Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
Machiventa Melchizedek
are the teachers
Received by George Barnard
Bzutu: “We are here for no other purpose but to inspire you. The action, truly, is up to you. In some circumstances you will find your efforts will account for naught, for they will amount to your trying to hold back the tide. Good luck, my human brother, let not the rogue kingtide sweep you away.”
George: “You are fully capable of sweeping away the thoughtforms and sundry borderland packets that so severely impact otherwise talented receivers. We’re in a swamp of misinformation these days and there’s nothing (coming) from you to make me feel any better. I remind you of midwayer/human partnership agreements.
Machiventa: “This is Machiventa. You may well call your Midwayer friends your brothers and sisters, yet they are ministering spirits that are no longer partners in your physical adventures. They have been your Teachers at a most basic level, but no more. (see note below)...+
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