On March 13, 2009, Dan found the date of the J-Rod’s and Orions’ T2 catastrophe event, buried in the words of Chi’el’ah (the J-Rod he met), and in their "Shadow Language." A careful study was conducted, and the date was found to be the likely valid date of the T2 event. Millions, over 10 million worldwide, responded to the call by Eagles Disobey to focus upon Unity for Humanity, during the time of the "Cycles Cross." On March 28, 2009, at 12:00 noon Universal time, a meeting… Continue
US President Barack Obama wriggling to negotiate terms to avoid personal charges of treason and embezzlement
A Washington DC Federal Judge has been bribed and silenced by US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, just before he was to make a treason and embezzlement presentation to a US Grand Jury. The name of the judge is known. Disclosure is imminent. Papers are circulating. On Sunday 19th April 2009, John Glover Roberts, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, sent documented demands to… Continue
Added by jose v on April 21, 2009 at 4:14am —
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Trillions of dollars of AIG, Citibank and Goldman Sachs US dollar counterparty derivatives are sitting in major Japanese and Chinese banks. They expire in May 2009.
Former US Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, guaranteed face value payment on these toxic assets. The Fed does not have the funds to pay them off. The US national bankruptcy is now critical.
US bank JPMorganChase perpetrating global silver fraud
JPMorgan-linked silver mints claim that they have a production capacity of 50,000 ounces a day. They also say that they are backordered from 3-6 months. This is not possible and it is not happening. The "silver" claimed to be held is illusory fiat paper silver. Real silver is very rare, highly desired, and is destined to have its true scarcity and value revealed when the JPMorganChase silver frauds collapse.
Let's review the… Continue
Added by jose v on April 21, 2009 at 4:10am —
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A SPIRITUAL CONSPIRACYOn the surface of the world right now there iswar and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking placeand certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the… Continue
Casper's Updates of the 15th are very revealing to which we must respond.
Our response is below for which we would be grateful if you could post same to fourwinds10.com for everyone to see.
Response Starts Here:-
In Response to Casper’s Update 1,2, and 3 of the 15th April 2009.
Added by jose v on April 20, 2009 at 7:28pm —
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When your constituency is as uninformed as that of the liberals, a scam a day is not really that difficult.
Take the "$2T in budget savings over 10 years" they harp on constantly. They assumed the Iraq surge, at $180B annually, would continue for 10 years for budgeting purposes, then, since the surge has already ended, VIOLA, they just saved $180B X ten years. As Krauthammer pointed out over the weekend, why not assume the $700B bailout to be an annual… Continue
Added by jose v on April 20, 2009 at 6:33pm —
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This update is for everyone of course but most especially for the MESSIAH WORSHIPERS who think their hero walks on water.
The packs, having left Treasury around 6 p.m. last night, were returned to Treasury at midnight on orders of: OBAMA and John Roberts.
Yesterday John Roberts sent paperwork to the World Court demanding immunity for OBAMA and others to try to avoid charges of Embezzlement and Treason. This has been rejected by the Court. He has now threatened the World… Continue
Listen up all you scum and trash out there, OBAMA's EXACT WORDS.
There has been so much going on behind the scenes involving OBAMA (from the Caribbean), The Countries, The World Court and others all weekend WE can't possibly cover all the details but here are the highlights.
A Federal Prosecutor in D.C., not a name you would recognize, was to present evidence of Embezzlement against BEMA and others to a Grand Jury almost immediately.… Continue
It goes without saying does it not, that the Countries willing to accept return of their stolen funds by allowing OBAMA to steal our funds to pay them are no better than those in the U.S. who stole their funds in the first instance.
WE know the Countries involved and the COWARDS who represent them and the amounts missing as well.
Instead of pursuing the D.C. Criminals who stole their assets they are perfectly willing to join with OBAMA in the… Continue
Added by jose v on April 17, 2009 at 8:04pm —
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In Response to Casper’s Update 1,2, and 3 of the 15th April 2009.
Now, I will clearly point out and hope that the people take notice of this, that SOME of the assets you refer to are assets held within several depositories in the United States under Custodian Rules for the Combined International… Continue
Added by jose v on April 16, 2009 at 12:55pm —
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At midnight last night the packs were returned to Treasury on orders of OBAMA.
The Countries missing the Gold and Silver, which is gone, can not be recovered.
A meeting of OBAMA and these Countries took place in the White House last night. Obama told the Countries he will need a couple of days to repay their money and would do so from our accounts. He then showed the Countries our accounts on the computer. The Countries present were very… Continue
Something WE intended to point out Tuesday but had to wait due to intervening matters has to do with OBAMA'S speech Tuesday.
He said "I am aware the American people are upset that trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds are being used to bail out the banks. It is necessary because one dollar of bank recapitalization results in eight or ten dollars invested in the economy".
As Gomer Pyle would say "Surrprise Surrprise Surrprise. "
The countries assets, to the tune of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, are missing. Some countries found that little or no part of their assets remain. Some countries had to serve "warrants" just to see that their reserves are missing.
Now what do you suppose the U.S., acting as custodian for other countries Precious Metals, have done with their assets, their money? Perhaps they should contact Mark Swanson or Alan Babin, surely… Continue