Thanks to the amazing and global response to the next big step in Disclosure, we have…
The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Does anyone happen to Live in or have lived in Miami Fl for some period and know a lot about the area. My girlfriend and I are moving there in a month and are looking at living in downtown Miami, Kendel, Coral Gables and Brickel. Does anyone know a good part to live in near the subway or a good apartment complex or condo/housing community to look at for $1200 or less for base rent. Taking a shot in the dark but if anyone can be of any help that would be great. We are going down there…
ContinueAdded by ian on May 22, 2012 at 4:46pm — No Comments
Moving past myself and Being Love Pure Love.
I am pretty sure all of us have been feeling the excitement and anticipating of the Great changes coming to ALL of us as we realize our oneness moving forward from time into the ever present Now.
I know for myself I have been feeling changes in my body. Light headed,nausea and headaches which I have rarely had in my life and body aches and pains.
I have also had a shift in my consciousness while meditating where I become one…
ContinueAdded by Sheila on May 21, 2012 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments
Added by drago kulic on May 21, 2012 at 9:57am — 1 Comment
Added by jose v on May 17, 2012 at 2:27am — 2 Comments
It's a brown dwarf system invisible to the naked eye
Added by patrick on May 15, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments
On Monday 14th May 2012, Benjamin Fulford, the English-language spokesman for the Asian White Dragon Society, reported from Japan (here) that he had…
Added by jose v on May 14, 2012 at 2:00am — No Comments
Added by drago kulic on May 13, 2012 at 9:30am — 5 Comments
Moms in Minnesota are preparing to defy state dictates over when and how they can access food supplies for their families, with a rally scheduled Monday to coincide with the beginning of the trial of the manager of a farm buying club, according to the Farm Food Freedom Coalition.
WND previously has reported on disputes between farmers and consumers on one side and federal regulators on the other. They have involved the purchase by consumers of…
ContinueAdded by tranceman on May 13, 2012 at 6:40am — No Comments
Saturday, May 12, 2012
I am writing this letter in the name of all humanity. Humanity cries for freedom. Each day that passes, around 25,000 people die of hunger. Each day that the Cabal is allowed to exist, is a day of untold suffering for many. It is time for action.
It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit…
Added by CHRISTINA on May 13, 2012 at 5:00am — 4 Comments
We have receive∂ reliable inƒorma†ion †ha† †okyo has been †hrea†ened wi†h an a††ack by a nuclear weaπon !
i urge all people who are s†ill asleeπ †o wake uπ †o †he urgency oƒ †his si†ua†ion. †his is No† a game. World War †hree is aroun∂ †he corner ... †he signs are EVERYWHERE. Wake Up Before i† is †oo la†e, no† much †ime remains.
Published May 8, 2012 | By drgreer
Thanks to the amazing and global response to the next big step in Disclosure, we have…
Added by CHRISTINA on May 11, 2012 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments
Friday, May 11, 2012
Removing the control of Canada by the BIS and other agents
Added by CHRISTINA on May 11, 2012 at 11:00am — 6 Comments
France to ditch the U.S dollar for China 's growth strategy ?
Real change in the offing ?
'Socialist Party candidate, Francois Hollande has defeated Nicolas Sarkozy in the French presidential runoff, making him the latest EU leader to be swept aside by the crippling debt crisis. Among the first steps President-elect Hollande is planning, is to push back against German-led austerity measures.…
Added by patrick on May 9, 2012 at 8:04am — No Comments
Added by CHRISTINA on May 8, 2012 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments
(A closer look at the use of propaganda and how it is used by those to support there agenda of control.)
Propaganda Techniques
Edward Filene helped establish the Institute of Propaganda Analysis in 1937 to educate the American public about the nature of propaganda and how to recognize propaganda techniques. Filene and his colleagues identified the seven most…
Transfer of Keshe Foundation Know-How to world governments
Source: The Keshe Foundation Forum April 24, 2012
On the 21st of the April 2012 in the first international presentation at the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium, the Foundation did start the full transfer of technologies to world governments.
The Keshe Foundation through its ethos of world equality did organise and executed the first of its series of presentations…
ContinueAdded by CHRISTINA on May 3, 2012 at 10:30am — 8 Comments
Our message to the US President.
Your Excellency President Obama
We offer you a path towards real world peace through the development of this new technology for the whole human race, using advanced technological know-how, and we hope you are open enough to listen first and then to enact a decree that can bring about this peace.
There are times when being attacked only makes the opponent stronger; with a…
ContinueAdded by CHRISTINA on May 3, 2012 at 8:00am — 3 Comments
The Meek shall inherit the Earth: So it is so.
Added by Sheila on May 1, 2012 at 9:52pm — 5 Comments
Added by Juan on May 1, 2012 at 6:15pm — No Comments
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