Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It is not necessary to debate or argue who's side OBAMA is on as he has just told you

casper 4-16-09

Another 600K++ lost their jobs in March.

Something WE intended to point out Tuesday but had to wait due to intervening matters has to do with OBAMA'S speech Tuesday.

He said "I am aware the American people are upset that trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds are being used to bail out the banks. It is necessary because one dollar of bank recapitalization results in eight or ten dollars invested in the economy".

This is a clear, concise, accurate and unequivocal description of "fractional banking" and his intent to proceed with this fraudulent finance model which has brought our country to its knees. This is fiat money creation 'out of air' by the banks. For each dollar on deposit they can loan eight or nine dollars which do not actually exist except as book keeping entries. This is a continuation of the Fed Res, fiat currencies, fractional banking, in short-the status quo. It is exactly and precisely what WE have been reporting to you that he is doing. This is the opposite of a new and honest banking system, metals backed currency, Constitutionally correct monetary system, etc. .

It is not necessary to debate or argue who's side OBAMA is on as he has just told you with his own mouth on national television two days ago.


casper 4-16-09

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Comment by Magenta Pixie on April 17, 2009 at 1:32pm
It is not necessary to debate or argue who's side OBAMA is on as he has just told you with his own mouth on national television two days ago.

That depends who is doing the listening!! See David Wilcock's latest article on as he explains everything extremely well.

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