Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


In my book, The Obergon Chronicles, which I began writing in 1980, I talked about the Quarantine of planet earth.

I am adding this information because of the interview between George Noory and David Wilcock. David talked about the quarantine. His version is different from the quarantine talked about in The Obergon Chronicles.

Page 23.

Terra is a quarantined planet. No one can enter or leave without permission and assistance from the Planetary Council.

Page 44

“The Terran natives became little more than work animals for
these Obergonian souls who had twisted their mission and as such
became twisted individuals. But Atalon's negative interference did not stop with just putting an end to the breeding experiment. He needed gold to support the atmosphere for his biosphere on Obergon. This is where his physical Obergonian body stayed while was on Terra. To protect his physical body from the radioactive particles still coming from the collapsed red giant, he enslaved the Terran humans and sent them underground to mine gold for his biosphere. To transport his gold back to Obergon, he made alliances with rogue races that had learned how to get around the quarantine imposed by the Planetary Council.

Page 44

“The Planetary Council was aware of what was happening and
was subtly bringing about a new direction. Egypta was where
Atalon had brought about this altered breeding plan. The King of
Egypta, a human named Xanos, was noble of heart and spirit.
The other half of his soul, Shalma, and he had volunteered to be
the two Terrans who returned the breeding experiment to its
original course. Here is where young Atalon disrupted the Plan
again and caused the Council to close Terra to all unauthorized
visits… even those from the Rogue races. Any rogue who was found
on Terra after the quarantine was imposed was subject to harsh
punishment by the Planetary Council.

This being known, the rogues used their superior technology to create underground cities where they could hide until the quarantine was lifted. Sadly for humans, the rogues did not stay in their underground cities, slowly, very slowly they began to creep to the surface of earth. They liked what they saw and vowed that one day they would control Terra.

Page 95

For those who are not familiar with “Gunther's Group,” aka
Faction Two... It is a group of like-minded individuals, from all around the world, who state that they are working to “restore the original plan” for Earth and the legitimate earth dwellers.

Gunther referred to this group as Faction Two. The original
Faction was referred to as Faction One, or the New World Order. It is made up of the “illegal aliens” who violated the “quarantine” of Planet Earth… aka Terra. These “illegal aliens” along with their “willing slaves” have worked to create a One World government, with them at the top of the pyramid, for eons.

Page 249

The Quarantine of the Planet is Over!
Saturday, 12 June 2004

Today I saw something that can only be called a superhighway home. It is force field that stretches between the earth we know and another body. The other body may be a planet, or a ship. I don't know what it is. I just know that all of you who are reading this came from there. We came to earth together and we have not been able to leave. Once here, we are here until we finish our lessons... all of us are here until all of us finish our lessons.

For a long time now, I have known that our planet is quarantined. I was told that beings on earth have a virus and because of it, no soul is allowed to leave the solar system. What is the virus? It's not physical. It's one that affects the spirit. It's a virus that changes pure souls of light into dark beings who know evil... the knowledge of good and evil... While I am certain evil exists elsewhere in the universes, the kind of evil that exists on earth is so rare that those souls who are infected with it are forced to stay here until they cure themselves.

What I saw today tells me that we have finished our lessons and it is time for us to start going home. Today I knew that souls from our family will be traveling this super highway home for the next 100+ years. Some of us will go early, some of us will stay until all the family members have left earth. We can leave no one behind! I have argued with agents about this quarantine theory of mine. I now realize that I cannot change anyone's belief system. If you don't believe what I am about to say... that's fine. I will not try to change your beliefs, so don't bother trying to make me prove it to you. If what I am about to say doesn't feel right to you... then stop reading. There are a lot of other things on RMN to read... go read them... don't make me waste my time trying to convince you of something that you simply cannot be convinced of until the time is right for you!

With that being said... Here goes:

I come from a group of souls whose planet was destroyed before we finished our development in the material world. Most people who are part of Rumor Mill News (RMN) are also part of my family. After today's revelations, I know that the reason I created RMN was to unite our family.... especially the more advanced ones who have chosen to help the less advanced. It's possible we have some on RMN who are not family members... who are spies from the other side... some who even actively work for the government while pretending to be high, wise and spiritual teachers. RMN also has readers who are soul-friends, but from other worlds... not ours.

250 The Obergon Chronicles

Needless to say... there are NO aliens on earth... because we are ALL alien to earth! Earth has always been a school. It is a wonderful school. It has taught many different kinds of lessons using many different kinds of physical forms. At one point on earth a school for philosophers and mathematicians existed. The bodies that these souls wore were very similar to deer. These souls needed no hands. They were not builders. All they needed were brains that could think... and plentiful food. Once they had learned the lessons of philosophy and mathematics, they began to apply it to all forms of sentient communal life. The philosophy they developed could be compared to the enlightened spiritual teachings of the great masters. Once the phase of communal living in an enlightened state was achieved, these same philosophers and mathematicians had to learn about love. The bodies changed slightly... they still had the body of a deer, four feet... but they also had arms... to hold, and embrace, and gently touch the face of their beloved. They did not look like the centaur of old with its large and clumsy horse like body. They were loving gentle creatures who lived in a world that spanned earth and the spirit realm from which we all come.

As a benefit of living so close to our Origin, these beings had powers above and beyond anything we can even imagine these days.

Their powers were never used for evil because the lesson they were learning was LOVE... All they knew was love... innocent, gentle, sweet, pure LOVE. Love for no other reason than LOVE. However... if you only know love... how can you ever be sure that you will not fall into evil... hate... anger... lust... the seven deadly sins??? How can a soul that has never known anything but love survive in a world where evil, deception, cruelty and pain exist? Can they be certain they will not follow a clever talking evil pied piper, who leads them down a slippery slope of deception into realm of evil that can do permanent damage to their soul, and turn them into a being that can infect others with the same soul aberration that now keeps them quarantined on planet earth. If the story I am telling plucks a chord in you, then please read the links below so you will have more of a foundation on which to build the next chapter.

Is This a Picture of a Soul Catcher?
What is This Strange Dark Cone?
Is It A Soul Catcher At Work?
By Rayelan Allan

The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis on February 8th was one of the most spectacularly beautiful ever. But something strange happened that has NOT been widely reported. A long, dark cone, extending from the shuttle's bright exhaust plume to the full moon near the horizon appeared. Some described it as rainbow-like, and some observers wondered how a dark shadow could possibly extend from one very bright object (the shuttle plume) to another (the full moon).

Several years ago, I had an Instant Message conversation with John Lear. During the conversation he asked me if Gunther had ever told me anything about the buildings and structures on the moon. I answered yes and proceeded to tell him that Gunther had told me about a Moon Base.

He quickly sent back an instant message that asked, “Did he ever tell you about the structure that is a soul catcher?” I was stunned.

Mystifying shuttle shadow
By Boston Globe Staff, 2/27/2001

The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis on Feb. 8, on a mission to the International Space Station, was one of the most spectacularly beautiful ever. Lifting off at 20 minutes after sunset and eight hours before a full moon created spectacular visual effects, best captured in this photo by Pat McCracken of NASA headquarters.

But many people were mystified by the long, dark cone extending from the shuttle's bright exhaust plume to the full moon near the horizon. Some news accounts described it as rainbow-like, and some observers wondered how a dark shadow could possibly extend from one very bright object (the shuttle plume) to another (the full moon).

Gunther had described, in great detail, an ancient structure which was built by extraterrestrials that “shot” souls to earth and “caught” them after their trip to earth was finished. I was amazed that John knew about it.

Gunther told me that his mother was descended from the Hungarian Esterházy family. The Esterházys are best known as the benefactors of Hayden. The Hayden conservatorium is in the old Esterházy castle east of Vienna, Austria near the Hungarian border.

The Esterházys believed they were descended from people who came to earth from the star Sirius. “Ester” means “star,” and “haszy” means either “descended from” or “House of.” In other words, the word “Esterházy” means “House of the Star” or “Descended from the Star.” The Star was the star Sirius.

Gunther told me that the Esterházys believe that their ancestors had to come to earth because their home world was destroyed. He said that original settlers built ships that took volunteers to earth to physically settle and begin to prepare the earth for the later arrivals. He said the main body of souls traveled as a soul group from their home world to the star Sol, the Sun around which the Earth orbited. The soul group resided in the Sun until preparations had been made for the souls to travel to earth. When a soul was ready to individuate in preparation for going to earth, the soul was shot out of the Sun and went to the Moon.

Gunther said that at the time this was going on, the Planetary Federation had a quarantine on the Planet Earth. No one was allowed to interfere in the “breeding experiment” that was going on. When one of the souls from the Sirius Group was ready to travel to earth to reside in a body, the Federation would “shoot” the soul to earth with their “soul shooter” which was on the moon.

When the soul had finished its lessons, there was a “reverse soulshooter” in the Great Pyramid. The body would be placed in a sarcophagus in a mineral brine. Low levels of electricity were sent through the mineral brine. When enough water had evaporated, there was a sudden flash; the body was instantly transmuted into atoms. This string of atoms, to which the soul was still attached, was shot out the “reverse soul-shooter,” through the slanted opening in the pyramid. This was done only when the opening and the moon were aligned. On the way to the moon, everything physical fell away from the soul and it was “caught” by the device on the moon that was set up by the Federation to “shoot” and “catch” the souls that were assigned to earth.

I don't remember much about what John Lear told me about the “soul catcher” that he knew about. What I do remember is that it was being used for a negative purpose rather than the purpose it had been created for. It was catching souls, but it was catching them to enslave them, not as part of the two way transportation method that had been built to gain entry to a quarantined planet. Take a look at the above picture which was taken at the launch of a Space Shuttle. If I had been asked to draw a picture of the “Soul Shooter” on the moon, shooting a soul to the moon, it would have looked just like this! The more I look at the photo, the more I wonder.

If there really is a soul shooter and/or soul catcher, could an exchange of souls have just been made? Could one of the people who was on the shuttle now have a different soul? See Also: John Lear's Disclosure Briefing from the 11.2.03 Art Bell Show.

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Comment by Andy (UK) on October 8, 2009 at 4:11pm
yes you did, spooky
Comment by ian on October 8, 2009 at 12:19pm
Very strange. i just made a post about this woman and her book and when i refreshed the page to see any new posts you made this one.

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