Date: Saturday, 5-Sep-2009 02:33:19 (Thanks, S. :)
You might be onto something, here. :)
Folks, please realize that the Google front page changes often, so there's a chance what S is talking about may not be there, depending on when you're reading this post. :)
Right now the 'crystallinks' entry is further down the search results page.
An article about a bag company in Canada, mentions bidding on a 12,500 piece order for the US State of Ohio. I wonder how many other States are planning on needing additional body bags this fall, and for what??
Story at link:
Added by jose v on September 3, 2009 at 10:09pm —
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September 3, 2009 (LPAC)—Lyndon LaRouche today forcefully warned that any effort to cover up the crimes committed by the Federal Reserve Bank, during the Bush and Obama administrations, will be "tantamount to treason."
LaRouche was responding to reports from reliable sources close to the Obama White House, that the top leadership of the Democratic Party is "desperate" to block any disclosures of the Fed's role in the… Continue
The Chinese government has told Chinese companies they do not have to honor derivates and commodity futures contracts made with Western financial institutions.
This is one of the most important of many nails in the coffin for the soon to implode Federal Reserve Board. The Chinese have every right to renege on those contracts because they were fraudulent. First of all the Feds manipulated the commodities markets to their benefit and to the detriment of the Chinese. They also… Continue
Added by jose v on September 3, 2009 at 11:59am —
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Move over Michelle, watch your backs, Carla and Sarah. There's a new kid on the first lady block, and she looks like upstaging the lot of you.
Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan's Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama, is a lifestyle guru, a macrobiotics enthusiast, an author of cookery books, a retired actress, a divorcee, and a fearless clothes horse for garments of her own creation, including a skirt made from Hawaiian coffee sacks. But… Continue
Added by jose v on September 3, 2009 at 1:45am —
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This was just posted on the Camelot Website; it seems that some major events are going to be going down very SOON.
Keep your eyes open brotha!
From Project Camelot Website:
1 September 2009
? Pete Peterson: Update
We seem to have hit a snag in getting Pete to approve the video interview we did with him now nearly two months ago. Apparently the PTB [Powers That Be] are not entirely happy with the intervew and we… Continue
Apparently, whenever are threats to remove the monetary system they threat against humanity with this swine flu . on the one hand the ligthworkers on Earth work to make thinks better, on the other teachers masters like st germain reveal to us the future and work with good energies for all here. they call energies to the feelings thoughts of all here. looks like something goes to happen here that is going to changed of humanity something that seeded fear in hearts of all, but that is necessary… Continue
Christopher Story has added this to his current article:
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Ix, 17 Uo, 5 Caban
Selamat Balik! We come again to inform you of current events on your world and how your reality is transforming. Everywhere, signs of great change are appearing. Your oceans, atmosphere, and lands are becoming something quite different. The vast increase in energies from the galactic core has begun to affect your Sun as well as each planet's general orbit and composition,… Continue
Added by jose v on September 2, 2009 at 3:35am —
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I am coming forth today with great jubilation. I am so pleased to see the great response to the 9-9-9 event that will be taking place very soon. Lightworkers all over the World are banding together and uniting, for they realize, deep within themselves how important this event is to the raising up… Continue
Added by jose v on September 2, 2009 at 3:14am —
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My dear one, I am Hatonn, and I am here in the stead of St. Germain, for he sent me to answer your call. He will address this at the end of the message, but first he is tending to something that is indeed relevant to your questions that have arisen today. As we wind down to the end of this time on earth, we do so with the full knowledge that something is amiss in the annals of the history of earth. We see that there is a decided reverence… Continue
Added by jose v on September 2, 2009 at 1:20am —
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There is much to cover. We will give somewhat of a diverse message this day, because so much is happening on planet Earth. It is a magical time for humans, for you awaken from the dream not only as an individual, but as a race of spirits pretending to wear a physical bubble of biology. What is taking place is that all humans everywhere are raising their vibrations. Yes, you look around and see the low vibrations on the planet and it is… Continue
July 21, 2009font>p> Typically the average American thinks of their Postal System as a part of, and subservient to, their government. However, the postal system in the United States has a different legal history than one would expect. The Post Office and Judicial Courts were established before the seat of the Government. On Thursday, Sept. 17, 1789 we find written, “Mr. Goodhue, for the committee appointed for the purpose, presented a bill to amend part of the Tonnage…
Greetings! It has been awhile. There is much I would love to tell, but, I cannot at this time, no matter who or how many get upset.
I can tell you that as a result of drastic measures taken, things are HOT, HOT, HOT!!! It appears that Poof has an eyeball on what is going on here as his reports are right on target with what is happening with this transition. Did you notice Poof's statement that people have been "stripped of their… Continue
Here's my best understanding of it all from piecing together bits of the puzzle over time:
First please note, Whistleblower has not been talking about "deliveries" except to question their reality and validity. He's said that if any of the "prosperity programs" were based on "roll trades", it's something he would likely have known about - and if any of them were based on funds of the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, those trades either never got off the ground or else… Continue
Added by jose v on August 31, 2009 at 1:47am —
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George Bush Sr. created a program called "Freedom" for him and his cronies and was able to place this program ahead of the others which was a much smaller program. By placing it ahead of the other programs that had to be delivered before the others they were able to control whether the others were released by only having to prevent the "Freedom" packs from being delivered.
The Farm Claims program packs were to be the trigger for the NESARA announcements that created the changes in… Continue
Added by jose v on August 31, 2009 at 1:42am —
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Basically, I send this out to the lenders just to let them know, I still wait, along with them. There have been specific things accomplished, done and over with. Because of these things, we know the new banking system is already online, waiting for the public announcements that come at the completion of deliveries to the rest of tier 5.
Sometimes you can tell more by who stuck a sock in it, than the daily back and forth that goes on out here. I… Continue
Added by jose v on August 30, 2009 at 8:34pm —
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he Federal Reserve is warning of a "Possible Systemic Risk" to the financial system in the next 5 days if they, the Federal Reserve, have to disclose who they have made emergency loans too.
The Fed is not in the business of disclosing what business practices they conduct. They are a privately owned company / banking cartel. They also wield a lot of power and can literally shut the US financial system down at a flick of a… Continue
Added by jose v on August 30, 2009 at 6:51pm —
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