Pepsi Uses Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Enhancers
'Scores of prolife groups are calling for a public boycott of food giant, PepsiCo, due to its partnership with Senomyx, a biotech company that uses
aborted fetal cells in the research and development of artificial flavor
LifeSiteNews previously reported on Senomyx’s partnership with major food corporations, most notably PepsiCo, Kraft Foods, and Nestlé. Pro-life watchdog
group, Children of God for Life (CGL), is now joined by major pro-life
organizations calling upon the public to target PepsiCo in a boycott.
Pepsi is funding the research and development, and paying royalties to Senomyx, which uses HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney cells) to produce flavor
enhancers for Pepsi beverages.'
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