Saviors Of Earth

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Copenhagen's hidden agenda of élite fraud: the multibillion bankster trade in carbon derivatives.

Copenhagen's hidden agenda of élite fraud: the multibillion bankster trade in carbon derivatives. Blythe Masters, opportunist architect of Credit Default Swaps, is behind international carbon derivatives scam.

The giant international banks will make a killing on carbon trading. There is a high probability of massive fraud and insider trading in carbon trading markets. International banksters are preparing to do with carbon what they have done before: design and market derivatives contracts which will help client companies hedge their price risk over the long term. They are also ready to sell carbon-related financial products to outside investors. Blythe Masters is the JP Morgan clone who invented credit default swaps. These speculative derivatives were a primary cause of the 2007-2010 world economic crisis. More background here (01.07.09).

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 8, 2009 at 7:40pm
Obama is right in their throwing all these beautiful speeches out there for us all to buy as sincere .I am guilty for voting for this con job also When any bodty wants to see the truth where he stands look at the Bill he has submitted to congress to vote on to make into laws To actualy look at these Bills are never made easy to find to read The media will not publish these Bills so the public can view them easily Yuo can though find them and some of these Bills are completely insane from the Obama Administration One Bill is a Agriculture type Bill that literaly states that you would need to buy a permit to grow a garden and you would have to have the site inspected and you would only be alowed to grow geneticly engineered seeds aproved by the food and drug administration Organic seeds would no longer be and approved for planting and this is so crazy on this Bill they added that all the vegitables that you canned or preserved would all have to be labeled and identified for inspectors to put in to thier files People you know I thought what I was reading in this Bill was a joke but to find out that these Nazi type controls over your life Bills were serious and were submitted to be voted on and if passed would become law And the others are just as insane when you read them all of them And whats even more insane is that Bills by the Obama administration that that have been submitted to congress to vote on had lot of pages missing that they could not have to read but still they werte supose to vote on it as a national security type Bill Know I can post this real true truth onto the SOE video site to prove to those that we are all being decieved by A con artist in the White house with a propaganda machine he uses to sell you any thing that will suport his hidden age4ndas Do your own research on this while you still have the internett to do it with and you will find a very diferent set of agendas that sound like a new hitler coming and grabbing as much control over you as he can in every single Bill its about removing your choice from any thing that they can I wish we had A REAL News MEDIA but we only have nothing except propaganda being broadcast

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