Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Light spiral phenomena over north Norway!!!

WOW!!! Is all i got to say. Too bad i missed it. Hope to see more though.


Added by KigreTheViking on December 9, 2009 at 10:34am — 8 Comments

Fulford vs. Illuminati

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 2:23am — 1 Comment

The Coming ET Alien Invasion LIE

Testimony of Dr Carol Rosin, December 2000

Dr Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space based weapons. Von Braun revealed to Dr Rosin a plan to justify weapons in spaced based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat. She was also… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 1:45am — 2 Comments


He who knows everything

but lacks from within

knows nothing

The Universal Law of Creation is the Law of even the smallest particle of dust known, that from which an atom is made. Humanity was created from this dust, yet humankind ignores the Law of their own creation.

It is not a matter of faith that brings humanity forward; it is Knowledge that accomplishes this. Faith in that which is not within the Universal Law is a faith of fear and destruction from… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 1:45am — No Comments



Because of the millennial developments indicated in this report, the Editor of this service has been under systematic evil, base attack for several days.

The attacks have included barbaric threats, rampaging anger at what has materialsed, and an operation by a pseudo-'Christian' charlatan who has deliberately misrepresented us and whose organisation is trying to intimidate us and provoke us into retaliation by the alleged issuance of slanderous and… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 1:35am — No Comments


Ask any judge, prosecutor, criminal defense attorney or novelist about conspiracies and you are likely to be told conspiracies are the stuff of human existence. But mention to a financial sector mogul or media icon any set of facts implying concerted activity for nefarious purpose and you will be eyed with scorn – ridiculed – categorized as unsophisticated “conspiracy wing-nut.”

Elite B-schools are said to hew Wall Street’s line: conspiracies cannot succeed and do not exist in the U.… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 1:33am — 1 Comment

Copenhagen Hookers providing FREE sex to anyone with Climate Delegates pass - Carbon Dating takes on a new meaning

Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges Copenhagen is preparing for the climate change summit that will produce as much carbon dioxide as a town the size of Middlesbrough.


On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen's biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the "summit to save the world", which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200.

"We thought they were… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 1:30am — No Comments


I, as Ground Crew, Awakened Returned Master, ask according to Creator God Aton's Will, Purpose and Wisdom, that the Nesara Mission in 3D-4D and Higher, come in loud and clear. That all bars, barriers, and congestion be completely removed. That a clear, effortless path go right to the Goal Line. That all Gremlins, now and future activity, be annihilated. All clones for absolute Evil Intent be annihilated. All Evil Ones still with Soul Fragments be removed or contained, that are in the way of… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 1:02am — No Comments

The money sprinklers are running scared as the new financial system looms

The money sprinklers are running scared as the new financial system looms

All those little old men who ran the world by sprinkling illusory funny money are running very scared now. Their system of control lasted so long, they thought they were above the law and above God. They are now getting their come-uppance. In Japan all they had to do was hand out a few billion in bribes in order to steal trillions. The people who worked for this system (mostly gangsters and politicians) are all… Continue

Added by jose v on December 9, 2009 at 12:59am — 1 Comment

Total Population Control

Total Population Control

[Editor's Note: This is a highly revealing and insightful overview of the ELF, GWEN towers, and HAARP inter-connection. It was posted some time ago on Al Bielek's web site before Al went off the air, but its content is as timely today as when it first came out. The same author, Nicholas Jones, posted an excellent article about Chemtrails, Peanut Buter and Barium Sandwichs on Jeff Rense's web site a few months ago. This might be the same Nicholas Jones who is a BBC… Continue

Added by simpleman on December 8, 2009 at 9:41pm — 12 Comments

Copenhagen's hidden agenda of élite fraud: the multibillion bankster trade in carbon derivatives.

Copenhagen's hidden agenda of élite fraud: the multibillion bankster trade in carbon derivatives. Blythe Masters, opportunist architect of Credit Default Swaps, is behind international carbon derivatives scam.

The giant international banks will make a killing on carbon trading. There is a high probability of massive fraud and insider trading in carbon trading markets. International banksters are preparing to do with carbon what they have done before: design and market derivatives… Continue

Added by jose v on December 8, 2009 at 6:27pm — 1 Comment

Lady Godiva rides to Copenhagen

Lady Godiva rides to Copenhagen

A photograph of Blythe Masters, managing director and head of the Global Commodities Group at US bank JPMorgan Chase.

And another image here

by John Collier (1898).

Added by jose v on December 8, 2009 at 6:23pm — No Comments

"yard farming" in Operation Garden Plot... you're dead.

Christians and Muslims and lightworkers and Hindus and everybody must stop dividing themselves from eachother, we have all been tricked by an evil force for a long time. Generations of good people like you and me have died in the ditch of dogma and ideology. At this moment we are being given an opportunity to help eachother out of this ditch in order to face the harbingers of our own destruction.

Never think you are alone, your thoughts create reality.

This video is news. I think… Continue

Added by patrick on December 8, 2009 at 4:38pm — 2 Comments

Little Gods: The Eleven-Sided Coin

Steve Rother channeling the Group


Greetings from Home

Dear ones, this day is special in many ways of which you are unaware. You are now at a point where you can pretend to be something other than what you are. That allows you to see contrast in ways you have not before. We wish to tell you a story that may help you put into perspective some of the things you are experiencing as this evolution of humanity continues. We understand that you are at the leading… Continue

Added by jose v on December 8, 2009 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Exciting Times :)

Exciting Times

In recent days I have spent much time in thought over the current “state of affairs” on our beloved planet. I feel a great shift taking place from deep within. My consciousness is expanding outward and connecting with the higher frequencies broadcast by my loving brothers and sisters in light. With all of the turmoil and dark energy that surrounds me, I find peace and harmony simply in the understanding that I am of the light and that I have the power and… Continue

Added by 11:11 Lightning 11:11 on December 7, 2009 at 10:22pm — 7 Comments

Healing Radio Show

Hi Everyone,
Here is the link to today's show
Log in to blogtalk radio with a user-name to join in the 'live' chatroom!
Love+ Hugs

Added by Jeanne Christie on December 7, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments


December 4, 2009



FRI., AUG. 18, 1989 11:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 002

Commander Hatonn present. I see, Dharma, that your mind is scram­bled and it annoys you. Leave it in my hands please.

We are going to continue to separate spiritual matters as re­gards soul survival from things of state and human matters. This is, of course, as much as is possi­ble. It only means… Continue

Added by jose v on December 7, 2009 at 2:03am — 3 Comments


Greetings and Salutations;

True, anyone who is anybody, had the window for deliveries being open this past week, and it was. Obviously, whatever they started the week off needing to do before everything was kicked out the door, proved to be more than they thought, indicated by the time it sucked up to get it accomplished. When they did finalize, they didn't get the immediate, 'proceed' message. Wha???? No problem, once the 'workers' got finished, then the folks on top of mt olympus,… Continue

Added by jose v on December 6, 2009 at 10:01pm — 2 Comments

Kabbalah Revealed : Basics of Kabbalah

Kabbalah Revealed Episode 1 : A Basic Overview

Kabbalah Revealed Episode 2 : Perception of Reality…


Added by Golden_Angel_K on December 6, 2009 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Elizabeth Windsor's oaths of allegiance; a glimpse into the retarding frictions of élite criminality.

Queen Elizabeth II abdication rumours grow in England


Elizabeth Windsor's oaths of allegiance; a glimpse into the retarding frictions of élite criminality.

The Casper intel group is accurate in its view that historical oaths are presenting a retarding friction in getting Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) to unblock her opposition to the delivery of the prosperity fund… Continue

Added by jose v on December 6, 2009 at 2:03pm — No Comments

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