Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Technology Download ~ A Cosmic Event

This month’s message from the group is about an event that will take place on July 21 and 22, 2009. For many years they have talked about the correlation between technology and human vibration. The short version is that our technological advances are a direct reflection of the level of our collective human vibration. As the collective vibration rises, higher technologies can take hold on Earth. Many times in our history higher technologies have been planted that have not taken hold.

For instance, when humans discovered semi-conductors-the heart of why a computer works-it was actually a seed that was intentionally planted many years prior during the early 1900’s. When Hitler finally left the planet it signaled new possibilities, and many arrived on Earth from the days of Atlantis. As those children grew up they hit an awakening point, when the collective vibration of humanity literally jumped in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Because of this vibrational shift, the semi-conductor took hold and quickly evolved into the many computer- based devices that we now rely upon everyday.

Over the two days of July 21st and 22nd, a window will open and higher technologies will once again drop into our world. A new seed is being planted and it’s a big one. If during these two days the human collective vibration reaches a level that it can support these new technologies, they will take hold and immediately and show up as “new inventions” in the very near future. However, if the collective is not yet high enough, some of the new technologies will get very close but will not work consistently. It would be similar to what has happened with cold fusion thus far.

Although the possibilities are endless, there are two specific occurrences to watch for. Most of us can actually remember life before computers and cell phones, but these technologies are now an integral part of our daily lives; we depend on them. To help put this in perspective, the technologies that lie directly in front of us would amount to technological advances 12 times greater than the previous major shift experienced with the advent of the computer. Importantly, these technologies can help us to stop polluting the Earth and help Her to re-balance. The example they gave was the teleportation of live biological material (aka The Star Trek transporter), which could eliminate carbon emissions from vehicles almost overnight. They said it is actually very close since it has been in our collective consciousness for many years. If the collective vibration is high enough on these dates in July, the new technologies can take hold and grow into reality right from the start.

They also brought up one other important point. They said that this time things were different and that none of us would evolve until all of us evolved; they even said that the lowest vibration of human on Earth will decide how fast all humans evolve. For more, see last month’s message “2009 the End of Separation.” With this in mind our tasks as Lightworkers become a little clearer.

Showing compassion to those around us in all vibrational levels can be critical especially right now. I’ll bet most of you never thought that being kind and compassionate to your annoying neighbor could save the Earth!

Big Hugs and gentle nudges!


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