaling the end of the foolishness going on for these long years. The dragon took the keys away on that shiney t-bird. Now it's not like there haven't been hints out here, people like Jim Rogers have made it clear the fed had to go and all power was shifting east, to china specifically, ahhh but who's listening? This is a case of where blood is thicker than water. People have thrown "laws' in my face, but who cares about laws that were created to protect those who were massaging true ownership in the first place. You have workers and you have the owners, who would you think would win in such a situation? How about they who have the ability to shut your water supply down, like 'right now'?
It's pretty obvious, ms wu isn't dead, the very same woman who made junior look like he drank bad milk a few years ago, when the chinese delegation came to dc and dropped a bomb on true ownership. I call her the iron lady of the dragon clans, the queen discovering another woman had caste iron cajones of a greater mettle. The clans have traveled extensively over the last couple of years, putting everything in order for this transition. The question is, why would I know this, and no mention of it in the official media? Simple as this, they don't want attention, just results. The imf, the world bank, brussels, the Hague, and the BIS, knows what time it is, as well as, the city of london. Deliveries, you betcha. They used their clout to subjegate our enemies because first and foremost, their purpose is antithetical to global domination by unpeaceful people. Now as crazy as this sounds to the unevolved mind, they want Heaven brought to earth. They take their purpose seriously and find you don't need to kill in order to accomplish that. Jeeeze what a novel idea. They have a relationship with the moslems and africa, that goes back centuries so while you may not understand what's happening with those locations in those zones, you will soon. The saudis have already flipped the script and have moved whole heartedly towards gold and off of usury, which is moslem law. The point is, you don't have to bomb people in order to get the right thing done, hello, how about using their own philosophy and beliefs? Already the khazars, are being reminded of their past, where they came from, and the errors of their ways, in modern history.
So much more is going on here, than what we've been told in history and our placement in it and this is what I meant about the 're-education' of america, that was going to happen. The truth Will set you free but, first it may piss you off. If there is any mercy to be had now, friday's work between the modern powers, will set me free from ever opening my mouth again, regarding discussion of the arrival of the freedom papers to all involved. They who fervently deny the new reality, have fun eating crow!
They who are expecting a call from me, don't worry, I told you I will call you when I have comprehensive intel about the thunder storms bursting across the world. Anyone else needing a heads up on what to do, just email this addy for a consultation and we'll hook it up. Donations needed and accepted at account
Love and Kisses;
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