Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

June 2023 Blog Posts (301)

Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time

Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time

Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)

Machiventa Melchizedek

are the teachers

Received by George Barnard

Bzutu: “We are here for no other purpose but to inspire you. The action, truly, is up to you. In some circumstances you will find your efforts will account for… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 7:34pm — No Comments

Using Telepathy to Communicate with E.T.s

Using Telepathy to Communicate with E.T.s

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

We are beyond the point where we need to have language to communicate. We don’t need to use words and sentences to convey an idea, a thought or a feeling, and yet we do communicate with others all the time by sending energy, by vibrating at a frequency… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 7:22pm — No Comments

A Vision for an End to Domestic Violence

A Vision for an End to Domestic Violence

The Vision Alignment Project

A friend and I have been praying for an end to domestic violence and would like to share the enclosed Intention with you:

We are seeing an end to all domestic violence; an end to any and all violence and abuse of… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 7:20pm — No Comments

You Have Waited for this Time

You Have Waited for this Time

Message from Jeshua

Channel: Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends,

I salute you from the heart. I am Jeshua, and I am in the midst of this circle and personally greet you all. I admire you for who you are, for the courage it took to again be here on Earth. You are my fellow… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 6:23pm — No Comments

Become the Master of the Dream

Become the Master of the Dream

By Ramona Lappin

We’re all mere actors on a stage played by Source here. That to me is the greater Cosmic Joke! It’s a happening. We’re not in control here. All we can do is


The Magician!


All we… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Where is God?

Where is God?

By Source Creator

Channel: Victoria Cochrane

Imagine a place where everything just is. There are no people, no things, no duality and no judgement. In this place there is only light and the only feeling that exists is peace. Nothing you can do or say, absolutely nothing at all, is wrong and there is never any judgement. In this… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 2:21pm — No Comments

The US Corporation did go bankrupt, what we are watching now is corporate BS

The US Corporation did go bankrupt, what we are watching now is corporate BS

FULL Report

by Benjamin Fulford

The US Corporation really did go bankrupt earlier this month and what we have been watching on our so-called news is corporate theatrical performances. The evidence for this is… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 1:23am — No Comments

A World That Works for Everyone IS the Plan

A World That Works for Everyone IS the Plan

By Steve Beckow

Just to give you some ideas for your own humanitarian philanthropy, everything I do is based on the idea that a world that works for everyone is not only possible but inevitable, because it is in the Mother’s Plan.

That’s… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 15, 2023 at 12:53am — No Comments

The Brightest Light

The Brightest Lights

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Take heed; you may find yourself in not-so-good situations, surrounded by people you may not usually associate with and wonder, “How in the world did I get here?!”

The Universe would like to remind you that it will, on occasion, put its brightest… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 4:52pm — No Comments

Learn the Art of Objective Assessment

Learn the Art of Objective Assessment

Ophelius is the teacher

Received by Chris Maurus

Teacher Ophelius: “Today, dear One, we would like to speak about the importance of maintaining a healthy mental demeanor and physical vitality as a way to protect and build your spiritual nature, which directly… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 4:39pm — No Comments

Thrive w/Help from Sirius, Andromeda & the Pleiades

Thrive w/Help from Sirius, Andromeda & the Pleiades

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

We have observed many civilizations throughout this galaxy and even this universe, because we are fascinated by physical life, and we enjoy so much watching you come to the conclusions that you… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 4:36pm — No Comments

Edward Snowden On Artificial Intelligence & "When The Machines Take Over"

Edward Snowden On Artificial Intelligence & "When The Machines Take Over"

By Arjun Walia

The Pulse

Former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shares his thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and what it might mean for the future of humanity.

For decades people believed mass surveillance and big data… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 4:19pm — No Comments

Our Path to a New World

Our Path to a New World

By Aluna Joy

Since the full moon on *June 3rd, we have entered some very strong detox energy. I am not referring to a physical detox. I am referring to an emotional and a literal detox of our collective consciousness. We are in a hall of mirrors and we cannot escape facing all the illusions that are still… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 10:50am — No Comments

Setting the Record Straight

Setting the Record Straight

Message from Yeshua and Shoshanna

Channel: James McConnell

I am Yeshua. I come to be with you at this time as a request to this one that I speak through to be able to share a message. A message that has been long in coming, which has been shared through others previously, but never through… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 10:33am — No Comments

Rebuilding Chronicle

Rebuilding Chronicle

From 3D To 4D And 5D

By Lev

For a lot of reasons, and first of all, to protect the ground team, Co-Creator don’t disclose ALL their ops that they and Lightwarriors carry out non-stop 24/7 on Earth, in Solar System and Local Universe.

Precautions are fully justified, as Darks, their System and… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 2:03am — No Comments

Top Doctor: ‘There Is No Question That Shedding Is a Real Thing’

Top Doctor: ‘There Is No Question That Shedding Is a Real Thing’

By Adan Salazar

Accomplished physician, researcher and educator Dr. Paul Marik warned avoiding the experimental Covid-19 injection may not be enough to stop dangerous spike proteins from infecting a person, as they are easily… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 1:45am — No Comments

JPMorgan Agrees To $290 Million Settlement With Epstein Victims As Top Exec Still Faces Flak

JPMorgan Agrees To $290 Million Settlement With Epstein Victims As Top Exec Still Faces Flak

JPMorgan has reached “an agreement in principle” to settle a proposed class action suit filed by “Jane Doe” – an unnamed victim of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, for $290 million – a sum which both parties agreed not to disclose until it’s included in a court filing next… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 1:30am — No Comments

Every Soul Chooses Own Way

Every Soul Chooses Own Way

By Peter B Meyer

Regulate and Obstruct

Government is the problem, not the solution. After more than 15 years of dragging and deepening recession, it is time to change course. In a democracy, governments are elected by the people to serve them, but not to play authoritarian… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 1:23am — No Comments

Governments Embrace Digital Identity Register, Foreigner ID Cards and Bank Partnerships

Governments Embrace Digital Identity Register, Foreigner ID Cards and Bank Partnerships

From Luxemburg and Estonia to South Africa and Vietnam, governments across the world are rolling out digital IDs, sometimes but not always in… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 1:03am — No Comments

Why Can’t I Hear Spirit More Clearly?

Why Can’t I Hear Spirit More Clearly?

By Sanhia

Channel Michael Hersey

When you have a situation where you think you might want to have outside support – from Me or from somewhere else – what would happen if you instead go to your own inner guidance? Some people say that the response isn’t as… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 14, 2023 at 12:58am — No Comments

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