Special message to the Bilderbergers: It is over, you have no place to hide on this planet
To the self-appointed world rulers at the Bilderberg meeting: you must by now realize it is over. Your final attempt to betray the world to a nasty Chinese faction has been rejected both by the Chinese and the rest of the world. You will soon lose the remnants of your US power base. As you know, there is a group with a legal license to kill that has been getting busy… Continue
Added by jose v on May 15, 2009 at 11:15pm —
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I have been researching the mysteries of religion and cultures for the past twenty years. Recently I found myself heavily submersed in quantum physics and have believed for quite some time that the art and principles of ancient cultures is all based on quantum physics. For example the Tibetan’s Om symbol was duplicated in a Cymatics experiment whereby sand sprinkled on a vibrating platform takes on the specific pattern exposed to a specific sound frequency. The odd part is that human ear cannot… Continue
Most people, currently, are NOT aware of how complex the problems are in our Financial World.
We have been controlled financially in the US since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, when it was started.
The Fed Reserve is no more Federal than is Fed Ex.
There certainly are NO RESERVES.
The Gangster Bankers have stolen the money over and over.
They created ways to be able to steal it,… Continue
Added by jose v on May 15, 2009 at 6:04pm —
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WE begin this day with some early morning FLIM FLAM from the World Court that notifications would begin today.
After a series of intense and penetrating questions regarding their meetings last night they found themselves trapped by their own lies then admitted "the truth" as follows.
They have been in touch with BUSH/CLINTON/OBAMA and the CORPORATE CRIME SYNDICATE in D.C. and the CRIME FAMILIES OVERSEAS. THE WORLD COURT went on to… Continue
Added by jose v on May 15, 2009 at 11:11am —
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I dreamt that I was waiting in a queue to go for a consultation with the local witch. Standing in front of my were two people. A man holding a baby and a woman holding a baby. My best friend was standing next to me. I was not feeling good so my friend goes to this woman who coordinates the consultation and asked if I go first. But I said it isn’t nessacary , I ‘ll wait.
Then it was my turn to come at the table where the witch was sitting and next to here on… Continue
The first part of this has been the increase in seabed and land volcanism, paralleled with a corresponding upsurge in global seismic activity. The surface of your world needs a massive facelift as well as a new type of bio-magnetic field. This will eventually reset your world's gravitational field and align with similar alterations that are happening to the other members of your solar system, including your Sun. As your planet reaches for the 5th dimension, so too does the rest of your reality… Continue
Added by jose v on May 15, 2009 at 1:44am —
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Major World Court corruption exposure emerging: Judges' slush funds of $1.0 trillion plus identified in Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein A single slush fund account, thought to be in the name of British Justice Rosalyn Higgins, contains a total of $1.0 trillion. Other international legal conspirators at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, working with and around Higgins, have accounts credited in $ billions. Higgins is a controlled… Continue
The World Court has just advised (2p.m. EST) "We will not be able to notify the people today regarding package pick-up at the airports after all".
Yesterday afternoon and evening the "Official Word" from the Court was that instructions for distribution to the Freedom Participants, to include times and pick-up locations, would be provided at 9 a.m. EST this morning by fax from the Court with public posting allowed.
This update is for ALL Americans in ALL programs and ALL the people of the World in offshore programs and for the Countries themselves awaiting their funding.
In D.C. they think they can "weather the storm".
WE say "no you can't".
No one has suffered more than American Program Participants as years of lies and delays and sabotage have hurt so many while the BUSH/ CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE NOW MANAGED BY OBAMA has pulled every dirty trick in the book and flooded our… Continue
Added by jose v on May 14, 2009 at 12:24am —
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The new financial system is based on the Luxembourg Yorkshire Treaty under the Marshall Plan. It is governed by deeply spiritual and highly disciplined men. Their names cannot be disclosed to protect their identities. There will be EXTREME consequences if anything is done to harm them. The members of the committee of 300 are hereby put on notice, their names are about to be published on the internet. Time is running out.
Furthermore, two… Continue
When WE go silent and stay silent for a while you can bet its because WE fully expect deliveries to occur literally at any moment.
The daily details, only some of which we learn about, become insignificant if deliveries are truly about to occur. Then hours of waiting turns into additional days of delay and WE must decide whether to update and if so what to say. WE could repeat the "feel-good grapevine stories" for you and accomplish nothing or WE… Continue
Added by jose v on May 13, 2009 at 9:36pm —
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Since I was young, and I still have them now, when I am between dream and awakening, I experiences some strange things that I sometimes can't translate into words. I saw some things fallen out of the sky, faces, feeling/seeing like I was in another world still I saw the same room, after my daughter was born I felt here breathing on my chest under the blankets, or that I thought I have taken my daughter into my arms and then she slips away, disappears and I panic, but… Continue
Added by Lisa on May 13, 2009 at 3:44am —
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Surrendering Fearful Thoughts (Please Visit my blog for more like this Now Is The Perfect Moment
Using the "Powerful Tool to Enhance Life"
We must recognize and understand the Universal Truth. Only YOU are accountable for the many experiences and situations that has happen in your Life...be it good or bad. We attract what we focus on most. The more energy we put into the thought…faster the manifestation. Your thought pattern… Continue