December 4, 2009
FRI., AUG. 18, 1989 11:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 002
Commander Hatonn present. I see, Dharma, that your mind is scrambled and it annoys you. Leave it in my hands please.
We are going to continue to separate spiritual matters as regards soul survival from things of state and human matters. This is, of course, as much as is possible. It only means that we will effort to keep the documents somewhat in that format of order.
These portions will be for a new publication, or two, or three. The number of segments and separate publications will depend on the amount of material. We desire to get it to the people as quickly as possible, so we may publish in segments that one batch of information can be circulating while we write the next. Let us just wait until it falls into order. Dharma is feeling overwhelmed and critically needs rest. It gets harder for her to accept the things coming forth and we must take time to allow her to handle it.
I will please need the “Banking (Grey Men) audio tape” transcribed, but first, I think it is time we dealt with the “UFO” situation in some detail.
This matter must be set to straight in that you must realize that what will be coming into your attention is not of the Lighted Brotherhood. I warned you in the early days of contact (in fact Grandfather warned you on the 19th of August, 1987) that the Lighted Space Brotherhood would be blamed for many, many things. It will thusly come about for all will be lumped into one binded grouping which is most erroneous. There is the group of small grey beings that are in total infiltration within your government, etc. They have been very clever, as is their trait, for they have the “big boy” leader himself, Satan, at helm and between your military, government and scientific community mingled with their misdirected lies and false information, you are in serious, serious trouble.
Your government is fully aware and has been working steadily at self-survival of the top echelon “leaders” of your country since the early 1950’s. I am going to name names and code operations and integrate these things for you. I will give valid input where lies prevail. This will be a lengthy document so, Dharma, we shall take it step by step and no, you will not “blow up” on me—you just type what I give you, little sister.
For many, many years rumors have persisted that the U.S. government has in its possession spaceships manufactured on other worlds, as well as the occupants of these interplanetary craft; some dead and some yet alive.
In your late l940’s and early ‘50’s both Army and Air Force military units—on direct orders from the Pentagon—rushed to the site of several crashes in the Southwestern part of the United States and carried away the UNEARTHLY remains of both the craft and alien occupants. The wreckage and bodies were eventually put into “deep-freeze” storage (literally and figuratively) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
According to your own military sources who later went against orders and talked, the infamous Hangar 18 was used for this purpose. Rightly so, among much other covered up operations and information. Your own Barry Goldwater made several requests and efforts to be permitted to check the contents of the hangar and was never allowed within the installation. There are dozens of other top-ranking persons but I think you will all recognize the label of Barry Goldwater.
Now, don’t be confused by names and places for I will point out something right now—you cannot trust anyone in the government or military at this point.
At one point there was actually a “tug-of-war” going on between various branches of the government as to who was to get final access to these spacecraft. Then FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, said in a signed memo: “We must insist upon full access to the discs discovered.” For instance, in the Louisiana case, the Army grabbed the discs and would not allow the FBI to have it for examination. Then, similarly, in l973, Henry Kissinger telexed your embassy in South Africa to attempt to recover a UFO that had gone into the jungle there. Note: That was a craft from Koldas, very friendly with the people in the area, for there are exchange bases there where Koldasians experience routine Earth missions—but somehow a crashed or disabled craft is up for grabs. But these ones proclaimed to wish to bring these bits of information and covered-up findings to the public.
I want to note right here, but will discuss substance later, that Henry Kissinger and J. Edgar Hoover were, and Mr. Kissinger is, a major player in the operation Majestic-12. The grandest and most horrendous cover-up known yet to man, for through that group and ones complementing it, your planet has been sold down the tubes.
In l954, President Eisenhower, by secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5401/l (these numbers become important as we go along, so pay attention) established a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majority Twelve (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. (I certainly do speak of cosmic aliens and not thy brethren across your borders.) NSC 5410/1 was created to explain the purpose of questionable activities and clandestine, above top secret meetings which speculative contents were being leaked to the Congress and the Press. Majority Twelve was made up of (watch closely): Nelson Rockefeller; the Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Welsh Dulles; the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles; the Secretary of Defense, Charles E. Wilson; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Arthur W. Radford; the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover; and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the “Wise Men”. It was claimed these men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves “The Jason Society”, whose members in turn supposedly came from the prestigious societies of Harvard and Yale, the “Scroll and Key” and the “Skull and Bones”.
The “Wise Men” were key members of the Council on Foreign Relations. There were twelve members including the first six from government positions, thus “Majority Twelve”. This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council of Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean and Zbigniew Brezinski were prominent among them. The most important and influential of the “Wise Men” who served on MJ-12 were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson. Their policies were to last well into the decade of the l970’s. It is significant to mention here, that President Eisenhower as well as the first six members of MJ-12 were members from the Government and were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (I will come back to this momentarily, but I wish to introduce Mr. Kissinger at this point.)
In November of 1955 NSC-5412/2 was issued establishing a study committee to explore “All factors which are involved in the making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age” as a neatly laid out plan to camouflage the real point of the matter, the “alien” question and problem.
By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5411 in 1954, President Eisenhower had commissioned the study group to “examine all the facts, evidence, lies, and deceptions and discover the truth of the “alien question”. NSC 5412/2 (mentioned above) was a cover which was necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings of such important persons. These meetings were first dubbed the “Quantico” meetings which began in your 1954, and were held at Quantico Marine Base.
Plot thickens; thirty-five members were members of the Council on Foreign Relations who were members of the afore mentioned secret scholars’ groups. Dr. Zbigniew Brezinski was the Study Director for the first eighteen months. Dr. Henry Kissinger was the group’s Study Director for the second eighteen months, which would begin in the late fall of 1955. Nelson Rockefeller was often a participant and arranged facilities for such secret meetings on his property, which could not be reached other than by air. This was a bit later in the scenario after it became too public to meet at Quantico. The group roster is a literal who is who! Among them just for starters, Dr. Edward Teller, Maj. Gen. Richard C. Lindsay, Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin, Maj. Gen. James McCormack, Jr. and Gen. Walter Bedell Smith—Gordon Dean, was Chairman.
By the time Dr. Kissinger took over as director in November, 1955 the meetings were still being held at the Marine Base in Quantico, Virginia and were then known as Quantico II. Then Mr. Rockefeller built the retreat in Maryland, which could only be reached by air, so the groups and MJ-12 could meet away from public scrutiny. This place bore the code name (your government children love code names), The Country Club. Rightfully so in this instance as there were elaborate living, dining, recreation, meeting and library facilities, built in, as well as state of the art communications systems (which were also monitored illicitly). I wonder what AT&T would know about that sort of thing?
A “public” announcement was made that the “study group” was officially ended in 1956. This announcement was followed by Mr. Kissinger’s “results” in 1957. His document was entitled “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” (by Henry A. Kissinger), Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper and Brothers, New York. Funny thing here: Mr. Kissinger wrote the document, at least 85% of it, while he was at Harvard.
Ah, plot thickens, Mr. Kissinger became totally different in his behavior as never before nor since. He would leave home very early each morning and return late each night without speaking to anyone or responding to anyone’s queries. Obviously the “secret meetings” continued in great seriousness (an understatement of grossness).
The presence and actions of “aliens” during this time was most certainly a “shocker” to Mr. Kissinger, who was dedicated under threat of death if he divulged information. His marriage did not survive this period of time.
Now, let us write of the true findings of the group—which have also leaked into the public as knowledge. The major finding and decision was that “the public could not be told” as it was believed that “it would most certainly lead to economic collapse” (you will see later how they managed this facet through International Monetary Fund, Trilateral Commission, World Bank, Federal Reserve and countless others, which I fully plan to count for you). It was also stated that “it would surely cause a collapse of the religious structure” (yes, God and Jesus Christ, not to mention all those other indoctrinated clubs, could not survive such a truthful blow). Also, “knowledge in truth would cause national panic which would lead into anarchy, and thus at all costs and any expense (to the taxpayer of course) cover-up would be maintained.”
Now back to Mr. Kissinger’s public appeal for information data to be brought forward, along with prior petition of J. Edgar Hoover for same. How does it look to you? Do you really believe he wanted to tell you neat taxpayers, all about spacemen and funny little airplanes?
Now here is what they reported officially, “A major finding was that the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce and also, their planet was unable to survive for a much longer period of time. They claimed that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure their race would soon cease to exist.” WHAT A BUNCH OF YOU KNOW WHAT! IF YOU WERE IN SUCH TROUBLE WOULD YOU GO TO A PLACE WHERE THE PEOPLE AND THE PLANET ARE IN EVEN WORSE SHAPE? IF YOU HAVE TECHNOLOGY TO GET TO EARTH YOU COULD CERTAINLY GET TO ANY ONE OF BILLIONS OF OTHER INHABITED PLANETS WHERE TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE IS SUPERB BEYOND COMPREHENSION.
Well, the group claimed to look upon these explanations with suspicion also, or so they presented on the documents. “Since our weapons are literally useless against the aliens (absolute truth), MJ-12 has decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them UNTIL SUCH TIME AS WE ARE ABLE TO DEVELOP A TECHNOLOGY WHICH WOULD THEN ENABLE US TO CHALLENGE THEM ON A MILITARY BASIS. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union, and other nations, to join forces for the survival of humanity. (Ha—humanity is humanity’s worst and only deadly enemy). In the meantime, we need to develop plans to research and construct weapon systems using conventional and nuclear technology which can hopefully bring us to parity.”
OK, the results of the research were Projects Joshua and Excalibur. Joshua was a weapon captured from the Germans which was capable of shattering four to six inch thick armor plate at a range of approximately two miles USING LOW AIMED LOW-FREQUENCY SOUND WAVES, and it was hoped that this weapon might be useful against the alien craft and beam weapons.
Now Excalibur is a real dandy, also. It was a weapon carried by missile to some 30,000 feet AGL, not to deviate from designated target more than some fifty meters, would penetrate l,000 meters of tufa hard-packed soil such as that found in New Mexico (now why would anyone want to penetrate l,000 meters, over 3,000 feet, into New Mexico soil?), and would carry a one megaton warhead. Do you suppose it was intended to possibly destroy the aliens in their underground bases which your government built for them? So be it. Oh yes, I almost forgot, Joshua is tucked away, having been successfully tested awaiting better “other weapons” as mentioned above. Excalibur did not get well under way until recently and now there is an unprecedented effort to further perfect this weapon. Of course a weapon that misses its target by some fifty meters is not of great threat to any of us out here in the cosmos. Sorry about that! You also assume that you can get to our craft with such a foolish thrust system. It is your accidents that endanger us when we get called in to shut down your chain reactions. (Those scenarios are on audio tape and we shall publish them also as time permits.)
Then you ones pick at and destroy some of the most wondrous of God’s creations when you deliberately destroy the ones whose systems are chlorophyll based and process food into energy much the same as plants. This was the case with the live alien recovered from an “accidental crash landing” in Roswell, New Mexico and named EBE. (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.) He was taken in 1949 and became ill and died in mid 1952. I shall talk about him also. But for now, let me tell you Earth Men something important.
These aliens came directly upon request and directly to bases already operational by your military and the “little grey men”. They hold the secret for survival in a “greenhouse” environment of high nitrogen and carbon dioxide atmosphere along with high temperature endurance. They could not, however, endure the high temperature that burned them to cinders. You ones have a lot of debts to pay your cosmic brethren, my friends.
Dharma, take a break—I see you are going to pass-out and I don’t need a sick secretary, little one. Go get thy balance back and we will continue.
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