casper 9-26-09
We (our side) once again have possession of the packs. More on the subject soon.
Another Targeted Message:
First you stole their Gold Certificates
Next you "set-up" their World Court Judge
Then you "set-up" their Embassy--twice.
They must really be some dumb-ass people
casper 9-26-09
Added by jose v on September 26, 2009 at 5:53pm —
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Welcome to the river of life! You have an inner tube to float along in. It is yours and will never be taken away from you. Float with me down this river of life. We can’t see where the river is going, we can’t see around the next bend, but look there over you head, grab that fruit off the overhanging branch and taste the gifts of the river. There are many more branches with all kinds of delicacies here in the river.
Look at all those who float along with us! Honest people, healers,…
Added by Ahayah Elohim on September 26, 2009 at 12:55pm —
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Added by Aaron on September 26, 2009 at 12:34pm —
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Obama openly announced as world president. Bob Chapman reprts on Alex Jones TV... watch and listen as our future is…
Added by jose v on September 26, 2009 at 12:30pm —
Neo-cons and 911 By Michael Treis
Michael Chertoff is our Director of Homeland in-Security, and a joint US/Israeli citizen. Rabbi Dov Zokheim, another holder of joint US/Israeli citizenship, was Comptroller of the Pentagon at the time $2.3 trillion went missing. Others in the administration with dual citizenship include; Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Richard Pearle, Douglas Feith, “Scooter” Libby, Eliot Cohen, and John Bolton. Bush’s…
Added by jose v on September 26, 2009 at 1:42am —
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Another unusual energy increase pops up early this evening in DC right after the Moon transits out of (Tropical) Sagittarius.
'Capricorn Ingress' occurred a few minutes after 6pm EDT.
Placed in this sign, Luna experiences friction.
The Moon in Capricorn is not always a challenge.
Some may be more at risk of sinking into a depressed outlook and then continuing stuck with that for the next couple days until Moon enters Aquarius.
Added by jose v on September 26, 2009 at 1:39am —
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The leaders of the G20 are mostly crooks and shysters
The G20 are having their summit in Pittsburg and they think they know what they are doing but they do not. Most of the leaders of the G20 were called into a fancy office one day and told they would be “appointed” leader long before any election took place. They were given substantial bribes and warned they would be killed if they told the truth to anybody. This is true for many of the other so-called leaders of this planet.…
Added by jose v on September 25, 2009 at 10:41pm —
1 Comment
Added by Aaron on September 25, 2009 at 12:02pm —
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Notice how the pyramid atop the Fountain Place tower in Dallas peers over the site of the JFK assassination? Total coincidence or by design?
Is the message to someone don't forget who killed JFK and why?
A larger-size photo appears at this link:
Added by jose v on September 25, 2009 at 2:44am —
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You'd think the Muslim patsies (if that is what they are) would catch on by now that anyone who claims to be 'Al Qaeda' is a federal agent.
Then again, is a message also being sent?
Springfield, Illinois was home to Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated President. Dallas, Texas was the city where John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Let us all pray that the truth behind all of this will one day come out, and further, be believed. Our trouble has been that truthful…
Added by jose v on September 25, 2009 at 2:11am —
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Wake up Call: Hatonn + St.Germain Aug 25, 09
My dear one, I am Hatonn, and I am here in the stead of St. Germain, for he sent me to answer your call. He will address this at the end of the message, but first he is tending to something that is indeed relevant to your questions that have arisen today. As we wind down to the end of this time on earth, we do so with the full knowledge that something is amiss in the annals of the history of earth. We see that there is a decided reverence…
Added by jose v on September 25, 2009 at 1:26am —
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Sept. 23, 2009
Dog Poet Transmitting…….
The Perfect Storm approaches as reptile leaders Netanyahoo, Barak and Peres plan out the critical false flag event that they will need to force America into attacking Iran for them, just as they did with Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iran has no nuclear weapons program, Israel does and Israel lets no weapons inspectors into their facilities. They are not a signatory to the nuclear arms pact while everyone else in the world seems…
Added by jose v on September 25, 2009 at 12:24am —
1 Comment
CASPER 09-24-09 #2 PM
Obama continued all day trying to break into our accounts using Pentagon and CIA Hackers, all of whom he now says he has fired due to their failure to do so.
They had assured him they would succeed so he had played The Godfather --"I am God" role with the U.N. and the G-20 promising Trillions for everyone (our money) which he now can not deliver.
The demands of Africa for 7.7T as delivered by Quddafi in his U.N. speech yesterday was just one slice of the pie…
Added by jose v on September 25, 2009 at 12:22am —
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Russian scientists are reporting today that the Southern Hemisphere continent of Australia has been coated by red “dust” from our Planet Earth’s first interaction with the tail of the Comet known as NEAT (C/2002 V1) in an event not seen in our modern times, but known in depth by our most ancient of peoples and called by them the “Blood of God”.
Comet NEAT first appeared in November, 2002, and became one…
Added by jose v on September 24, 2009 at 9:30pm —
1 Comment
World conditions and instruments of divination such as bibles and calendars strongly suggest we are living through a great transformation.
At some point, when a system has reached the limit of its capacity to accommodate energy yet inflows continue, the system undergoes re-arrangement of its elements (Quantum Leap; Quantum Cognition; Quantum Shift in the Global Brain).
Added by jose v on September 24, 2009 at 9:16pm —
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September, 2009
By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Numerically 2009 is an eleven year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. This year has involved the greatest influx of Light that Humanity has experienced since we first fell from Grace aeons ago.
In February, during the Sun Cycle of Aquarius, we experienced the specific celestial events that…
Added by star man on September 24, 2009 at 5:15pm —
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September, 2009
By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
This is the most difficult article I have ever written, simply because words cannot adequately express the wonder of what has taken place. Since the beginning of this year, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have been saying that 2009 is a turning point. They said it will be the year that is referred to throughout the Ages as the Cosmic Moment…
Added by star man on September 24, 2009 at 5:10pm —
The packs left DC yesterday for del today and were not returned overnight.
This morning Obama,The House, The Senate and The Judiciary, including The Supreme Court are doing everything humanly possible to stop the deliveries.
Del were / are scheduled to begin after 1PM EST
The top man at the World Court was assisting Obama in the attempt to save THE CORPORATION and defeat the return to The…
Added by jose v on September 24, 2009 at 3:55pm —
How did you start your day? Did you get up brush your teeth and follow it up with a 20-minute session of deep breathing meditation. Well you may need to rethink how to start your day. Scientists say they have found evidence that meditation has a biological effect on the body. A small-scale study suggests that it could boost part of the brain and improve the immune system.
In an eight-week study on the effects of meditation including a seven-hour seminar and daily practice of…
Added by Ahayah Elohim on September 24, 2009 at 2:47pm —
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"Red and Yellow Black and White we are equal in his sight"
WOW... elevating Obama to the status of Jesus!! Equating one with the other in the minds of children.... Wow!!
This video shows why kids should not be in school.
School gives them a chance to brain wash our…
Added by jose v on September 24, 2009 at 12:08pm —