Saviors Of Earth

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Jose v's Blog – May 2011 Archive (18)

Can You Keep A Secret ?

Added by jose v on May 31, 2011 at 12:20pm — No Comments

the greatest revelation mankind will ever come to be aware of?

Egypt Uncovered - Richard Gabriel Welcome's you to the Giza Geomatrix

How does one even start to write an article that introduces the greatest revelation mankind will ever come to be aware of?

I suppose exactly in the way this article starts. For that is precisely the subject I would like to introduce. The people I am about to discuss will likely be remembered down the centuries.…


Added by jose v on May 31, 2011 at 2:00am — 2 Comments

Benjamin Fulford Latest Blurb: Saudi Arabia invasion set for summer, BIS to be nuked, Chaos continues

A Western military invasion of Saudi Arabia’s oil-fields is scheduled for this

summer, according to CIA and MI6 sources. The aim of this invasion will be to

try to grab control of the world’s oil supplies and simultaneously provoke

Pakistan and then China into starting a World War, the sources say. Meanwhile,

Western intelligence officials say that “Al-Qaeda” is planning to hit the

headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland



Added by jose v on May 31, 2011 at 12:00am — No Comments

Staged Alien Invasion Date Revealed

Staged Alien Invasion Date Revealed

An advance warning of the next global event of desolation, an Evil Alien Invasion, to begin on September 9, 2011. We can change the outcome. And we should.


Added by jose v on May 30, 2011 at 12:53am — No Comments

Scientists Now Admit Sunlight Can Prevent Skin Cancer!

Scientists reverse stance on sun and cancer: Now they admit sunlight can

prevent skin cancer

Since the 1980s, physicians and cancer groups have regularly warned the

public against the potential health dangers of direct sunlight on skin. As a

result, many people have stayed out of the sunlight completely, covered their

limbs even in warm…


Added by jose v on May 29, 2011 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Pepsi Uses Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Enhancers

Pepsi Uses Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Enhancers

'Scores of prolife groups are calling for a public boycott of food giant, PepsiCo, due to its partnership with Senomyx, a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells in the research and development of artificial…


Added by jose v on May 29, 2011 at 5:20pm — 3 Comments

Do you think you have a fair chance in life? , Think again.

The Meritocracy

Party campaigns to replace democracy with meritocracy. Democracy has become the

single biggest obstacle to the rise of the most meritorious. In the USA, no

matter your talents, you cannot become President unless you have access to vast

wealth to fund your campaign. In Great Britain, social mobility - the

opportunity to improve your social standing - has gone into reverse. If you are…


Added by jose v on May 29, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

6 days 6 hours and 6 minutes to evacuate as far as they can....Hastings, UK

"PEOPLE  IN HASTING IS WARNED" Why do the Rothschilds want to detonate a nuclear  weapon in Europe, and what do they hope to gain ?


I have just received a message coming directly from the new Al Qaeda number one that the intended target

for a... nuclear attack will be Hastings in the U.K. The people of Hastings must be warned that they need not

be the sacrificial lambs in this game and have 6 days 6 hours and 6 minutes to evacuate as far as they…


Added by jose v on May 28, 2011 at 12:54pm — 16 Comments

Why Children Are "Taken" - Montague’s Message for Sunday, 22nd May 2011

Source: The Montague Keen Foundation

Dedicated To Love, Truth, and Simplicity


Message for Sunday, 22nd May 2011


Every day the Great Conspiracy becomes more obvious as people wake up and see the truth that was right there in front of their eyes.

But in their hypnotic state they could not see it.



Added by jose v on May 25, 2011 at 11:12pm — 1 Comment

Benjamin Fulford, May 23, 2011…The White Dragon Foundation is set to officially start operations on June 1st

The White Dragon Foundation is set to become a functioning legal entity on June 1st, according to the lawyer who is handling the application with the Japanese government. The principle philosophy of the foundation will be to maximize both the amount and variety of life on earth and in the universe.

Once the foundation is set up, it will solicit donations from individual and institutional investors for the purpose of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. There are…


Added by jose v on May 25, 2011 at 11:45am — 1 Comment

Comment by David Wilcock on Ben Fulford’s Latest (5-23) Article…

My goal is to decrease the pain and suffering we have to go through to get to the peaceful, evolved, loving world that awaits us.

- David

So here is David’s comment on Ben’s 5-23-11 article.


Nice to hear that…


Added by jose v on May 25, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments


Spanish Revolution Has Begun, "Arab Spring" Spreads to the West

Vatic Note: The big question is "Has this revolution been started by the Black Ops like the Israeli,…


Added by jose v on May 24, 2011 at 1:18am — No Comments


ALERT: HAARP Active reported in the Vatic "Watch" yesterday had a Purpose.

ALERT: HAARP Active reported in the Vatic "Watch" yesterday had a…


Added by jose v on May 24, 2011 at 1:05am — No Comments

73,846 Soldiers Dead from Both Gulf Wars- How They Manipulated the Numbers to Fool You

73,846 Soldiers Dead from Both Gulf Wars- How They Manipulated the Numbers to Fool You



Added by jose v on May 23, 2011 at 6:43pm — 1 Comment

The Christ Has Returned

The Christ Has Returned
This is an informational website authorized by The Holy and Apostolic Order of the Temple. We are the apostolic line of Templar Knights who have been bestowed the highest honor, to work directly in the service of our Sovereign… Continue

Added by jose v on May 22, 2011 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

Looks like National Geographic is doing their part to stoke the "False Flag Alien Invasion"

When Aliens Attack | National Geographic Channel

Looks like National Geographic is doing their part to stoke the "False Flag Alien Invasion" scenario.... This Sunday, May 22, at 8pm on the National Geograhic channel...

Added by jose v on May 20, 2011 at 4:47am — 2 Comments

The Keahak Energy Supporters Registration

The Keahak™ Project

June 2011May 2012


The Keahak Energy Supporters Registration…


Added by jose v on May 11, 2011 at 1:30am — 8 Comments

New Madrid fault line attack underway, 15 nuclear reactors targeted

The “once in 500 year” flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources. The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail…


Added by jose v on May 10, 2011 at 11:48am — No Comments

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