Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mark Baker's Blog – August 2009 Archive (5)

The Secret is to Shift your Intent

OK, while I could and others have written volumes about the subject below, I am putting keys to document primarily to offer the title of this post as an easy (and catchy?) synopsis of what we all need to be working towards at this point in Humanity's existence. So, to be brief, I will comment on "The Secret", The Shift, and Intent.

The Secret

The easiest way I can think to describe "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne, is to call it a new New Age secular work. To quote the Wikipedia… Continue

Added by Mark Baker on August 22, 2009 at 8:46pm — 1 Comment

Its All About INTENT

I submit for consideration the writings of Robert Anthony, Ph.D., from the article "The Secret of Doing Without Doing" at

The one line that resonates the most for me is "It is not your action that makes things happen, it is your intent."

The word "Intent" seems to be THE keyword among the writing of those seeking ascension, enlightenment, etc. as of late. The word came into my mind earlier this year to describe part of my own focus on the… Continue

Added by Mark Baker on August 12, 2009 at 5:55pm — 1 Comment

Know Your Options

Greetings all, I hope that you are doing well in these chaotic but exciting times.

I feel compelled to write about some on the concerns that have been voiced recently, regarding the nature of the messages and discussions I have seen in internet groups.

There is much talk about messages, channel or otherwise, being based in Fear. I would offer that this is due to the fact they are only being viewed through the subjective and narrow filter of Love.

From monitoring several… Continue

Added by Mark Baker on August 12, 2009 at 5:54pm — 2 Comments

The "Grounded" Crew


I've always been bothered by the phrase "down to Earth". Since I was young, I have never used it in a positive way, and I have always taken it as an insult (usually quietly) when directly towards me. It is the perfect verbal summation of all the limitations and problems that I see on this planet and with Humanity. However, I feel there is a difference between being "earthbound" and "of the ground". It is not correct to blame the planet Earth for anything. Humanity, perhaps… Continue

Added by Mark Baker on August 12, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Geopathic Stress

For your consideration, I feel compelled to post a cautionary entry about what is called Geopathic Stress. By way of an extremely simple definition, this is the affect of energetic forces generated by the planet on the lifeforms that reside on it. While there are detectable physical effects this phenomenon can have on a person, it is also held that there are "mental/spiritual" effects that may occur. I firmly believe that the seeming increase in random mass acts of unprovoked violence by… Continue

Added by Mark Baker on August 11, 2009 at 6:03pm — 1 Comment

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