Dear Mr Bellringer,
Casper's Updates of the 15th are very revealing to which we must respond.
Our response is below for which we would be grateful if you could post same to for everyone to see.
Response Starts Here:-
In Response to Casper’s Update 1,2, and 3 of the 15th April 2009.
Now I will clearly point out and hope that the people take notice of this, that SOME of the assets you refer to are assets held within several depositories in the United States under Custodian Rules for the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, of which America on behalf of its people, is the duly authorised Custodian under the duly elected President.
These are assets legal owned by the International Treasury Controller, under Trusts, Foundations, Corporations, and similar, to be used for the benefit of ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD AND THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.
We have been aware that assets of the Collateral Accounts were, and still are being, illegally used and many missing for years, but those involved have turned a deaf ear and denied what YOU AND YOUR SOURCES HAVE JUST EXPOSED. These crooks have continuously referred to the ledger entries only, which show the assets still being present. Amazing just how Official Records can defy all logic, but are we, or anyone else, surprised at that factor.
We have to say Casper that what is being experienced by you and your sources, is very similar to what we have experienced over 15 + years which has been preventing us from fully exercising our duties to the World’s Nations and the people of the World. It is also the main reason why in 1995 the Trilateral, Trillenium, Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) which consisted of America, United Kingdom, and France, were stripped of their power to manage and administer the World’s Wealth, and an independent person (The International Treasury Controller) was appointed by the Nations of the World. It is also the same reason why the operation of the International Treasury Controller has been semi-impotent since 1995, prevented by obstacles, lies, deceit, barriers, deliberate sabotage, etc, mainly by the American Governments of the past, the Federal Reserve, The US Treasury, but no doubt supported by the United Kingdom and France, and maybe other allies.
WELL DONE AND CONGRATULATIONS CASPER, you and your sources have exposed to the whole world what we could not expose because of the International Secrecy Laws which have continuously been rammed in our faces by the very people who have been stealing and plundering these assets. You and your sources probably do not realise that you have performed a great deed for the world and its people, by exposing these facts. THANK YOU CASPER, AND YOUR SOURCES, ON BEHALF OF EVERYONE IN THE WORLD.
Perhaps now the people and countries of the world will start to realise, and ask the relevant questions, as to just what has been going on over many decades and why this world of ours is precariously positioned on the edge of the precipice of total failure, a situation that is gradually leading up to civil unrest, civil wars and possibly even worse.
When the whole world realises the TRUTH, then and only then will the world be free from the tentacles of this despicable monster, and become financially independent, stable, and liberated.
Perhaps we at the International Treasury Control can now exercise our duties to the full in assisting the world and get every economy out of the mess it is in, including America’s economy, and free the world from this fantasy land of “Fiat Currency”, “Radical Capitalism”, “Corruption”, and the “Uni-polar International Financial Operations”. We stand ready and have the world’s wealth (Collateral Accounts) to be able to do this.
CASPER, I and my colleagues applaud YOU AND YOUR SOURCES for the great service you have just performed for the whole world. THANK YOU.
----- Original Message ----
-From: DG
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 3:45 PM
Subject: Questions to Mr. Whistleblower
Dear Patrick:
Please see the following letter to Mr. Whistleblower? If you see use in it, please feel free to post on your site. Please remove my email and name?
April 16, 2009
Dear Mr. Whistleblower:
Please feel free to correct or answer any of the following comments and questions?
Mr. Whistleblower, it appears you are verifying comments by Casper in regards to missing assets? Thanks for keeping the average reader in the loop as it appears that many governments of the world are more concerned about there own pockets being lined than the well being of their people. Thanks again.
The assets in question seem to be gold and silver, according to Casper’s April 16th update. Some assets are from the collateral accounts of the global debt facility. The first logical question is where is the gold? Who stole the gold? If the banks, security house or bonded warehouse did not report a theft (most likely) then there must be a paper trail? I have not heard of any bank heist in the USA in the last 40 years?
Furthermore, since the collateral accounts must be within the Federal Reserve System and their vaults, wouldn’t the Federal Reserve be liable for the missing assets in question? Would it be fair to make a public statement that all US Presidents since Ronald Reagan have participated with the abuse of the assets?
Keeping this letter short. Assuming the gold has not been part of an accounting error on the part of the banks (slight of hand trick, just change title to the gold, it resides in the same spot) is it a coincidence that Benjamin Fulford made a claim that the Chinese Emperor in fact existed and has taken possession of the vast quantity of gold owed to the Dragon clan? This is part of some supposedly secret arrangement between the Federal Reserve and the Dragon clan many years ago? Any basis to these statements? I have my own theory on this, but that is another discussion.
One thing is obvious our government(s) has failed us, nobody authorized these elected officials and Bank Governors to lie to us. As I have said in the past, “Its time for another round of firings, get rid of the bums?”
Thanks for your time.
----- Original Message -----
From: Whistleblower
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:19 AM
Subject: Response to DG Questions
Dear Mr Bellringer,
Thank you once again for forwarding the questions from Mr DG. My response is as follows, which if you desire to post same to fourwinds10, I have no onjection provided Mr D.G. gives his approval.
Response starts here:-
April 16, 2009
Dear Mr. Whistleblower:
Please feel free to correct or answer any of the following comments and questions?
Mr. Whistleblower, it appears you are verifying comments by Casper in regards to missing assets? That is perfectly correct in respect of the assets which are missing that are part of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. We are fully aware that assets deposited in the United States of America, under Custodianship Rules of the numerous International Treaties, are missing, and have in the past been utilized illegally by the US Government, US Federal Reserve, and US Treasury, so Casper’s statements, or those of his sources, are perfectly correct, factual and can be substantiated. Unfortunately, our hands are tied, under the Secrecy rules, from publicly revealing such theft and plunder. In respect of any other assets not part of the Collateral Accounts, Casper's comments do not surprise me at all. Does anyone believe that when criminals are around they are just going to take the family cash. No, they will take everything possible including the family dog if they can prosper from it. Thanks for keeping the average reader in the loop as it appears that many governments of the world are more concerned about there own pockets being lined than the well being of their people. No thanks are needed. We hold a duty to the Nations and People of the World, and we will exercise that duty by whatever means possible, even if it means waiting for others such as Casper and his sources, by their associated actions, to reveal the truth. Thanks again.
The assets in question seem to be gold and silver, according to Casper’s April 16th update. Some assets are from the collateral accounts of the global debt facility. The first logical question is where is the gold? Gold, and / or other metals, do not vaporize. It is there somewhere. It could have been refined with new documents applied, but the Certificate of Ownership and Certificate of Origin would undoubtedly have been forged. On the other hand it could have just been moved and then used as collateral for loans etc. Only a full and intensive investigation will reveal exactly where it is and who has possession of it, and that dear sir is not as difficult as it sounds. Who stole the gold? We have a dam good idea who stole the Gold and other metals, and when one thinks about it that is not too difficult an issue to identify, as the only persons who have full access to assets and such information are the very people who are responsible for the protection of the assets on behalf of the World and its People. Those people’s names or initials have previously been mentioned (justifiably I should add) on fourwinds and many other web sites. They may not be the actual persons who stole the assets, but they are the ones who instigated this and obtained the benefits of same. I can give one instance (Guaranteed to be actual and genuine) involving WJC and his cronies during the 90’s. There are many more. If the banks, security house or bonded warehouse did not report a theft (most likely) then there must be a paper trail? There are definitely Paper Trials as you put it. Everything in this day and age is traceable and Governments are their own worse enemy because there are always paper trials. In addition to that, Gold, like any other metal, has a DNA, which can be traced. You also have to look at the World Bullion Authority and their excellent records. If Gold, or other Precious Metals turn up, which are not on record, then action is implemented straight away. You can not sell or dispose of Gold, or other precious metals without the correct and legitimate documentation, all of which can be verified, even scientifically. Therefore my assessment is that the missing Gold and other metals are stored somewhere and being used as collateral through crooked banksters, whose allegiance is to those who have stolen the gold or other metals. I have not heard of any bank heist in the USA in the last 40 years? Not the ones that the MSM would publicly reveal anyhow. Criminals stick together in such matters. Yes, there is infighting, but that is normal in any form of society. The criminals do not just consist of Government people, but Military, Main Stream Media (MSM), Refineries, Banks, Investment Houses, and more. In fact the very people who have been complicit in the very Financial Crisis that has hit the world with force in the last 2 years.
Furthermore, since the collateral accounts must be within the Federal Reserve System and their vaults, wouldn’t the Federal Reserve be liable for the missing assets in question? No, the Federal Reserve is not directly liable as they are “Holders” only. Liability, under the International Treaties, rests with the King, Queen, President, as the Primary Trustee / Custodian on behalf of the Nation and its people, of any country where assets are deposited. That Liability is automatically transferred to the Nation, its People as the true “Custodians”. Secondary, comes the Banks, Federal Reserve, Investment Houses, and Trusts that are the “Holders” of the assets on behalf of the Custodians, being the Nation and its People. A little complex I agree, but the Responsibility and liability rests with the Primary Custodians, not the Holders, although the Holders are liable to the Custodians. Would it be fair to make a public statement that all US Presidents since Ronald Reagan have participated with the abuse of the assets? Wow, what a statement, but not totally and absolutely correct. Ronald Reagan executed 2 Presidential Decrees authorizing the illegal theft and transfer of assets, by whatever means necessary, by and to the United States on the pretext of the assets being actually owned by the United States, which of course, is a complete fabrication of Fact surrounding the assets and their ownership.
The Iran – Contra Arms Affair (Remember Col Oliver North and Watergate) was one operation that derived from such illegal actions where the truth has never been revealed either publicly or even to Congress. However that was in Nixon’s (37th President) time which was before Reagan’s (40th President) time, which shows that theft and illegal use was happening prior to Ronald Reagan’s era.
The, what is referred to as “The Wanta Funds” is one that directly emanates from the Reagan Decrees, whereby Ambassador Wanta illegally obtained assets of the Collateral Accounts which were utilized within a trade to generate funds. The Funds were used by the US Government to destabilize Russia and bring down Communism. To make this appear legal and above board, the US Government coerced other Governments, namely France {President Mitterand} and the UK {P.M. Margaret Thatcher} to join them in an international arrangement which became known as the Reagan – Mitterand Protocols (Thatcher’s name was never mentioned because she was only a Prime Minister, not Head of State). These protocols were totally illegal as legalization of illegal acts is not and are not possible, even in the International arena.
(Note: These very Nations were the original Administrators and Managers of the Collateral Accounts (1945 – 1995) under the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission, following the introduction of the Bretton Woods Treaty). Their illegal actions were the very reason why the 50 year term of the TTTGC was never extended or reissued, and in 1995 an independent person was appointed by the Nations of the World as International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir and Owner of the Collateral Accounts.
Keeping this letter short. Assuming the gold has not been part of an accounting error on the part of the banks (slight of hand trick, just change title to the gold, it resides in the same spot) These assets would be held “Off Balance Sheet” of the Holding Banks and other Institutions because they are on Balance Sheet within the Federal Reserve, BIS, Swiss National Bank, etc. so there can be no accounting error on the part of the Banks. That is what makes it very easy for these banks and other institutions to use the assets without authority, without anything being seen or questioned. To steal or move the assets would not be shown of the Balance Sheets of any Banks. The current Financial Crisis is not just about Balance Sheet Asset Values, CDO’S CDS’s etc. A very large part of the problem emanates from the illegal use of assets of the Collateral Accounts by the Banks and Government, with their spectacular and fantasy financial operations ( amounting to approximately $3 quadrillion USD in value) for which they have been caught with their pants down, but whom are placing the responsibility firmly on the shoulders of the Taxpayer. is it a coincidence that Benjamin Fulford made a claim that the Chinese Emperor in fact existed and has taken possession of the vast quantity of gold owed to the Dragon clan? Slight confusion here. I am assuming the “Dragon Clan” refers to the “Dragon Funds” which in fact is held in Japan, not China as suggested. We know of no other “Dragon Clan” where the assets of the Collateral Accounts are held under Custodianship. In fact the assets of the Chinese Emperor and Family, are part of the Collateral Accounts, some of which are held in Japan (Dragon Funds) under Custodian Rules. As far as we are aware, what remains of the Chinese Emperor’s Family, reside in Taiwan and America. If, they are still part of this system, which I am not going to reveal publicly whether they are or are not, then they are custodians only on behalf of the Collateral Accounts, and hold a responsibility to ensure that the assets under their Custodian jurisdiction are safe and secure. These assets are not owned by the Emperor or his Family, and therefore if the “Dragon Clan” has taken possession of Gold owed to the “Dragon Clan”, then legally it is Gold taken into possession by the “Dragon Clan” on behalf of the Collateral Accounts, not on behalf of the Family as suggested by Fulford. This is part of some supposedly secret arrangement between the Federal Reserve and the Dragon clan many years ago? Secret to a point. Certificates were issued through (The word “through” is a very prominent factor here) various international banks, against the Gold assets of China and many other families. Those certificates can only be “called” if there is a doubt that the assets are being misused, plundered, stolen, or whose safe and secure depository is held to be jeopardized (Note: Gold Certificates hold a maximum 30 year term only after which they are invalid). Obviously, there is a strong feeling that those assets have been, or are, jeopardized and therefore a demand for the return and relocation of depository has been made by the Trustees / Custodians in order to protect the assets from any further abuse, or similar, that are jeopardizing the assets and the legal use thereof. There is a lot more to this than what I can explain publicly, except to say that the “Dragon Clan” hold the legal right, as Trustees / Custodians, to attend to this matter on behalf of the Collateral Accounts. If they decide that the assets are, or have been jeopardized, then it is their legal duty to act accordingly to protect the assets. Any basis to these statements? I have my own theory on this, but that is another discussion. It would be interesting to know what your own theory is on this.
One thing is obvious our government(s) has failed us, Absolutely, but you need to be more definitive when you state “Our Government(s)”. Not every Government in the world is as crooked and deceitful as the few that are responsible. nobody authorized these elected officials and Bank Governors to lie to us. No, agreed, but they do and it is a trait of Governments / Politicians generally. If not lies, then their wording is such that can be interpreted in several ways depending upon individual perceptions, so there is always a way out for them by saying that they haven’t lied but it is what you, or any other person has interpreted or perceived in what they said. That unfortunately is Politicians. People say Lawyers are Liars, but Politicians are much better at it than any Lawyer. As I have said in the past, “Its time for another round of firings, get rid of the bums?” Politicians (Bankers can also be placed into this cocoon) no longer have allegiance to the people who voted them into power, or in respect of Bankers, to the people who are their clients. There is no social responsibility are more, its just “Bottom Lines and Personal Fortunes”, “Selfishness”, and “Greed”. A very prominent point here that was revealed in the Financial Times just a few weeks ago. Are you aware that neither Politicians nor Bankers are required, in law, to have specific and applicable qualifications. Yes, they can hold an MBA, a Doctorate, or similar, or nothing at all, but holding such a qualification doesn’t mean that you can perform your duties in a proper professional manner to those whom you are responsible to. A Plumber or Electrician has to hold an applicable industry qualification before they can act as a Plumber / Electrician, but a Politician / Banker does not ………. Strange situation …………. Know of any qualified criminal currently serving time who might be interested in such positions, or a few Cashiers at the local Supermarket, as we all stand as much chance with such people, as against the current Band of Thugs and Criminals that exist in many Governments and Bureaucracies.
Thanks for your time. No problem. I have time on my hands, lying in a hospital bed at the moment, in quite a bit of pain, but bored out of my head.
Doctor’s about to do his round and he will reprimand me for working, so I’ll just inform him that it will help my recovery by being positive and active. Then I’ll just tell him, as usual, to check my chart and records to ensure he is doing his job properly and pass onto the next patient. Smiles all round, but I bet he prescribes some sleeping medication for me soon, just to keep me quite.
Apologies for the little comic relief at the end. Must keep my sanity in this place.
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