Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The money sprinklers are running scared as the new financial system looms

The money sprinklers are running scared as the new financial system looms

All those little old men who ran the world by sprinkling illusory funny money are running very scared now. Their system of control lasted so long, they thought they were above the law and above God. They are now getting their come-uppance. In Japan all they had to do was hand out a few billion in bribes in order to steal trillions. The people who worked for this system (mostly gangsters and politicians) are all worried about their futures. Only a few of the top traitors like Nakasone need to worry. Japan will be getting back its trillions so we can pay all the subordinates double what they used to get if they promise to never again betray their country.

On a different note, there are logistical and technological issues to deal with before the new financial system can be launched. The best guess is January 2010 at the earliest. At that point people will get their money back.

On a further note, we are hearing that all the top Nazis in the US, from Henry (Heinz) Kissinger on down, are now under arrest. When people find out what these criminals did to the people of the world there will be a lot of anger. Despite the huge injustices that have taken place, now is a time for forgiveness, not revenge.

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 9, 2009 at 1:10am
EXCELLENT NEWS l want it to show in the history books as Ijust read .Thanks Hose for this Info

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