Beloved Archangel Michael
Blessed and beloved ones, some of you are of advancing years, and it will not be long before you shall vacate your body temples. Some of you shall do so by the ascension and some shall enter the realms of our world in the other manner called death.
I say to you, if you doubt that I am speaking through this messenger this night, I will make you one promise: If you will call to me secretly within your heart and ask me to come to you at that hour, I, Michael, will materialize to you at the hour of your passing and you will see me as I AM. And I will promise you that I will help to cut you free from the remaining portions of your karma and will help you to enter the realms of light with less of the attendant pain which results from human fear in passing.
This is a privilege and a gift I give you from my heart. I flood it forth to the people of Boston, and to those throughout the world who have the faith to accept it and to realize that God walks and talks with men today in the same manner as of old.
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