Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Alias Anonymous

i ain't afraid lyrics

i ain't afraid of communists
i ain't afraid of jews
i ain't afraid of mafia (moslems)
or someone just like you
the only thing that scares me
is what God's gonna do

i ain't afraid of guns
i ain't afraid of bombs
i ain't afraid of porcupines
or dirty little blondes
the only thing that scares me
is the God inside of you

i ain't afraid of doctors
not even a disease
i ain't afraid of technology
or gettin down on my knees
only thing that scares me
is what God's gonna do

i ain't afraid of black
i ain't afraid of white
i ain't afraid of rich
i ain't afraid of poor
the only thing that scares me
is the God inside of you

i ain't afraid of jealousy
i ain't afraid of greed
i ain't afraid of truth
or having to bleed
the only thing that scares me
is what God's gonna do

i ain't afraid of generals
and their plans for genocide
i ain't afraid of devils
and their dirty rotten lies
the only thing that scares me
is the God inside of you

Greetings and Salutations;

We have entered the void, the place of silence, where people who know don't speak and they who don't try to fill that void with anything imaginable. If people are afraid, like magnets they are attracted to others who are gripped by fear, having no more basis for it, other than some 'feeling' in their guts. I listen to the talking heads trying to explain the uncertainty with elaborate explanations of what's going on in this world, not one having the nerve to say, 'I don't know'. Folks, these are the times, I told you was coming years ago, when many thought I was just being paranoid. This is the transition, as the world fully embraces the 21st century, forever departing the past. This is the sensation moving thru the bowels, that many are translating as, 'we're all going to hell in a handbasket'. It's all Obama's fault. I don't think so, if that were true, why have they been working overtime to take the man out, before the announcements begin? Ah, but you don't know that so, people can keep acting like airheads and avoid the deeper issues in their beings as to what is really up front and center.

I have told you all from the very beginning, there was more to the delivery of these programs than simply putting some money in our hands. Monumental changes in the fabric of this world are underway. No more will the us be able to sit on 'turtle island', dictate to the world and use brute force to overcome resistence, thru the military industial complex. I find it hard to think that people here didn't see rio getting the olympics over chicago or the other cities, especially with what lula has been up to in brazil. South America started kicking the us to the curb during the bush administration. They were tired of cia coups and plots disrupting there countries so, they made moves accordingly. Not just europe but, russia and china began making important inroads, giving them options they never had before. In other words, across the world, countries have chosen to walkaway from the ham handed methods the us has used for 60 years to control their freedom. There's a new world order alright but it isn't what the neo cons wanted. There will be no mad max world, despite their best attempts at 'rule or ruin', that they've tried. I loved how china financed the buy back of indonesia from the dutch and spoiled the plans of cornering the oil market, a stroke of genius. C'mon folks, china and india, had written language when barbarians were still running around europe and america was just tribes of it's native people, living 'with' the land, they called 'turtle island'.

The full circle has come back around and what happened a bit over 100 yrs ago in america is in full reversal mode. The full details will be forth coming, with the announcements. People who've been unjustly thrown in prison will be freed and replaced by they who put them there. I got wind of one of them who actually went east to plead their case before the dragon, can't plead ignorance, so what's the plea, stupity or arrogance? Both, perhaps. I know the struggles people are having out here, it's a financial disaster underway, with only one and the total flip to the new global banking system. Those who are on the wrong side of this are the one's screaming the loudest, pointing at everything and everyone as the reason, except themselves as being culpable in creating it. Be clear, forget using the word 'fed', say goldman sachs, et al, as they are the one's who've done everything in their power to keep the crap kicking out here. The 'gods' of wall st, can't defeat the dragon, who's sending them to their appointed place, the sewer of history.

I know not the hour or day, our freedom will be given us. I only know all lights are green. As I said last week, the 'moment' is theirs' and they know more about protecting us, than is commonly known. It will strike like a lightning bolt from out of the blue, when all conditions are right. Those who've made their attempts to avoid ever facing this day, will recede, as quickly as, possible to, escape being caught and fade away. Then it will be time to burn those flags with gold fringe hanging from them and proscecute those who've used them to hide behind, dispensing supposed justice, for the corporation.

I need to say something here, the tax money from these programs, has been in the treasury since junior was still president. He nor paulson could spend it, there's a lock on it that opens with deliveries. They gave it the good college try but to no avail. By hook or by crook, no way do the bad guys want this president to get any credit for turning this mess around, they would rather see him dead. I still don't get it, how could anyone forget the last 8 years like they never happened and who did what? Yea, in 9 months this president sent the country into financial hell, what are ya stupid? Amazing!! Stand by for our deliverence, then let the games begin! I guess even the bad guys are learning the power of prayer, when it's real, no power on earth can overcome it.

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Love and Kisses,


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Comment by Besimi on October 4, 2009 at 11:06pm
..thnx J.

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