The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Source: The Montague Keen Foundation
Dedicated To Love, Truth, and Simplicity
Message for Sunday, 22nd May 2011
Every day the Great Conspiracy becomes more obvious as people wake up and see the truth that was right there in front of their eyes.
But in their hypnotic state they could not see it.
The conspirators were so confident that you would never wake up that they never bothered to hide anything; in fact, it was a source of amusement to them, how the stupid Goyim believed everything that was placed before them.
They gave their trust, even though it was blatantly obvious that they were being complicit in their own destruction.
The people who "lead" you are specially chosen and groomed to act as front men; to convince you that they have your best interests at heart so that you trust them and become like sheep going to the slaughter.
We in Spirit are spreading the Light - opening eyes and understanding to show what is being done.
The scientists who are involved in the destruction of human life will be exposed.
They are responsible for the airplanes, whose only purpose is to destroy the air you breathe and the land, so that the crops that you are dependent on for your existence are contaminated.
Their plans are so evil that it's difficult for normal human beings to believe that those in a position of power could be so evil.
Yes, I know that I'm going over old ground, but there are new people coming on board all the time and we must ensure that they get the message:
nothing is as it seems.
Everything will happen when the timing is right.
It is time to prepare. Every life is precious.
This needless killing must stop — there is never a reason for war.
There is much coming to light now about the brainwashing of children who are "taken".
They are trained by governments to surreptitiously enter countries to assassinate people.
This needs to be exposed. Thousands of children go missing each year.
They are turned into robots, in order to carry out the orders of those who train them, without question.
They obey instantly the demands of their handlers.
This is happening and being hidden by your governments.
You only see what happens over ground, but there are vast areas under ground that are kept hidden from you.
Your taxes pay the Illuminati so that they can live in luxury while so many have neither food nor shelter.
This will change. The whole structure of life on Earth will change completely.
You will learn to live comfortably with your
(end snip)
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