Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Each species has its own energetic frequency that characterizes it as a whole, then each subset within a species has its own characteristic frequency, then each individual within that subset has its own individual frequency and vibration.
Do our pets - perhaps even all animals - possess some innate psychic ability that allows them to tune in to human brainwaves, see paranormal phenomena, or even to see the future?

Or are they just more sensitive than humans to visual, aural, magnetic and other subtle environmental factors and changes - and because we are not aware of these subtleties, their actions seem miraculous
Everything has its own frequency and vibratory level, which is its energetic signature in the Universe. Every crystal, every plant, every animal, every human, and even every disease has its own particular frequency and energetic vibration

• Telepathy - a psychic connection that some pets may have with their owners through connections Sheldrake calls "morphic fields." It is this ability that enables pets to "know" when their owners are on their way home.

• The Sense of Direction - this ability accounts for the "incredible journeys" some animals make to be with their owners, including homing pigeons.

• Premonitions - which may explain why some animals seem to know when earthquakes and other events are about to occur.

What differentiates one form of energy from another is its frequency and rate of vibration. Everything has its own frequency and vibratory level, which is its energetic signature in the Universe. Every crystal, every plant, every animal, every human, and even every disease has its own particular frequency and energetic vibration. Every thought, every feeling and every action also has its own particular frequency and vibration as well. (The vibration is the energy that is emitted by a person, place or thing, and the frequency is the quality of that energy or the particular wavelength that it is resonating at.)

Each species has its own energetic frequency that characterizes it as a whole, then each subset within a species has its own characteristic frequency, then each individual within that subset has its own individual frequency and vibration. For instance, the species of dogs as a whole has its own energetic frequency, but within the species, each particular breed of dog has its own energetic characteristics, and each individual dog has it own personality that has its own frequency. German shepherds tend to share certain energetic qualities that are very different from Chihuahuas, even though they both share energetic frequencies of being in the dog species. The same is true for trees, for instance, a maple tree has a very different energy than a Douglas Fir. A lemon has different energy than a grape or watermelon, even though they are all fruit. The same is also true for crystals - each different mineral type has its own frequency, and the vibration of that energy affects everything around it.

Everything on Earth is interrelated, because everything here is of the earth. We are all made of the same stuff - what truly differentiates humans from plants, animals, water or air is not just small differentials of DNA, but it is rather our level of consciousness and the frequency that we resonate at energetically. Science has demonstrated that nothing is truly solid - everything is composed of atoms with vast amounts of space between them. The more slowly those atoms move or vibrate, the more solid something appears to be, and conversely, the faster those atoms and molecules move and vibrate, the lighter and more etheric or gaseous something is. By speeding up its vibration, we can essentially cause something to disappear or evaporate - heat speeds up molecules and atoms, causing liquid to evaporate into gas.

Dis-ease occurs when energy slows down or gets blocked on the mental, emotional, physical or spiritual level. When our energy vibrates more slowly, it becomes more dense and heavy, creating energy blockages that establish pain, dis-ease, tumors, etc. In order to release these energy blockages, we must increase the vibration so the energy can move and flow freely again. Laughter raises our vibration, which is why laughter is so important!

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