One of the most beautiful movies ever made depicting the past, present and future in a mystical tale of man's search for immortality. The movie has 3 stories each of them in a different time line spanning a thousand years, however, connected beautifully in essence. The sacred Tree of Eternal Life from the Mayan culture, our physical mortality and our quest to beat death make the foundation to this magical journey called 'The Fountain'… Continue
Each species has its own energetic frequency that characterizes it as a whole, then each subset within a species has its own characteristic frequency, then each individual within that subset has its own individual frequency and vibration.
Do our pets - perhaps even all animals - possess some innate psychic ability that allows them to tune in to human brainwaves, see paranormal phenomena, or even to see the future?
Or are they just more sensitive than humans to visual, aural,… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 7, 2010 at 11:30am —
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We are all seeking the truth, and that truth comes in numerous names and forms. Truth—spiritual reality—remains the truth though it appears in different guises and approaches us from various directions. "Whatever path people travel is My path," says the Bhagavad Gita. "No matter where they walk, it leads to Me."
If all religions are true, then what is all the… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 7, 2010 at 11:30am —
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I wish you peace. Where does peace lie? It lies in your heart. It is within your heart that peace is found. It is from within your heart that peace is issued. Yes, peace emanates from your heart. World peace emanates from your heart. Everyone is responsible for peace. You are the maker of peace or the withdrawer of it. Engage peace. You will like it.
Peace is not excitement, beloveds. Peace is a calm, yet… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 7, 2010 at 11:30am —
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When I listen to my heart, so often I hurt myself, sometimes unbearably… Right now I want to call my ex-husband to whom I was married for [some decades]… [I want to tell him] that I do not despise him, but understand how the heaviness…became too much for him and sucked him down into its darkness.
But if I do that now, call him and talk to him, I will be broken again for many days to come, carrying… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 7, 2010 at 11:00am —
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Illness is a blessing! How this statement must hurt, especially to those who may be lying on a bed of sickness, and I apologise for opening this article on such a note. However, we are all suffering from illness in one form or another, whether it is serious or not.
The physical state of mind and body is a relative condition, meaning that it is not whole or absolute, and forms the basis of this message. Our environment—the… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 7, 2010 at 11:00am —
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How many times have you asked yourself, "When will I receive the goodness I deserve, especially after all the good I have done for others?"
Too often to remember, is what most of you would say, and this would be essentially correct.
What about all the times you were told, "Do what you love, and the money will follow," - only to find that when you did, you weren't valued by the ones you chose to serve?
Again, more times than you might care to… Continue
There is ongoing, documented contact with benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced ultra and extraterrestrials at the Sattva Sanctuary in Trout Lake, Washington. This contact is an ongoing controversy that is met with a variety of responses. Hopefully, the information that follows will clear up some of the many fears and questions concerning the nature and purpose of these contacts and what our motives are in presenting it to you.
Greetings! We come again with more to explain. Right now, critical talks and the strategic distribution of the new monies are taking place. The dark ones have delayed your abundance and freedom long enough! Our Earth allies are implementing worldwide the agreements so grudgingly obtained from the dark cabal. Because this involves many detailed steps to ensure that these revelations are brought in a timely manner into the public arena, we too are engaged in assisting them with this process. Your… Continue
Added by CHRISTINA on October 7, 2010 at 8:57am —
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Although it has never been officially declared to the open public, that UFOs are in fact a real phenomenon worthy of scientific investigation, many famous statements can be found, made by some very credible people of highly social and often political statures.......
This "flying saucer" situation is not all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around.
- Air Force Base… Continue
Dr.Carl Sagan Co-founder of SETI Knew That "UFOS were real"
Globally renowned astronomer, astrophysicist and designer of famous Pioneer 10 NASA Solar System Spacecraft Gold Plaque. He had also head the committee to select the contents for Voyager Golden Record.
He is so well respected in scientific community till this date and Nasa even named their 2008 'Study of Extraterrestrial Worlds scholarship' after Mr Sagan.
'The Indigo Evolution' is a documentary about the shifting human, evolving beyond the five sensory perceptions into a multi-sensory being of light ! The term Indigo refers to the Indigo color Aura seen around…
The awardwinning documentary, The Day before disclosure, now FREE to watch in High Quality!
We here at New Paradigm Films are among the millions of people across the world who have a strong notion that humanity is on the verge of major change on both a social, biological and spiritual level. But we also reckognize the need for widespread…
As you come to know Me, and consciously know Me well, you have seen more of My light reflected in the eyes of those you meet. You have seen this. You have noted this. You have had peak moments when your heart was full of Me and full of the world. You have had moments, days, weeks, months, when all is Unity. How far you have come. And then, perhaps suddenly, perhaps gradually, you may sense yourself falling away from life in the world, or the world is slipping away from you.… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 4, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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Surprises lurks around every corner for an ascending being. The universe always bring you new things to look at, or rather, things you have forgotten about. This is to bring you closer to the vibration of what we refer to as home, or heaven. Practising non-attachment to all things is a good and effective way to raise your vibration, for when you stay in acceptance you allow your own energy field to adapt to your surroundings in a more graceful… Continue
It matters not how oft you kneel in attitude of prayer so true, unless inside, where no man sees, your very soul is kneeling too.”
Why does man pray?
From the earliest recorded times till date, human beings have communicated with what they have regarded as the force of all forces. Praying to forms, elements, mythological characters, great human beings, ancestors, spirits, concepts etc has given… Continue
Added by Golden_Angel_K on October 4, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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~Galactic Free Press~ 10/6/10…