Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Jose v's Blog (1,989)

One of our large cigar ships did fly between Hawaii & Maui at about 11:30-12 MidEastTime toward California

One of our large cigar ships did fly between Hawaii & Maui at about 11:30-12MidEastTime toward the United States, California and Mexico direction. I don't know what that means yet.

Video of the moving cigar ship attached. I personally recorded it.

This happened during the time you post the message about a reader

seeing jet planes taking… Continue

Added by jose v on May 30, 2009 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

1890 / 2005 - CLAUDE DEBUSSY, "CLAIR DE LUNE" (intriguing video)

Prolific French composer Claude Debussy wrote "Clair De Lune" in 1890.

In the clip below, _possibly_ the pianist is Stephen Malinowski - I'm guessing that from an item in a FAQ that accompanies the clip at YouTube.

Wikipedia says, "Stephen Malinowski and Lisa Turetsky from Berkeley, California wrote a software program, entitled the Music Animation Machine that translates and shows music pieces in colored measures."

And that's what's going on in this clip.… Continue

Added by jose v on May 30, 2009 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

CASPER UPDATE #2 : MAY 19, 2009

casper 5-29-09 #2

Every source on the planet expected delv today. Tonight WE hear OBAMA continues to block deliveries.

One explanation coming out of D.C. tonight is that our funding and the attendant items such as new banking, debt forgiveness, Constitution, etc. will permanently stop his planned takeover of the country using the economy as the excuse. Our funding literally defeats ALL his plans. He continues to try to access our accounts including three times today… Continue

Added by jose v on May 30, 2009 at 2:18am — 2 Comments

Two scientifically inexplicable ice circles, 2.5 miles in diameter, appear on surface of Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia)

Two scientifically inexplicable ice circles, 2.5 miles in diameter, appear on surface of Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia) A photograph taken by astronauts on the International Space Station, 220 miles above Earth. A closer zoom-in picture of one of the ice circles can be seen here. Ice circles are becoming more noticed and more common around the world. They may share the same paranormal/ET provenance as many agriglyphs (crop circles). The Lake Baikal ice… Continue

Added by jose v on May 30, 2009 at 2:16am — No Comments

The reality and work of the Space Brothers

The reality and work of the Space Brothers

"In my experience, what we call UFOs, the flying saucers, come from the planets of our own system. Not from the Pleiades, or Sirius or somewhere outside our solar system, but from, mainly, Mars and Venus. A few other planets like Jupiter and Mercury are involved, but the vast majority of sightings of the UFOs come from Mars and Venus. Practically all of them are made on Mars, even the Venusian ones. They are Venusian in design, and they are quite… Continue

Added by jose v on May 30, 2009 at 2:14am — No Comments

People will have different interpretations and reasons for the changes they see taking place all around them.

People will have different interpretations and reasons for the changes they see taking place all around them. However, you of enlightened awareness will know that they are the positive signs of the final days of the cycle of duality.

"It has run its course not just through your cycle, but previous ones that saw your older civilisations come into prominence and then fade away. Each one left a legacy behind of stories and spoken traditions that remembered the last days of Lemuria and… Continue

Added by jose v on May 30, 2009 at 2:13am — No Comments

CASPER UPDATE #1 - MAY 29, 2009

casper 5-29-09 #1

When attempting to help with the confusion surrounding the programs in Wednesday's update I somehow managed to forget to clarify the main body of programs which were/are the 112 programs formerly known as "the Fed Res Programs".

These include the dozens of miscellaneous programs dating to 20 and more years prior to "O". They were referred to as F.R. Programs as they were expected to be paid with F.R. money. Over the years some of the programs were… Continue

Added by jose v on May 29, 2009 at 9:45pm — No Comments



Technology Download ~ A Cosmic… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

TV Show on Orgone, Tesla, DNA Activation and Age Reversal

I talk on Orgone, Radionics, Life-extension and DNA enhancement with the latest breakthroughs in the area of energy… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 9:22pm — No Comments

North Korea To Be Attacked: U.S. Nucledar First Strike "Likely"

May 27,2009

Washington, DC (TRN) -- North Korea yesterday withdrew from the Armistice that halted the Korean War. Today, official Washington is abuzz with not so secret "Top Secret" plans for the United States to make a limited nuclear first strike to wipe out the North Korean threat in one fell swoop.

Russia has been alerted to "make plans" for radiation fallout in its eastern border area.

In consultations with China, the U.S. Ambassador to Beijing… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 9:11pm — 5 Comments



The United States has begun deploying B-2 Stealth Bombers from the mainland USA to Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. This would put the nuclear-armed bombers well within striking distance of North Korea.

The photo below was taken today at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, home to the B-2 fleet as two B-2's taxi to the main runway for takeoff.

May 27,… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 9:06pm — No Comments

CASPER UPDATE #1: MAY 28, 2009

casper 5-28-09 #1

The Associated Press today quotes OBAMA as saying the Gov't wants The Federal Reserve to act as a Super Regulator for the entire financial services industry.

Even those completely drunk on kool-aid should be able to figure this one out.

As WE have said all along OBAMA is against us, wants the status quo and wants the EVIL FED RES to have increased power, not be done away with.

casper 5-28-09

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 9:02pm — No Comments



VKD, please do not post name or email address.

VKD, the following article is quite an interesting read, and one, (I would think), especially so for those who are involved in the Humanitarian and Prosperity Programs so often mentioned in the RMN Reading Room. During my search on the internet this evening, for a totally unrelated subject, I ran across this article. It is written by a journalist, Sean Robinson, and published in, The News… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 9:00pm — No Comments


Peace be with you. Esu present in Radiance and in Service to the Father, and unto The Creation, and for the greater benefit of man.

I gave you the signal and you responded. Thank you. Listen, please, scribe, for that signal, for at such a time I need for you to write what I give to you. Time is short, and many people are petitioning of me for Guidance. It is my sacred responsibility to answer their petitions.

I come to you this day to speak about the final hour. How may I… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

US nuclear-armed B-2 stealth bomber leaves for North Korea

US nuclear-armed B-2 stealth bomber leaves for North Korea A photograph taken on Wednesday 27th May 2009 at the US Whiteman Air Force Base (Missouri). Elements of the B-2 fleet are being deployed to the US Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Facing defeat and worldwide exposure for decades of international financial fraud, the Bush-Clinton syndicate, working through rogue elements within the US military, the CIA, the NSC and the NSA, are racking up a… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 6:02am — 4 Comments

FULFORD: The Bush/Clinton Crime Family Puppet State of North Korea Ordered to Create Tension

May 27, 2009

The Bush Clinton crime family puppet state of North Korea ordered to create tension

The desperate cornered rats of the Bush/Clinton crime family have ordered their North Korean puppet state to create tension in North Asia. Unconfirmed reports say the current North Korean psy-ops started after dictator Kim Jong Il was neutralized with a stroke inducing poison by a Western prostitute sent to service him. Since then North Korea has been firing missiles and announcing… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Technology Download ~ A Cosmic Event

This month’s message from the group is about an event that will take place on July 21 and 22, 2009. For many years they have talked about the correlation between technology and human vibration. The short version is that our technological advances are a direct reflection of the level of our collective human vibration. As the collective vibration rises, higher technologies can take hold on Earth. Many times in our history higher technologies have been planted that have not taken… Continue

Added by jose v on May 28, 2009 at 12:22am — No Comments

Obama U-turn on abuse photographs

Colombian artist Fernando Botero depicts Abu Ghraib abuse

US President Barack Obama has changed his mind and will now attempt to block the publication of photographs showing the abuse of prisoners by US soldiers.

The US government had previously said it would not fight a court ruling ordering the release of the pictures.

Mr Obama now believes the release of the photos would make the job of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan… Continue

Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 8:27pm — No Comments

Life Expectancy Calculator

Life Expectancy Calculator

Check this website [ below ] ....It actually tells you your life expectancy, and how long you will live by just doing a simple survey .... No medical test required ...

Interesting ! Incredible ! Amazing ... What technology can do these days !

Enjoy !

Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 8:18pm — 4 Comments

CASPER UPDATE #1: MAY 27, 2009

casper 5-27-09 #1

Are you ready? Ready for a DOUBLING of your utility bills? $4000./annually per family?

Welcome to the world according to GORE, OBAMA, PELOSI and the Democratic Liberal Elites. And Government mandated auto production to match, "Hugo" type cars, Obama-mobiles, dictated by 70% Government ownership of General Motors.

Be careful which bumper sticker you place upon your new ride as HLS and OBAMA are using them to identify most of us as domestic… Continue

Added by jose v on May 27, 2009 at 8:09pm — No Comments

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