I work in Niagara Falls at one of the Casino's there, and last night many of us got an unusual show. A supervisor of ours told us to step outside on the patio and check out the UFO. You see there's allot of tourist attractions, and midway games here in the falls to amuse the droves of people who come to watch water go over a hill here. On the weekends, at night a bar shines one of those rotating lights, you know the giant ones with 4 seperate lights that shine realy high in the sky so it… Continue
Ball Of Confusion Lyrics
Artist(Band):The Temptations
People movin' out
People movin' in
Why, because of the color of their skin
Run, run, run, but you sho' can't hide
An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
Vote for me, and I'll set you free
Rap on brother, rap on
Well, the only person talkin'
'Bout love thy brother is the preacher
And it seems,
Nobody is interested in learnin'
But… Continue
Added by jose v on October 19, 2009 at 12:30am —
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Everything is good, I have a pretty home and all the good things are coming to me. Friends, I certainly have not seen 15 years are ready for me and help me and my son in every way. I live in my own province and it must be said, the people here are friendlier to each other really more nicer, are more ready for display, fantastic ... I have a cousin who is also called Trudy, and she has been my whole life my example, she is the one that gave me and my son the house for to live in. I am grateful… Continue
I have not seen the moon since nasa said the hit it. Has any body been able to see it from other parts of the world? Im just concerned? it might be in a lunar phase but it's been at least a couple of weeks, i feel that this is really big, i heard we might get to see the real moon soon. If anybody has found any leaked information go ahead and throw it in this blog. or if anybody has any info at all i would like to hear.
This is a true story of a UFO contact from a planet called IARGA - by the alien astronauts visiting our Earth. They say that their Sun is about 10 light years as we count time from us, and that they have been observing us for some time.....
This story was first published in Dutch by Ankh-Hermes of Deventer, Netherlands in 1969 and has… Continue
St. Germain: My dear ones, my words this day are few, and they are solidly in love to you. I am here today to tell you of an upcoming event that will to some seem familiar and to some seem as foreign as what is out in the cosmos. I am here to tell you that in the next span of time there will be an event that will seem to be something that in reality it is not. I want you to remember that as you open your eyes and ears and see and hear what is being broadcast that is geared to thrown fear once… Continue
The Queen must go because she made a secret pact with Hitler and the Nazis
The usurpers of the British throne who call themselves Windsor but are really Nazi Germans called Battenberg had better escape back to Germany before the English people find out what they have done.
The British “Monarchy” has been part of a long term German plan to subvert and take over the British Empire. During World War 2, the so-called “Battle of Britain” ended in British “victory” only because… Continue
Added by jose v on October 17, 2009 at 3:39am —
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Beth, please open msnbc.com so I may bring a news story for tonight. I am shown a picture of an army corporal keeping watch at night. There is a StarGate located in Afghanistan in the picture, behind him. Above the StarGate are approximately 60 StarShips. KOS comments on the picture:
You have said, Beth, that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING, and KEEP LOOKING AND YOU WILL SEE the news out there. I wanted to… Continue
"The moon is the Rosetta stone of the planets." - Robert Jastrow First Chairman, NASA Lunar Exploration Committee
After hundreds of years of detailed observation and study, our closest companion in the vast universe, Earths moon, remains an enigma. Six moon landings and hundreds of experiments have resulted in more questions being asked than answered. Among them:…
We currently have the technology to create earthquakes and to set off volcanic eruptions. The weapons that have this capability are called tetonic weapons. This is a quote from Secretary of State under Bill Clinton(William S. Cohen) ..." Others are engaging even in an ecotype of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/tectonic_weapons.html
Great follow up to the one we had on the 14th now let's just keep that energy level high and rolling right along. I personally think if we did world meditations every day the sooner the vibration of the planet would lift and we'd be through the mess and out on the other side in our new world of our own making...IMO
World Peace Card Meditation
Thursday, October 15, 7:30pm
(based on local time in your time zone)
You are invited to take part in the tenth World Peace… Continue
This week, we'll explore another aspect of Taoist philosophy.
It's an even bigger brain teaser called Wu Wei (pronounced "Woo-Way"), which is about "doing by not doing." And, strangely enough, it's the secret to getting things done!
This philosophy says that, when nothing is done, nothing is left undone. When I first encountered this stark contradiction I became seriously worried about my brain cells short- circuiting and melting. In fact, the more I… Continue
Hello my fellow family! I just wanted to take a moment and put some thoughts down that have been going through my head.
I know that we all here are on different levels of our awakening and knowing. Some are here to teach some here to learn and some here to network. I came here to do all of those things and try to connect to a community of like minded individuals who were awake and ready for action!
It has been an observation of mine as I've gone through my research of… Continue
The Pineal Gland or 3rd EYE By Alienshifter Henni in Australia
The Pineal Gland was the last endocrine gland to have its function
discovered. Its location deep in the brain seemed to indicate its
importance. This combination led to its being a "mystery" gland with
myth, superstition and even metaphysical theories surrounding its
perceived function.
The pineal gland is occasionally associated with the sixth… Continue
Added by jose v on October 14, 2009 at 1:25pm —
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A source in the UK royal family says that Parliamentary debate is closed to the public for the first time since 1688 because they are debating removing the House of Windsor from the Throne of England. The Windsors are actually German and changed their name from Battenberg a century ago in order to appear more English. The Earl of Wales is the leading contender to be the new King of England. However, the debate is still under way and… Continue
Perhaps somewhat sooner than you might have anticipated, the first meaningful contact is soon to be announced. The news is already spreading like wildfire, and it is going to be a moment when history will be made. You have reached a new stage in this cycle that will see you move even further ahead, and all the promise of a new age will begin to unfold before your eyes. Does it not seem appropriate that at a time when you will be preparing to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, you will have… Continue