Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

MMS often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours

I hope you do not think that The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is just another very interesting supplement that can help some people after taking it for several months. Not so. MMS often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours. The victim goes back to work the next day. If patients in the nearest hospital were treated with this Miracle Mineral, over 50% of them would be back home within a week.

Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the immune system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, and other microorganisms that are harmful to the body. It does not affect friendly bacteria, including the intestinal flora, nor healthy cells.

MMS is the greatest solution to mankind's diseases and ills now known, and it is not a drug. If you will go over the data here, and read my book, and read the success stories provided I believe you will be convinced enough to try it. That is all I ask. Up to this time, I have not yet had a doctor read my book and read the success stories and then say that he didn't believe it. The reason for this is not the success stories as anyone can write up a bunch of success stories, but the book tells of chemistry. Chemistry doesn't lie. Science is science and doctors have enough understanding of science and chemistry that they know there is no point in arguing that chemistry doesn't work.

MMS is the purest of all things that you might take. Drugs and even nutrients have dozens of different combinations of chemicals and different elements. That's generally the reason for side effects. There are just any number of things that can happen from a drug, and even from a nutrient. Look at any drug formula. Some times the formula is a foot long. But not so MMS. It is only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. It consists of the type of harmless chlorine that is in table salt, and oxygen. There is some sodium, before it is dissolved in the water, but that becomes harmless it is so small.

There is nothing else, and this combination results in the most powerful killer of pathogens known to man. It has been used in stock yards to kill pathogens on meat, and on slaughtered chickens; it has been used to sterilize hospital floors and benches, and to kill pathogens in water works without killing friendly bacteria for over 70 years.

Now this same formula is used in the body, and the same situation results. No damage is done to the body, but the pathogens are destroyed. In its powerful form MMS is chlorine dioxide that reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing behind to build up.

Take your time. Learn what you can. Read my book and you will know that a new age has come to mankind. I didn't bring it. I was lucky enough to discover what many men were already doing, they were using MMS under different names. What I was lucky enough to discover was a way to bring the information to the general public instead of it lying dormanent in hospitals and clinics not being used. Well, I sort of invented it in that I discovered it cured malaria while I was in the jungle, but I soon found that others have been using it sparingly on certain diseases for as long as 20 years or more. The fact is, it treats almost all diseases, including the so called incurable diseases. I'm just glad I was able to bring it to the public. So now find out for yourself.

The latest hardback version of my book contains volumes one and two bound together. [ Click Here ] to go to the reseller who has it in stock. The cost is US $21.95. The book is titled "The MIracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st century." Keep in mind that the money beyond expenses will go to overcome malaria in a country of Africa or to help distribute books and products in other countries.

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Comment by Trudy on January 20, 2010 at 5:34pm
MMS is great. I use MMS at least 5 months now and it's you what you want to propose ... lowering pain ... inflammation? away with it ... mucus in the throat ... Toothache ... intestinal blockage ... etc.
I see it as a kind of detoxification ...
Controversial but highly effective ...
Great great Topic Jose v ...Lov 'ya my man :)))

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