May 15, 2009
Special message to the Bilderbergers: It is over, you have no place to hide on this planet
To the self-appointed world rulers at the Bilderberg meeting: you must by now realize it is over. Your final attempt to betray the world to a nasty Chinese faction has been rejected both by the Chinese and the rest of the world. You will soon lose the remnants of your US power base. As you know, there is a group with a legal license to kill that has been getting busy working on your underlings as they approach the center of your power base. The yakuza are also gearing up for something big, according to my own high level sources. So are the US special forces. You have been made an offer that it would be very wise to accept. We expect to hear from you soon.
The six media barons in your group are also hereby kindly asked to start reporting the real truth to the sheeple. Zionism has run its course, the offspring of David must heed the word of their patriarch Abraham. No true Jew would have ever contemplated massacring 4 billion people.
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