When chemtrails contain compounds for conducting or amplifying electromagnetic energy, we're exposed to an increased risk of harm from the intense radiation emitted by cell phone and microwave transmitter towers, radar installations at military bases, high-voltage power lines, high-power military relay towers and the myriad other well-documented sources of "electronic smog" - 15 million times more intense than natural background levels.
Added by jose v on October 4, 2009 at 2:39pm —
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[July 28, 2002] It is disturbing that aerosols can be sprayed over people without hardly anyone even noticing. The contrail's (chemtrail) color along the aerosol's path shifted from red to green like an oil slick. You can tell that these pictures were photographed in high contrast. Later on in the same day three orbs, or spheroids, were perched in an artificial cloud downwind of the spraying… Continue
Added by jose v on October 4, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Hey all, I got this forwarded onto me in an email a couple of days ago. Thought some of you may find this interesting. About some pastor giving an opening session speech at some senate meeting. Read on, enjoy! : )
This was received last night as info about Qoa and trip there to complete physical contact, initiated on 9/21-22. Madame X and Lolo.
In addition to the msgs below, we will also be working with Ashtar, GalFed Teams from Pleiades, Arcturus and WITH NASA, to stop the Orions’ transmissions coming from the darkside of the moon that negatively affect our emotions and tides…especially during full moons (like Sunday’s Aries Full Moon). We will also be working to help align the Tectonic… Continue
I would expect that in the period October 25th - November 4th a global sanctions/ conventional attack on Iran nuclear facilities will be openly discussed and, if needed, staged.
This will serve to create a frame of mind similar to that of 911, which is necessary for introduction two tier $ currency, on for the rest of the world (present greenbacks that will retain its value) and new US$ for the use inside the USA which will change all US$ local assets with the rate 1:6.
This… Continue
It is hard to believe a “computer glitch” is what this is really about as they say in the article. Perhaps now is a good time to start a run on the bad banks that own the Federal Reserve Board and have been ripping off… Continue
Added by jose v on October 4, 2009 at 3:22am —
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in running our MOM (model of modelspace) cleanup of the lexicon prior to tuning, it became apparent that October 25 turn in emotions globally will be dominated by a [lock down/implosion] of the [planetary financial/banking system]. The data suggests that such things a [currency trading] and [commodities trading] as well as many other [digital trading forms] will… Continue
There is much talk about Babylon and Sumeria and tales of the dead in this next article. I suppose, since it is Ocotber it is fittingly brought forth at this time.
The word Necronomicon looks a great deal like the word necromongers which was the basis for the movie "Riddick". Tangodog and I spoke of an eerie connection to Morgellons when discussing this movie. It is obviously based on a dark society that involves a hive mentality like the Borg in "Star Trek".
Healers of all modalities required to send out healing to listeners on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/HealingFountain on Mondays 5PM EST, 10PM BST .
This is a Trans-Atlantic Co-creation between U.K.,Holland and U.S.A
Love, light and Hugs
Jeanne Christie
well... that puts an interesting spin on Iran's behavior.
If Ahmadinejad is perhaps a covert zionist as well as a freemason, then this whole Iran war is about as real(at the top)as monday night raw.
To the rest of the planet it's real no matter what.
article and link below:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's vitriolic attacks on the Jewish world hide an astonishing secret, evidence uncovered by The Daily… Continue
The above story would indicate that they are working to wire our brains--this will also flow into my transhumanist stories; as does the video on wiring the brain.
Remember the video by Aaron Franz--58 minutes in length--
make sure when you go to this link that it is the correct video:
Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are detailing an extraordinary ‘secret’ meeting held between Prime Minister Putin and President Obama at the request of the American leader that took place on Air Force One upon its landing at the Russian military airstrip at Pulkovo I in Saint Petersburg during a stopover while in route to Copenhagen, Denmark.
According to these reports, Obama stated to Putin that the US Government was in “total disarray” after what the American President… Continue
Added by jose v on October 2, 2009 at 10:05pm —
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Good evening, my scribe, and thank you for hearing me, despite all the “ringing” interference in your head, and for taking the time with me that this Message may be brought through into your world. Indeed, all those pesky noises in your head are meant to block this Message. However, the Dark ones are past their prime time of prevailing on your world, so I will simply adjust my frequency to override their shenanigans and proceed here without delay. Yes,… Continue
CANADA is about to share the benefits of the most humanitarian and revolutionary event the world has ever seen. NESARA brings PEACE, WORLDWIDE PROSPERITY and INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS.
As USA is the bastion of FREEDOM in this world, NESARA has to be implemented there first. Canada follows the next day. In October 2000, after being passed by Congress, President Bill Clinton signed the National Economic and Security and Reformation Act (NESARA):… Continue
Added by jose v on October 2, 2009 at 12:27pm —
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I ran across this free ebook yesterday on social networking and was very impressed by what I learned. The sections on Facebook and Twitter were by far the best.
From Beth: The News is out there, buried, one must look. KEEP LOOKING! This original lawsuit, Wilson v. Cheney, LEAD TO THE APPOINTMENT OF PATRICK FITZGERALD. Wilson’s allegations led to a federal investigation of the leak by the United States Department of Justice, to the appointment of a Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, to the CIA leak grand jury investigation, and to a major American political scandal variously dubbed by the press “Plamegate”, the “Plame affair”, the “CIA leak scandal”,… Continue
Added by jose v on October 2, 2009 at 3:31am —
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