In my book, The Obergon Chronicles, which I began writing in 1980, I talked about the Quarantine of planet earth.
I am adding this information because of the interview between George Noory and David Wilcock. David talked about the quarantine. His version is different from the quarantine talked about in The Obergon Chronicles.
Page 23.
Terra is a quarantined planet. No one can enter or leave without permission and assistance from the Planetary… Continue
I have often been asked who are the Illuminati? Who are the people at the top of the conspiracy? Who are the generational satanic families? The Illuminati consists of 13 magical and powerful bloodlines. There are also some other powerful bloodlines that are worth naming but if they are in the Illuminati they have blood ties to one of the 13 powerful lineages.
About half of the Illuminati people I know have had their parentage… Continue
Added by jose v on October 8, 2009 at 1:00am —
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Listening to David Wilcock on Coast to Coast with George Noory, gives one the impression that ET disclosure is coming very soon from our government. (See part 4 on youtube )
Here' an interesting story from the NASA website. Looks like something is in the works???
White House to Host Science and Astronomy Night for Students
When the dust settles; Remember: This DEBT OWED TO Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 is due and payable, per contract in :American Gold Dollars, Gold Bullion, Gold Coin and/or Coin of the Realm.
So you see.. what ever you plan on using.. your still stuck with the Old Debt owed to Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087..
Also, The Law of the Land and International Law "prohibits" the Debtor from 'changing debt obligations, or discharging debt… Continue
Added by jose v on October 7, 2009 at 7:47pm —
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It's mid-afternoon Wednesday and WE don't know where the packs are right now or where they went after leaving the Embassy last night.
On the subject of the Embassy, WE hear JAPAN has recalled all Embassy Personnel involved in last nights attempt to sequester the packs there.
WE hear many many countries have learned that all their phones have been "tapped" by U.S. Intell Agencies (NSA,CIA) etc. and they are very upset about it.
We are hearing that George Soros, Heinz (Henry) Kissinger and the other dinosaurs are trying to convince China to merge their currency with the US dollar. This would be a fatal mistake. The Chinese know they are dealing with genocidal, pathological liars. Any Chinese who accepts bribes from these snakes is a traitor to his (or her) people. They will also never be allowed to actually spend any of their bribes because it will be funny money… Continue
Selamat Jarin! We return after a short break with interesting things to discuss. The plans to move several major global governments into their transitional modes are currently being implemented. Of these, the American corporation, run by the dark cabal, constitutes the primary stumbling block to profound global change, but this impediment will quite shortly be unblocked. Then a range of transformative measures immediately go into effect worldwide. These include: the new pro-Basil III banking… Continue
Added by Lisa on October 7, 2009 at 5:27am —
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
12 Muluc, 12 Tzotz, 5 Caban Tuesday, Oct. 6th, 2009
Selamat Jarin! We return after a short break with interesting things to discuss. The plans to move several major global governments into their transitional modes are currently being implemented. Of these, the American corporation, run by the dark cabal, constitutes the primary… Continue
Former Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was killed before he could talk
Former Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was killed because he was getting ready to tell a lot of secrets to the media, according to Japanese underground sources. Nakagawa was the man who, at a recent G8 meeting, appeared “drunk” at an internationally televised press conference. In fact, he was drugged by the Papa Bush/Federal Reserve crime syndicate because he refused to hand over any more… Continue
A traditional Native Story ~ The Story of Two Wolves
the following is a conversation between and elderly grandfather and his grandson:
"Grandson, there are two wolves fighting in my Heart.
One wolf is angry and vindictive and wants to hurt others.
The other wolf
is kind and compassionate and loving."
"Grandfather", replied the anxious grandson,
"which wolf will win the battle of your Heart?"
THE MEADOW by Mike O'Hare and Elfreda Pretorius. Available at most of the usual book outlets, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, Chapters etc. There is a whole new world created when the marketing machine gets into gear. Here's where it's important to get the right image and interest going with the intention of creating a sound or an image that will stick. Of course, once the book has been read, everything changes course and a more subtler approach is… Continue
California has a special place in the American psyche. It is the Golden State: a playground of the rich and famous with perfect weather. It symbolises a lifestyle of sunshine, swimming pools and the Hollywood dream factory.
But the state that was once held up as the epitome of the boundless opportunities of America has collapsed. From its politics to its economy to its environment and way of life, California is like a patient on life support. At… Continue
Added by jose v on October 6, 2009 at 1:19am —
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In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving… Continue
Added by jose v on October 6, 2009 at 12:15am —
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It was a normal night, I was sleeping on a mattress next to my mom's bed.
I think I was kinda awake that night, I started to play with my transformers toys that i kept handy by my bedside.
This particular toy was my favourite, my uncle gave it to me as a present. It was white in colour, a car transformer, and made of solid cast metal, not like the flimsy plastic ones they sell nowadays that break easily.
I was sleeping sideways on my mattress, while my left hand was… Continue
Added by RL on October 5, 2009 at 3:00pm —
Still recovering from a heart operation, Sr. Rosalie remains on a busy schedule. She arrived in New York City from the Mother House of the Sisters of the Grey Nuns near Philadelphia, then spoke at the UN depleted uranium workshop. As arranged, we catch up with Sr. Rosalie the next morning, in her hotel room. We haven't got much time. We set up as fast as we can, pushing lamps and tables around, trying to find the best light. A… Continue