The founder of CSETI, Disclosure Project and The Orion Project has had the most amazing life regarding the extraterrestrial presense on Earth since he was a young boy. I've met him on several occasions and have been there on some these CSETI expeditions which are quite amazing. These conversations will explain a lot. Enjoy the enlightenment. Namaste dear one. Love & Light…
Added by Virgo™ I am GOD. on February 1, 2009 at 2:27pm —
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Things that just bug me sometimes is that most these of kind of ET'S races is that they seem to put all us in the same basket from their perspective we are all like barbarians and a savage race! gimme a break not all human are the same, seem like some of them are kind of pretencious! and if most ETS make us equal as them as them they will not pass this judgement! i have an hard time to understand them sometimes i don't try to judge them or nothing like that but it's just that its a small thing…
Added by Martin on February 1, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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Here I Am
Bright lights; little stage
Adrinaline flowing through my veins
The band performing
Announcement made
here I am.
To the stage I walk
Closer I get the more I shake
But…Here I am
To my song
The music begins
Here I am
It doesn’t want to
My voice comes out
Here I am
On stage I sing
But in spanish
Here I am
Labamba-only song
This one I share with that band
Here I…
Added by Jamie Bonanno on February 1, 2009 at 9:41am —
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Synthesizer Re-tuning to the Perfect Circle of Sound:
Researching the Sound of LOVE - 528HZ Cymoglype by John Stuart Reid
A Preliminary Study with Implications for BioEnergetic Healing
Here are two tutorials for professional keyboard players to re-tune from the standard A=440Hz tuning, to 528Hz–LOVE tuning. You will be amazed, possibly even shocked, to learn how A=440 was precisely selected to spiritually suppress you to the max; and why retuning now to LOVE, shall deliver…
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 3:45am —
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High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information will bring the following changes in 2009:
The Bush-Cheney-Clinton-Obama political clique will be removed from American public life permanently. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. Decisive announcements to this effect may be broadcast as early as January 2009. Obama, like President George Bush Jnr before him, was illegally and…
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 3:25am —
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An alternative security reading was that the horse's head was placed in the President’s bed on the instructions of Russian intelligence. Russia, like China, is one of the major countries which wants immediate release of The Wanta Plan Funds and the NESARA global prosperity funds.
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 3:14am —
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The first 100 days of an Obama administration promise a number of bold initiatives aiming to reinvigorate the U.S. economy and restore America’s international image. Key personnel in the Obama administration have been appointed to implement and ensure the success of such initiatives. Among these initiatives is the anticipated release of classified technologies based on antigravity propulsion principles that can revolutionize the energy and aerospace industries. Obama’s National Security…
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 1:32am —
Newly confirmed Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has long had an interest in UFOs and the existence of extraterrestrial life. She was given an informal briefing in August 1995 by billionaire philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller, on the best available UFO evidence. An August 4, 1995, memo by President Clinton’s Science Advisor, Dr Jack Gibbons, confirmed that the Clintons would be vacationing with Rockefeller at his Teton Ranch in Wyoming that summer, and they would discuss…
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 1:28am —
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Japanese industry is re-equipping itself to develop new technologies which have been suppressed by US and European vested interests for decades
But until the corrupt Liberal Democratic regime of Prime Minister Taro Aso is ousted from power in September 2009, the Japanese economy is likely to remain in freefall
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 1:23am —
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People power mobilises across the planet; corrupt governments and bent banksters face rising storm of street protests
A photograph from Paris (France) 29.01.09 - Give back the dough! And another here. Geneva (Switzerland) 31.01.09 here and here. Promahonas (Greece) 28.01.09 here and here. Lindsey (UK) 30.01.09 here and here. Bangkok (Thailand) 31.01.09 here and here. Antananarivo (Madagascar) 27.01.09 here and here. Moscow (Russia) 31.01.09 here. Krasnoyarsk (Russia) 21.12.08 here.…
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 1:19am —
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US covert operations and the terrorist attacks on 11th September 2001
On 9-11, three hijacked airliners hit three separate buildings with such precision and skill that many observers believe that the flights were controlled by something other than the poorly trained hijackers in the cockpits. Not only were the buildings themselves targets, but specific offices within each building were designated targets. These offices held information which, if exposed, would have released a national…
Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 1:12am —
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Added by jose v on February 1, 2009 at 12:58am —
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