US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has unveiled his long-awaited plan to put the US banking system back in order. In doing so, he has refused to tell the ‘dirty little secret’ of the present financial crisis. By refusing to do so, he is trying to save de facto bankrupt US banks that threaten to bring the entire global system down in a new more devastating phase of wealth destruction.
The Geithner Plan, his so-called Public-Private Partnership Investment Program or PPPIP,… Continue
As should no longer be a surprise to anyone, the G20 is due to start in a scant few hours here in London. As a resident that has seen the Tube bombings, the many scares and the frequent outbreaks of disorderly conduct, I feel I am uniquely placed to observe that which will unfold.
Let me begin by saying I am not afraid.
A great many residents though are very scared right now. In a city of ten million with tensions bubbling beneath the surface, a… Continue
No sooner than right after posting the blog about todays date, 3 /30 / 2009 = 33 11, I sit down to make some calls, and I see a pile of papers off to the side that I'm going to throw out, and on top of this pile a big 33 ($33, EXACTLY, special on their services), sits staring at me from a flyer from Time Warner Cable.
This part is shivery spooky...
At THAT EXACT MOMENT.....................................I WAS ON THE PHONE............WITH TIME/WARNER CABLE!
Can you tell me what are the positive benefits of joining a group of like minded people or a spiritual community of some kind?
The individuals who do this will have embraced the collective as one within the physical incarnation.
Between them they create a telepathic connection and the alignment between them, when vibrating as one conscious being of love, shall be a portal for them to attain multi dimensional travel and hyperspace – innerspace connections.
The heart… Continue
Florida witnesses reported nine UFO incidents over 12 days, including one triangular-shaped low fly, one large UFO followed by three smaller ones, a spherical object moving below a passenger jet, bright spirals of light, and four reports of multiple orange lights in the sky.
A March 23 report included details that a UFO in a triangle shape with eight lights was low flying near the witness.
On March 12, one very large UFO with three… Continue
Added by jose v on March 28, 2009 at 1:30am —
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Breaking News: Barack Obama prepares for UFO arrival, open alien contact
Michael Cohen
All News Web recently received a series of brief emails from some-one who claimed to have worked in the Pentagon within the DARPA agency on a project that involved collaborating closely with both NASA’s Ames Research Center and SETI. The person who has identified herself as ‘Tina’ has provided us with a number of scanned documents that back the… Continue
A report issued by the National Research Council (NRC) in January 2009 has warned of the far reaching consequences of a solar storm hitting the Earth as the sun becomes more active during solar cycle 24 which began in 2008 and peaks around 2012. A March 23 article in the New Scientist discussed the significance of the NRC report which details how a solar storm could wipe out the electrical power grid causing massive disruption in the U.S. and around the planet. The impact of the plasma energy… Continue
You have the ability to make a positive difference in the world. This has been a roller-coaster time of miracles and challenges. It seems as though these extreme experiences are being used to wake Humanity up at warp speed. No matter how hard people may try, their I AM Presence is not allowing them to push the snooze button in order to go back to sleep. It is time for people everywhere to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious moment.… Continue
Added by jose v on March 27, 2009 at 1:34am —
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Be of Good Cheer! All is not lost! Creator God Aton’s Plan is not going down in ignominious defeat. Casper’s latest Update seems to spell gloom and doom, as the games by the Darkside seem to go on without end. Satan’s minions are under his orders to never quit, but to destroy as much as they can, and take as many souled beings as possible with them into the void.
It would appear that the Illuminati have won every skirmish and pitched battle against our… Continue
Added by jose v on March 27, 2009 at 12:43am —
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In a perfect world, the stock market would decline another 70 or 80 percent along with the shuttering of about that fraction of our nation’s banks. Yes, unemployment would rise as hundreds of thousands of formerly well-paid brokers and bankers lost their jobs; but at least they would no longer be extracting wealth at our expense.… Continue
A group of financial wizards looked into their crystal ball Tuesday and saw some good news.
The recession will ease by the end of this year and companies will begin adding workers, signaling the end of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.
It was the 64th day of the Obama administration and Chicago-based Dow Jones Indexes assembled a group of financial experts to assess the impact of government actions, whether they will work to stem the recession and… Continue
1) Never build a house or temple starting with the roof. It doesn't work unless aliens with flying saucers come over to beam it up.
2) Carefully choose location: If you build up on shit, no matter how many coats of fresh paint you'll put on the walls, they'll still stink like shit and the foundations will always crumble and rot.
3) In case of problems — the architect is sole responsible. He designed the project.
i just read an interview with him , this man seem to have not a single message of hope and he seem to enjoy and laughing about this glogal ecconomic collapse damn this man said awfull things and he is enjoy this doom and gloom worstcase scenario i am rarely vulgar but f##ck him and he can kiss my ass