Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

St germain : there will be an event broadcast that is geared to thrown fear once more into the hearts of mankind. next german ufo 911

St. Germain: My dear ones, my words this day are few, and they are solidly in love to you. I am here today to tell you of an upcoming event that will to some seem familiar and to some seem as foreign as what is out in the cosmos. I am here to tell you that in the next span of time there will be an event that will seem to be something that in reality it is not. I want you to remember that as you open your eyes and ears and see and hear what is being broadcast that is geared to thrown fear once more into the hearts of mankind.

I am here to tell you that what you can do to avert the intended response is to see it as something that is set into place that will bring about the necessary shift to earth and mankind. This is what has been told through the ages as the time of no time. This is what will bring about the crater that will forever transform earth and her inhabitants and will bring about that choice that Hatonn speaks of. I advise that all of you see what will be coming as something that is being played on a different stage that the one in which you sit as part of the audience. I suggest that you realize that the performance is one designed for the purpose of persuading you to the lie that you are part of the ending that has been written into this performance that they bring you.

You are not a part of that which is not in your field of intention. You have the power to see that your world is full of love and full of promise for the rest of your expression in this existence. You have the power to transform anything that is not to your liking and that does not fit into your field of intent. You have the ability to rise above all that is not included in your plan for your new world of being. I am here now to tell you that you have already overcome and risen above many things that you see as not being a part of your world. I applaud you, and I tell you now that we are all here with you, and are ready to celebrate with you on the coming of the new way of being in this planetary world that is beginning anew, with love and freedom, self-empowerment, and peace of mind, joyous revelation and harmony for all.

I go now and sit by while you sing your songs of freedom and love for all time. Go now into your new day of creation and see us all with every glimpse into your real self.

Thank you Hatonn and St. Germain,

Love, Nancy Tate

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Comment by sally kniffen on October 18, 2009 at 5:04am
very obtuse.......i think we all know at any moment something big can happen........stop the fear mongering
Comment by Besimi on October 18, 2009 at 12:51am
'' I go now and sit by while you sing your songs of freedom and love for all time. Go now into your new day of creation and see us all with every glimpse into your real self ''
..................................:):):):) nice.
Comment by Dawn of Light on October 17, 2009 at 11:50am
When was this channeling? I read this exact article maybe 2 to 3 weeks ago, not sure by who or where I found it. Anyone else?

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