Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Restore America Plan - Update 4/6/10 Inside Information

Inside Information Update 4/6/10 – Restore America Plan

The following comes from several ‘real’ intelligence resources, my research and insider sources.

  1. There is no shortage of funds for future recovery. Trusts have been established for every administration and these trust funds are available for proper disbursement.
There are vast sums in very high trillions available for Social Security which will not be affected.
  1. The military has already informed obama that he is no longer Commander-in-Chief.
  2. The closed door emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve on Monday 4/5/10 did discuss the financial default and how to respond to the people’s declaration. They are in panic.
  3. There is a “Gag Order” on the governors and other officials who are served. If they say anything, they lose there option to sign on or resign. In short, they will be removed by the military.
  4. We are simply sovereigns. Beware of any article using “sovereign citizens”. This is propaganda by the PTB.
  5. FBI at high levels were informed about the plan before delivery.
  6. Fulford is aware of activities and a participant on worldwide recovery on an international level.
  7. There is an international participation in the program(s) which will become more evident in the next few weeks.
  8. Bonding will not be available for corporate entities. They will have to operate in the de jour government under the constitution.
  9. Corporate government and entities cannot access the C.A.F.R. funds without the bonds.
  10. All Bonds have been “arrested” by the republic and cannot be used by the corporate government and entities. The arrest of the bonds-from the U.S. Corporation down to the smallest country in the world will cause a stoppage in all activities. They cannot conduct business as they are not ‘bondable’.
  11. Corporate Courts cannot conduct any business without bonds.

Remember – If it looks like Nesara, acts like Nesara and functions like Nesara but spelled
differently ---- IT IS THE RESTORE PLAN

Thank you all



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Comment by Vaddix on April 9, 2010 at 1:33am
None of us have.To me it seem like fulford and all those spooks feeding us misinformation to keep us happy and hopeful. content so the fuckers that run this place, can get away with things whilst we think we are winning.

SoE Visitors



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