I come forth this day to speak with you all about the great changes that are occurring and will be occurring in the weeks ahead. The changes are within the consciousness of Humanity, the changes will be occurring within the heart centers of Humanity, for the energies that are being… Continue
Added by jose v on August 30, 2009 at 2:13am —
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2 huge, rotating, glowing, mist shrouded, mother-ship type UFOs have been seen by millons of residents in the Chinese cities and regions of Shahe, Xingtai, Ren County, South County, as well as Yongnian County. The event occurred on the evening of 20 August beginning at around 8:30pm. The UFO crafts hovered above, making large circles over the area, for over two hours and had locals terrified. Police received thousands of calls regarding the UFOs and various government… Continue
Added by jose v on August 29, 2009 at 4:59am —
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I will tell you only that the beginning is now underway. There are many steps in this process. However, we have reported from F3 sources that Arrests, Galactic Presence disclosure--See the latest China videos of 2 Motherships, on WelcomeTheLight.com--and Announcement of NESARA, will happen quickly and all the rest will then be fully and publicly seen, reported and welcomed.
More such 'appearances' in our skies are expected in the next few days and it… Continue
Added by jose v on August 29, 2009 at 4:55am —
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You are about to see my glory come upon you in order to help you through the more difficult times of this season. For the time of awakening has come. You will receive the grace of my glory moving in your life. It will assist you in finding answers, give you divine direction and increase the understanding of my wisdom that you will need to walk through situations and circumstances as they present themselves before you. I am releasing this… Continue
Added by jose v on August 29, 2009 at 3:46am —
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Q: People are wondering how the Queen fits in with all this. What her power might be to intervene, is she a player for the Coalition or a part of the Cabal?
A: The queen has been flipping and flopping back and forth but our latest intelligence has it that she fully supports the new financial system and a new Marshall plan for the planet earth.
Q: The Vatican is another question mark. Did you have plans to meet with them; did… Continue
Added by jose v on August 28, 2009 at 2:20am —
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Selamat Jarin! We come again with more to talk about with you. Wherever we look on your globe there is distress and pain. This is disheartening to us. You are a people who have endured much in the past year, but events are brewing that can go a long way toward righting these tremendous wrongs. Our Earth allies have accomplished much and despite great odds are extremely close to achieving their goals. Their activities are bringing to completion a number of crucial operations that can ensure… Continue
Remember the metals certificates brought over by YING from CHINA a few days ago?
After trying and failing to cash several of them and failing to pull off several trade attempts using them as collateral OBAMA IS NOW REFUSING TO RETURN THEM TO YING. Ha Ha Ha, Ho Ho Ho. No honor among thieves. Ha ha ha, isn't this priceless? The CHINESE MAFIA gets screwed by the CHICAGO MAFIA. WE could give YING some tips on how to retrieve his property, face value in the Trillions by the way, but WE doubt he… Continue
Added by jose v on August 25, 2009 at 10:30pm —
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The requirement that the "trigger packs" be delivered first has never changed so the "in and out" and the "back and forth" reported here always involves the status of those packs which you and everyone else in the world has come to realize are the FREEDOM PROGRAM PACKS. WE will avoid a repeat discussion of why. how and when these packs became the "trigger" for all other deliveries and refer you to previous updates archived at Fourwinds if you care to review the explanations.
This interview was transcribed from video as the interviewee expressed a wish to remain anonymous ('Henry Deacon' is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the Eureka TV series). Certain details have been deleted and/or amended in order to ensure that his identity remains concealed, and the transcript has been “cleaned” of most expressed natural hesitations and the like. Meanwhile, it is most important to note that none of the factual information… Continue
Added by jose v on August 24, 2009 at 3:09am —
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How Western civilization became like the Borg of Star Trek
Western civilization has lost its most important asset: the ability to impartially seek the truth, no matter where it might lead. At its peak Western civilization used logic and science to blast away at superstition and ignorance. Any single person could, by means of evidence and logic, change the way Western civilization thought. The result was unprecedented human progress in many spheres leading to such things as the… Continue
The WORLD didn't take kindly to the news that the Four Criminal Presidents had received immunity so after their additional blockage Saturday the World Court today withdrew the immunity agreements causing all of them to go into another rampage.
Meanwhile why do you suppose OBAMA was at Camp David the night before and the morning of his vacation departure to Cape Cod? It was to meet Mr. Ying from CHINA (little big man/the dead one) who was armed with metals certificates to be used to… Continue
Added by jose v on August 24, 2009 at 12:57am —
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Sometimes, I feel like I'm at nasa, waiting for a shuttle to take off. I got there early so, I got to see them bring it from it's hanger, slowly, slowly, it rolls towards it's point of readiness to ascend to the skies. They add the fuel tanks and all the other stuff before even getting the thing into position and starting the preflight tests. They start the count but it gets interrupted from time to time, as little glitches are found and fixed. Finally,… Continue
They are out they are back, they are out they are back, so WE maintain silence because they are out but then they are back. Again.
Deliveries were to again begin at noon yesterday but they were pulled back again by OBAMA and bad guys at the IMF and in CHINA. This was obviously a violation of their latest immunity agreements as described by STORY in his overnight update. There were additional attempts on the accounts TODAY, another violation of their… Continue
2009 Swine Flu was man-made deliberately and was designed to cause genocide
Dr Jeffrey Taubenberger was hired by the UN and the US government. He reverse-engineered the 1918 flu virus which killed upwards of 50 million people worldwide. His starting material was a sample of Tundra-preserved lung tissue from a 1918 victim in Alaska, specially exhumed for the purpose in 1997. Swine Flu vaccinations are designed to spread the virus, not to stop it. More about the deliberate manufacture of… Continue
Added by jose v on August 23, 2009 at 12:50pm —
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The internet is the new planetary nervous system; each computer is a neurone; each computer operator is the nucleus of that neurone.
Nervous systems generate spirituality, or process energy data in a manner which we describe as spirituality, or reach out to that which is perceived as beyond.
Weblogs (blogs) are an internet phenomenon which individuate perceptions of being and cast them into the cyberbroth as unedited flows of consciousness articulated publicly for their… Continue
Added by jose v on August 23, 2009 at 12:48pm —
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Global battle rages for information control on the internet; government security agencies worldwide running scared of power of free speech and power of free association online
There are clampdowns on Facebook in Syria. In Saudi Arabia, police have started to visit internet cafés to ensure that the owners have installed cameras to monitor users, as Saudi law requires. In Jordan, internet café owners have to record their customers' names and monitor the websites they visit. A popular social… Continue