Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Word for September 2009


You are about to see my glory come upon you in order to help you through the more difficult times of this season. For the time of awakening has come. You will receive the grace of my glory moving in your life. It will assist you in finding answers, give you divine direction and increase the understanding of my wisdom that you will need to walk through situations and circumstances as they present themselves before you. I am releasing this grace of my glory upon you so that you may access that which I have placed in you that will along with this grace help you overcome the works of resistance that have been trying to hinder your progress. There have been traps of illusions that have attempted to keep you from believing the truth of my word and from understanding the life that I have given you to overcome these hindrances.

Know that in this time of testing, as you come through I will strengthen you, enlighten you, and restore you during even the most uncertain days ahead. So wait on me—and stay before me, so that I may direct your steps and maneuver you through the troubled areas that will come up in your life. Know that all these things are ultimately working for your good. I am working for your success and deliverance from all things that are hindering your maturity and growth process.

I am calling you; and as you answer in your heart, in your walking uprightly, and in your availing your life before me, know that you will fulfill my calling, says the Lord. So don’t faint when you see adversity, but place your life in my hands, walk strong, and pray for revelation - and you will know the purposes of why and how things are about to unfold. You will be guided by my presence and you will be at peace with where I am taking you.

The next 26 days (from August 27th to Sept 20th) there will be some significant changes and challenges that will be coming upon the land. You must be prepared, ready, and prayed up to deal with the things that this land must face. Pray around the confrontation that is about to face this nation, and pray that my wisdom will come upon the leadership of the land. Because decision must be based upon the wisdom that comes from heaven and not which comes from the egos of man. Much is at stake, and divine timing is key to everything right now.

So arise and receive the grace of my presence. Arise and work out your relationships with others. Arise in your walk of righteousness and holiness. Allow my light to direct you. Listen and hear the truth that will be declared in this hour. This is a time when deception is going to be broken off the minds of people, and the scales shall fall from the eyes of those who have been beguiled by false teaching, false leadership, failed emotional reactions, and unfounded prejudices.

For I will uncover systems within systems that were set up by worldly pride and the spirit of selfishness that only cares for it’s own well-being and not for the good of all. So open your eyes as I uncover divisive plans and hidden plots within governments that are being set in place to execute evil through the land. Major world leaders will be forced to show their true character to the astonishment of those who were naïve and were not aware of the level of satanic influences that are staging traps and snares which they previously operated in a more covert manner before, and now are boldly declaring who they represent in the earth.

So be on guard, watchmen. Pray through this hour, and prepare spiritually to draw from the place of presence and from the power of my word, so that you will be able to lead with wisdom and understanding - having the proper discernment. For my truth will not only lead you and instruct you in this hour, but will guide you through uncharted territory of the months ahead.

This is a time when the strategies of Kings will be released. All of these things are coming upon the land because the travail of the nations has begun, and you are about to see the coming together of the manifestation of My army and the glory of My government will arise to take their positions. As these days approach, there will be direction in the midst of trouble and My way made in the midst of confusion. Be on guard and watch as these coming days unfold, and my anointed shall arise from their place; for this is the awakening that I speak of that is now, saith the Lord. And in the travail of the nations---there will be earthquakes, tremors and great shakings.

And there shall be blankets of prayers covering the regions that will come from the mouths of my people as they unify and gather in prayer. They shall cry out as one.

And in this hour I will anoint marriages and there will be reunions, reconciliation, and rekindled romances where there has been weariness in marriages; for there will be a breaking of the strongholds that have tried to hinder and destroy marriages. Many shall live again and love again. Families shall come together and be restored.

And I will open avenues and pockets of resources so that my plans of preservation for my people will be implemented and established. This will not be finances released for the sake of building one’s own personal wealth, but I am placing resources in the hands of those who will reach out to others and implement plans of survival, places of refuge, and food-for-life projects.

I have heard the cries coming out of Arizona—they are the cries of an abandoned people from tribes who once gave life to that region, and now they are restricted to only a portion of what their ancestors worked so hard for; and now, they are crying out for help. Will you not help her?

Prophetic Insights:
There is so much ground to cover, so I reserve my comments for a future time. I will say, if there was ever a time to get before the Lord: it is now. There are things that are forming and circumstances that are storming that require deep levels of prayer and intercession. Watch dates, and hear the call to those who have been called to be a part of this end-time movement (which pretty much means ALL OF US at some level in some form of responsibility). This is why we must pray and meditate the scriptures and read Matthew 24 and understand what is about to unfold—we must see that God’s word prepares us for much of what we are going to see in these next three years. The major question is “Are we ready?” The answer is “God is, and we will be when the time comes.”


An Awakening

July 30, 2009

So, I say unto you this day, “Awake for I have anointed you anew” and now you must come forth and accept the challenge of this time that I have placed before you and answer my call. I am calling you higher and deeper into the secret place of my presence. And there, great victories shall be won and great change shall come forth that I am establishing out of the prayer place and blowing into nations and lands---and my work shall carry a wind and a move that I am bringing forth in these next three months.

Great things shall come forth as the wind of change is blowing, and that which has been interpreted as the enemies’ siege against my people is coming to a close. This is the time when the working of the plots and plans of the enemy will be spoiled. There will be new beachheads established and new land shall be conquered and possessed in the realm of the Spirit, because of the awakening of my people, says the Lord. The yoke of the enemy shall be uncovered and destroyed because of “my anointed” that I have raised up in this hour, and there is now a movement and a repositioning taking place, for the work that is before them shall be accomplished.

Concerning the House of the Lord

And this will be a time of cleansing in the house of the Lord ---major corrections, major shifts, and major changing of the guard will take place in this hour. For I am strengthening my house, preparing my house, and removing from my house the filthiness of flesh that has spread deception and has caused, in some cases, setbacks in the growth of my people. Now it is the time for these hindrances to be removed and destroyed.

For my timing is set and the day has come for my people to awake out of slumber and the sleep that some of my church has allowed to come upon them, and now I shall uncover, reveal, and even illuminate my people with the clarity of my word. They shall see the realities of the day and stand in position, move forth, and execute my plan; for possessing the land is now, says the Lord.

I will hold accountable my leadership and hold responsible my elders to be ministers of grace, truth, and love. And a new breed of leadership will walk in a fiery anointing that I am placing upon them. This anointing will burn and destroy the chaff off of those who have been hindered. The wheat shall grow and flourish in the midst of this changing wind. For, it is the time when leadership shall declare and be seen for who they are and whose they are. The wheat shall shine and glisten and my leaders shall make a stand. Will it be for the harvest of souls and the reaping of my vineyard?

For I am raising up those that I have anointed for this season. They shall rise up in the power and dominion of my resurrection life, and nations will gather and prepare for this is the time for my remnant. And all will see and know that this is the time for my purposes and plans to be executed.

Concerning the government and the nations and the government of God

For there shall be great change sweeping across the nations, and there will be much political upheaval. Some leaders over nations will be laid to rest and others shall rise in their place and all shall know the time has begun and the time has come---for there is not only an apostolic arising but I am sounding the trump to prepare my people.

My apostles shall call to order that which is out of place and reestablish my kingdom in places where there has been great darkness. I shall bring forth the finances and even the process that will set this restoration in order. My prophets shall declare truth and speak against falsehood and many strongholds shall be destroyed, and those who have been blinded through these deceptions shall be delivered. My evangelists shall come forth in this time and many shall heed the call. My youth shall cry out of their place and an army shall be established ready and willing to go forth.

The government shall be under my scrutiny and my review and those who have not cried out to me shall do so in this time. This is the day of my salvation. This is the dawning of a new day, the awakening unto my people; and many shall awake from their place to serve their living God.


Even in this hour, congregations shall gather and cry out and even in the midst of their cries I will set free and I will change their raiment and their lives shall be converted to my Light that I have established and they will follow and hear the voice of their Shepherd, as I gather them as one people in one pasture. For this coming together and this unity in the Spirit is of me, says the Lord.

The sound of three trumps shall blow during these next few months----one to call my people--- for the awakening has begun, the second is to call forth the solemn assembly, and the third shall be a watchmen’s warning.

I have heard the cries out of the nation of the Philippines, and off the western coast of Africa, and in the streets of Philadelphia, and on the shores out of the Bahamas Islands; and in these regions I shall bring revival, and there shall be great change as a result of my releasing of judgments upon the enemy’s camp --- and new establishments in government shall come forth in due time.

For I have appointed those that preach and will bring deliverance out of these regions, says the Lord. For there has been a tug of war between the government’s stronghold and those that I have appointed, but the warfare is being accomplished and the struggle will be soon over, says the Spirit of God. (The Commonwealth of the nations will reestablish a real common wealth among my people.) There’s a spoil that is about to be released.

Coming this year

Vietnamese people in this nation are going to come through a rebirthing---there will be a national apology for some of the atrocities that they suffered in their land and as a result continued to suffer in the migration over into this land. I will shake Virginia to its core - and there will a crying out, a renewal, and a breaking of some strong racial biases that were started in that land.

London is about to go through some serious reckonings as a result of some political cover-ups that will run all the way to the Queen’s Palace (between now—2010) (Terrorism is coming to that region and it will illustrate to us the real threat that this enemy will have even upon and our own nation.)

Prophetic Insights:

I guess we are looking at the best of times and the worst of times. I believe that the call of destiny upon all of our lives is so great that as we grow into what the Lord has called us to be---we will see some awesome things that only God himself can do and we will see some things that will shake us, change us, focus us, and sober us.

When the Lord called to Samuel, he was sleeping (he was awakened by a call that sounded to him like his leadership) and it was the Lord. The Lord told him, “that He was about to do a thing in Israel, which both the ears of every one that heareth shall tingle.” The Lord’s word had to do with His House. It was a great awakening and the beginning of the integrity being restored to the House of the Lord.

The events that followed that word shook the Lord’s house, the nations, and the government of the people. For, the Lord was visiting His people and calling out clearly those who were his. We are in such a time.

In the midst of this word, I was carried up higher, and the Lord revealed even more, some of which I have shared and some of which I will share personally to the leadership in which it includes. I pray that the watchmen and intercessors pray concerning the blowing of the third trump, London, and the areas of visitation and revival that is coming forth within these next three months.

No matter what the night season has dictated in your life, answer the Lord as he calls upon you. May the Lord anoint you anew and awaken you in this time of illumination. “Arise, shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”


July 8, 2009

Come into my presence, and there I will anoint you and prepare you for service to fulfill all the things that are necessary for your spiritual growth. For, this anointing will bring favor, and I will open up access to places that you have not been able to enter into. The anointing will provide divine protection, release wisdom, and unlock sources and resources for healing, restoration, and quality of life.

For I desire to move you forward into new avenues of enlargement and advancement for kingdom victory, kingdom growth, and kingdom power. So prepare yourself for visitation, so that I may anoint you with my grace, my life, and my ability to go forth and accomplish the things that I now set before you. Do not allow the distractions of the past to keep you from where you need to be.

This is not a time for “self focus only” and “look what’s happening to me,” but look around you, and seek me, so that you may bring change not only on your path but to also assist others that need help along the way.

And as you do, you will not only overcome the things that are pressing upon you, but you will find peace and new creation life moving forth within you to walk you into new territory and open trails for my people to come to higher places in me.

In this month, you shall see breakthro ugh, if you don’t allow distractions and the old issues of the day to cloud your mind and keep you from hearing my instructions.

In this month, you will see wellspring of resources come forth as you press into my presence, for I will connect you to sources that will help you to make it through even the most difficult pathways.

In this month, I will anoint you and you will be able to do things that have previously been virtually impossible, because the anointing will set you apart and empower you to accomplish the task that I place before you. I will protect you by the very anointing that I am placing upon you.

This transformation will not come without its challenges, but because I have called it to be so, I will also equip you with what you need in this hour. Live your life in my name. Carry out its identification and others will see that it is not you, but Me, who gives you the ability to come forth in a new strength and new light.

I am building a people and cities that will follow me, and they will lead a defense against the enemy of this hour, and these cities will be covered with my anointing and prayer. The peace that brings victory in glory will be there. Many who are searching for truth and searching for answers shall run in and be safe. There will much deliverance in the midst of these places for great deceptions shall be uncovered and removed.

And great strength and purpose will arise out of the marketplace, and the merging of kingdom and business will take on a new form of Life. Kingdom Business will be the new order of the day, and you will see a gathering and connecting of people. For this will begin a new time for great entrepreneurs to bring forth significant kingdom finances and enterprise.

Prophetic Insights: It is important to remember that we have no anointing except He anoints us. It doesn’t come from how well informed we are, what we know, who we know, and how many people gravitate to us.

The anointing comes directly from the Lord. Anointing is the power of God’s presence, and when we receive it, we receive the wisdom, the grace, and the ability to do what the Lord has called us to accomplish despite whatever obstacles we face. I like my husband’s definition: Miles says, “It is the spiritual oil of God. It always confirms and ratifies the word of God.”

The word anoint (masah) means in the Greek translation to smear or rub with oil or perfume for religious purposes. When one is anointed, they are set apart, empowered to accomplish His tasks, and the anointing protects you. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. (Acts 10:38)

I began to think about the fact that nothing can be smeared or rubbed without applying pressure (even in its mildest form). So when the oil of God comes in contact with our persons---it can cause some reaction, irritation and even breaking of the strength that our flesh has been operating in—that is if our flesh has been in operation. This actually can be a great challenge in our spiritual growth and definitely gives meaning to the statement that Jesus is Lord over our lives. Is He? Will we let Him give us power to accomplish great things?

I believe that in this seventh month, God is saying to us that He has the answer for our future. The important thing is: Will we wait in Jerusalem until we receive power from on high? One thing is evident: we need yokes, strongholds, and obst acles broken, so that we may move forth to possess our land. It is only the anointing that can do that. The prophet Joel says that in these last days that The Lord would pour out His spirit upon all flesh. If there was ever a needed time, it is now.

Lord, I pray that you will send down your anointing upon us. And Lord release the wisdom and understanding to know what you have anointed us to do. And Lord guide us through every step of this process of renewal that our lives will go through because you have placed your anointing upon us. May we become more like you. We submit ourselves to you, O Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

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