Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

All Blog Posts (16,489)

Please Join in sending Love

Hi everybody,

I know you heard the story's about recent troubles that is going on here in South-Africa. Some people that raise there voice on Facebook to kill white people. I think a lot of people are having fears and start leaving the country.

I hope with this sending love to South-Africa things won't escalate. Because we have to put our differences

behind and walk hand in hand to build up a new nation were everybody… Continue

Added by Lisa on April 8, 2010 at 4:46am — No Comments

Restore America Plan - Tim Turners Radio Show Comments

Found on GLP


GlassPearl's notes from Tim Turner's two-hour radio call-in show on 04/07/2010.

These are MY notes, and not necessarily accurate. This was not easy for a number of reasons and I've not taken time to spell/grammar check these notes. I just wanted to post them as raw as I recorded them.

Again, any error, misstatements, etc. are mine. Do not take this as being 100% accurate, because it's… Continue

Added by jose v on April 8, 2010 at 3:42am — No Comments

Prophetic dreams, need some advice

I'd like to share something and get some advice. I have read that ancient mystics and shamans used hallucinogenic plants for meditation or going into a trance. Well several months ago I was quitting smoking and I was

using 24 hour nicotine patches (which have been known to cause nightmares). I

was also on a certain anti-depressant. During that time I was getting some

incredible and crazy vivid dreams, most of which…


Added by Kal'Narred on April 7, 2010 at 6:52pm — 6 Comments

Rethink Afghanistan: Independent Media Stands Up to Pentagon Propaganda

Rethink Afghanistan: Independent Media Stands Up to Pentagon Propaganda

What's Your Reaction:

Comments 148 Two months ago, U.S. Special Operations forces led an assault on what they claimed to be a militant hideout in Paktiya Province, Afghanistan. Three civilian women were killed in the raid, two of them pregnant, along with two civilian men.

NATO's International Security Assistance Force admitted later that the two men were non-combatants. As for the women, ISAF claimed… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on April 7, 2010 at 10:47am — 1 Comment

100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story

100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story

Joel S. Hirschhorn

Intelligence Daily

April 2, 2010

The failure to rebuild the World Trade Center site in Manhattan has received endless attention. But public anger about this failed reconstruction should not been seen so negatively. After all, mental reconstruction has also still not been successful and is surely more needed, with too many Americans still accepting the official… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on April 7, 2010 at 10:34am — 3 Comments

Restore America Plan - Update 4/6/10 Inside Information

Inside Information Update 4/6/10 – Restore America Plan

The following comes from several ‘real’ intelligence resources, my research and insider sources.…


Added by jose v on April 6, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Benjamin Fulford : Have the illuminati been monopolizing ancient technology?

April 6, 2010

In recent meetings with various self-described members of the “illuminati,” I have been told about how they have monopolized powerful ancient technologies in order to enforce their secret rule over humanity. In fact they have even provided me with several books describing in exact detail how to summon various “entities” who control primeval forces.

According to them, if a modern human goes to visit a…


Added by jose v on April 6, 2010 at 11:50am — 2 Comments

World Wide Prayer Request - APRIL 7TH - 12 Noon --- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE

Our friend Bill has written a prayer for us which is very good and touches the heart. However, I think all of us should pray our own little prayer in our own words on April 7th, 12 noon, EST. I, for one, would have to read Bill's prayer and I want to say my words and not have to read. We can make it lengthy or short - our choice.…


Added by jose v on April 6, 2010 at 11:47am — No Comments

Our Inner Relationship Revieuw

Our Inner Relationship Review

a message from Shala Mata

Tuesday, 6 April, 2010

At the risk of sounding repetitive once again, "relationship" in all forms is up for deep and significant review during the month of April. The energy alignments in March were indeed "vibrational upgrades" and now in April we will feel the deepest call to observe our inner relationship within every aspect of our lives.

Sounds heavy… Continue

Added by Madelaine on April 6, 2010 at 9:39am — No Comments

URIEL & AURORA - Seperation and Devotian

Separation and Devotion by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

The Light of the Archangels and the Creator flows through our being now in your direction; we are transported to a great place of stillness and peace as this sacred light flows through our being. We hope that you are able to experience and open to our light also as we offer it to you with the purest quality of… Continue

Added by Madelaine on April 6, 2010 at 6:07am — 2 Comments

Nesara vs Reciever America Plan

Have you noticed that this blog is called Nesara whereas all we are talking about is the Recover America Plan.

Why is that and what is going on.

NESARA was established by good 'thinking' Americans to restore our constitution, finances and country.

What happened. It ran into the Bush Cabal intelligence agencies which made Nesara a laughing joke on the net.

Nesara as it is known will probably not be announced.

And per Casper (who is a Cheney Agent… Continue

Added by jose v on April 5, 2010 at 11:11pm — No Comments

Restore America Plan - Commentary on Fulford's blog

Found on Bejamin Fulford's commentary for…


Added by jose v on April 5, 2010 at 12:36am — No Comments

Magnitude-7.2 quake strikes Baja California!!!!!!

LOS ANGELES – Minor damage has been reported in Mexico's northern Baja California after a magnitude-7.2 earthquake that was felt in Southern California, Arizona and Nevada.

The largest earthquake in the region in nearly 18 years struck at 3:40 p.m. Sunday more than 100 miles southeast of San Diego.

Tijuana Fire Chief Rafael Carillo says firefighters were rescuing people trapped in a hotel elevator. He says firefighters so far are receiving reports of only minor damage.

Near the… Continue

Added by peace frog on April 4, 2010 at 9:31pm — 11 Comments

Poofness - 4_4_10 Happy Easter

-------- Original Message --------



Subject: Happy Easter

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 14:26:51 -0400…


Added by jose v on April 4, 2010 at 4:32pm — No Comments

Restore America Plan - Comments found on the net

Comments found on the wild GLP Forum

I don't know about that. ABC seems to have gotten a clue.

Houston KHOU, a CBS local, reported Friday that these were extremists' threats, which couldn't be further from the truth.

So, because they do pay attention to my emails and info, I sent them the PDF, and many links from this thread and from others. I explained that these groups have military…

Added by jose v on April 4, 2010 at 12:39pm — No Comments


LT. COMMANDER WALTER FITZPATRICK III ARRESTED 4/1/10Posted by Chris on April 2, 2010 at 9:45am in Obama Citizenship, Impeachment, Recalls

View Discussions

Citizen arrested for trying to expose government corruption


Added by JIM4HOPE on April 4, 2010 at 10:00am — No Comments



Your presence, is a present to the world.

You're unique and one of a kind.

Your life can be, what you want it to be.

Take the days, just one at a time.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.

You'll make it through, whatever comes along.

Within you, are so many answers.

Understand, have courage, be strong.

Don't put limits on… Continue

Added by Vonnie on April 3, 2010 at 8:47pm — 2 Comments

The international gold market is a tungsten-powered Ponzi Scheme

The international gold market is a tungsten-powered Ponzi Scheme

Ted Butler, Bill Murphy, Adrian Douglas and Andrew Maguire are unpacking a pan-global precious metals scandal that could make the CMKM Diamonds… Continue

Added by jose v on April 3, 2010 at 6:42pm — No Comments

Restore America Plan - Declaration Letter Sent Out To All 50 States

Found On Rumourmill News


Full text of the declaration letter sent to all 50 state governors of the united STATES of AMERICA
Posted By: Watchman

Date: Saturday, 3-Apr-2010 09:19:15…


Added by jose v on April 3, 2010 at 12:15pm — 1 Comment

Restore America Plan - AZ Governor Recieved Letter

I just saw on the fox 10 news in Arizona that Governor Jan Brewer received a letter from an anti government group called the elders for a free republic demanding that she step down. A man speaking for the Governor said she was not concerned about the letter because she gets a lot of threats and was ignoring it because she had much work to do. Then a reporter said she was contacted by the FBI warning her it could lead to violence. This did get on the main stream news but this is trying to… Continue

Added by jose v on April 3, 2010 at 2:31am — No Comments

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