Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Jose v's Blog – November 2009 Archive (74)

China is proposing to replace the US dollar with the Hong Kong dollar

China is proposing to replace the US dollar with the Hong Kong dollar

At a top secret high-finance meeting scheduled for this weekend, China will propose that the US dollar be replaced by the Hong Kong dollar, according to a senior MI6 source. The proposal is under serious consideration by the backers of the new financial system.

As we have previously reported most US dollars ever created are now backed by gold at the rate of 1/28th of a gram per dollar. The fraudulent… Continue

Added by jose v on November 6, 2009 at 8:48pm — 2 Comments


Christopher Story has published a new article, here:

Here are its lead points:




Friday 6 November 2009 02:15

• BARACK OBAMA… Continue

Added by jose v on November 6, 2009 at 1:22am — 2 Comments

Baby Bush is in Japan, blackmailing and threatening all he can but to no avail

Baby Bush is in Japan, blackmailing and threatening all he can but to no avail

George Bush Junior is in Japan this week trying to blackmail and bully the Japanese into handing a big fat check to Obama when he comes to Japan next week. He is blackmailing former Prime Minister Koizumi by threatening to expose Koizumi’s sadistic murder of the Shimbashi Geisha who went by the name of Kohan, a Geisha in Asakusa and an American prostitute, According to senior Black Dragon Society sources… Continue

Added by jose v on November 5, 2009 at 8:38pm — No Comments

The Federal Reserve note will fall to 0.03 cents by January

The Federal Reserve note will fall to 0.03 cents by January

It can now be stated that all the US dollars connected to legitimate commerce are backed by gold at the rate of 1/28th of a gram per dollar. The remaining Federal Reserve Board debt notes will soon fall in value to 0.03 cents, according to extremely high level financial sources. This means all legitimate businessmen and workers paid in US dollars have nothing to worry about. However, high level con-artists selling financial… Continue

Added by jose v on November 5, 2009 at 8:30pm — 5 Comments

Will This Prediction "Blossom"?

For your information only.

I found this to be interesting, as many expect first contact with our space family, to be imminent.

With so much information springing up from so many different sources, it would not surprise me at all!

Here is a snip;

"This particular crop circle symbol depicts the upcoming mass decloaking of all the Lightships in our vector of space that will make themselves visible at the same time. This will be easily observed by every human… Continue

Added by jose v on November 4, 2009 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Keep Your Hands Inside the Coaster, We Are At The Top Of The Second Hill

As for the Russians, Germans, French and Italians, sure they will suffer in Europe too, but not nearly as much, as they are already on a much more solid foundation than the New Orleans financial foundation of the Anglos. Sinking and sinking and nothing else.

Now for the Yanks. The Americans, more so than any others are about to find out the shocking truth of their paper debt economy. Most prosperous nation on earth indeed. Biggest mooch and beggar and debtor to every… Continue

Added by jose v on November 3, 2009 at 12:34am — No Comments

BenjaminFulford : The Bush Nazis and their spies try to entrap the Black Dragon Society

BenjaminFulford :The Bush Nazis and their spies try to entrap the Black Dragon Society

In a sign of desperation, the Papa Bush Thule society Nazis sent a self-described KGB, Serbian Secret Police, MI6 (probably Mossad too) triple or quadruple agent on a mission to try to tempt the Black Dragon Society into criminal activity. However, the BDS is a political organization and, although we are allowed to and are very capable of defending ourselves, we do not do crime.

We are… Continue

Added by jose v on November 2, 2009 at 9:55pm — 1 Comment

11:11 watch - This is INCREDIBLE- All the ducks are Lined Up

This blog is absolutely Incredible. The puzzle is all coming together. Message of major change and Cosmic Intercession

Here's the blog:

Added by jose v on November 2, 2009 at 12:15pm — No Comments

Virgin Mary ‘Warning To World” Draws Thousands To Irish Shrine

A report from Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona on the latest Virgin Mary apparitions appearing in Donegal, Western Ireland, state that the thousands of faithful who had assembled were witness to one of the most extraordinary, and rare, events in human history, a message of warning issued to our race by the “celestial” beings who have long watched over our Planet and to many peoples, and religions, are called “gods”.

Though being heavily censored by the estimated 100 news organizations… Continue

Added by jose v on November 2, 2009 at 4:14am — No Comments

BenjaminFulford:  Chaos continues with 103 senior bankers murdered and over 1000 arrested

Chaos continues with 103 senior bankers murdered and over 1000 arrested

The cabal that has controlled finance is fighting a desperate rear-guard action as the net continues to close around it. The death toll has now reached 103 bankers, most of them killed by the Bush Nazi cabal in order to silence them. Jeffry Picower, the Madoff associate found drowned in his pool was murdered by the cabal because he was a link between the Madoff funds and bribed politicians in Washington D.C.,… Continue

Added by jose v on November 1, 2009 at 11:56pm — 1 Comment

Chinese Weather Control to End Drought Overshoots and Covers Beijing in Snow

At least China admits to this act of weather control. While some aspects of weather control have been occasionally admitted by the U.S. and other countries over the years, there are those who have alleged that the full extent of weather control and related technology has yet to be completely revealed. Can weather be used as a weapon? Defense Secretary Cohen addressed this and other questions in 1997.



Added by jose v on November 1, 2009 at 11:31pm — 1 Comment

"HEAVEN #3264 Keep Your Flame Lit, November 1, 2009"

HEAVEN #3264 Keep Your Flame Lit, November 1, 2009

God said:

I give unto you the world to uplift. This is your assignment. This is the purpose behind everything you do. Atlas held up the physical world. I ask you to uphold the heart of the world. I ask you to add a dollop of joy to the world. Is there a better assignment? What else would you rather be given? I say to you: "Uplift the spirit of the world. Make the world a source of happiness." This is the charge I have… Continue

Added by jose v on November 1, 2009 at 11:28pm — No Comments

Re: Benjamin Fulford: 'THE THREE-LEGGED CROW A....

Re: Benjamin Fulford: 'THE THREE-LEGGED CROW A....

This latest posting about the three legged crow and it's legend in mythology was like an electic jolt.

My son is a gifted artist who receives many of creative ideas from 'dreams'. A good or so ago he created a series of 9 mystical drawings, based on some of his 'visions'. His last depicted travelers being led by crows, or ravens, toward an Asian culture.

I would like to share this one and some of his others and… Continue

Added by jose v on November 1, 2009 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Astrology: A threshhold- November 2009 will be an exciting month!

November 2009 for Everybody: A Threshold

November 2009 will be an exciting month.

The November 2009 full moon chart interrupts a long series of challenging and sometimes discouraging charts. So many recent charts supported the tearing down of institutions or the break up of the existing order. Many others supported obstruction and delay and endless, confusing debate.

The November full moon chart points to progress and rebuilding, driven by vision, desire and… Continue

Added by jose v on November 1, 2009 at 3:13am — No Comments

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