Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Metatron: So Excitingly Close

through Marlene Swetlishoff , 30th August, 2009

http://www.therainb owscribe. com/august2009me ssages.htm

Beloved Lightworkers,

I am coming forth today with great jubilation. I am so pleased to see the great response to the 9-9-9 event that will be taking place very soon. Lightworkers all over the World are banding together and uniting, for they realize, deep within themselves how important this event is to the raising up of Humanity and the Earth into a higher consciousness, into a higher dimension, and the more of you who band together, who come together during these coming days, the greater effect there will be, the greater anchoring and grounding of the Cosmic Light will come onto the Earth, and as this happens, wonderful magic begins to occur. The great system that used to power the great communications systems of the Earth will be coming more and more online, and this is the most wonderful and exciting happening for we of the Higher Realms who have worked for this for eons of time.

And you it is, you, our ground crew, our ‘front lines’, you it is who are bringing this into manifestation. It is true that there is much that is being done by the Galactic Brothers and Sisters to assist at this time but without you, our ground crew, it could not happen, for your willingness to be the conduits for these energies, to be the Ones who stand in your power and request for these changes to occur. If it were not for those requests, Beloved Ones, we would not be so excitingly close.

You have been reading many channeled messages and there are some discrepancies that are occurring and so, your discernment is necessary, but for the most part I am sure that each of you is beginning to realize, that each of our channels on the Earth plane are being coordinated more and more to validate each other’s messages, so that you, the Lightworkers, know that what is coming forth IS what is occurring.

So I say to you, Beloved Lightworkers, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you, for all the answers are coming forth now and it requires your discernment and your awareness. Each of you have your tasks to perform that adds to the whole picture, each of you are an important link in the Golden thread, the Golden chain of truth that is now manifesting upon the Earth plane. Each of you has your unique skill and talent and energy to give to the World at this time. You will all feel the great energies of inspiration and creativity, if you have not already, you shall.

So be prepared, Dear Ones, for sleepless nights being inspired from On High with great, wonderful new ideas and creativity. Your hearts will be uplifted to the Highest frequency levels that each of you can withstand in safety, grace and ease, and, I might add, total protection. Know that each of you, our Beloved Light Team members on Earth are surrounded constantly by Legions of Angels who are working to ensure that you are always enfolded in the greatest and Highest Light. Walk your Path each day knowing this, Dear Ones, that you are always assisted, that you are always enfolded and protected. That does not mean that you should go where Angels fear to tread foolishly, but it does mean that as you walk your Path each day contributing to the great overall Plan, that you are Loved and protected.

I wish to reiterate that you and each of your Beloved family members and their Beloved family members are part of our Family of Light and are always enfolded in our Love and Light and protection, for we know that our Beloved Lightworkers need to work on their part of the Plan with the greatest ease in their hearts and their minds. Keep in mind that there are many of your family members who are just beginning to Awaken and that your patience and Love will be required. Work from the space of your hearts, Beloved Ones, for this is where each of you will now be functioning. It is from the space of your hearts that you will think and feel and know. Make it a habit to connect into your heart space and to always check in to your heart space whenever your equilibrium is being challenged by the events of the World, for your heart will never steer you wrong, your heart is your Soul, your Higher Self, your Great I AM Presence, speaking to you.

And so this is what I wished to impart to you, Beloved Ones, this day. It is a short message but a joyful and exuberant one. We look forward to great celebrations in the days ahead.

I AM Metatron at your Service.

©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff

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