Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

David's Blog (7)

Dancing colours.

Today I was chanting.. it was kind of dark in the room only had two candles lit.. I got more relaxed than ever..

after a while when I was looking at my wall, I started seeing these dancing colours... it was wonderful.. Purple and green together... all the time my hearth was really beating faster and faster and I was so tired after that so I couldn't continue very much longer...

After I quit I drank some water I sat dow and just closed my eyes... While I was drinking I saw some strange… Continue

Added by David on January 21, 2009 at 12:41pm — No Comments

LIGHTEN UP MY DEAR FRIENDS!!! Believe. And. Receive.. =)

If you are an deppressed person then It is GREAT to have you here dear one...

This is the right place for you...

many of us know about depressions but know if you dont already know, that they don't lead you anywhere...

they only make you digg that hole deeper...

If you look into the stars ad start believing in dreams... all from small dreams to huge dreams...

you will feel better...

Here we can help you maybe more than you even know yourself... but in the…

Added by David on January 14, 2009 at 9:00am — 5 Comments

Dreams and the meaning of them...

What are the meanings of dreams???

I believe dreams tell you and try to learn you things about life...

I have difficulties remembering my dreams though... but I had one strange dream this morning...

here it goes..

I was wandering... together with atleast one person couldve been mroe... we were in a jungle or a forest.. I knew where I was headed, there was this place which I dont know the name of but I knew about it from earlier...

to… Continue

Added by David on January 12, 2009 at 9:58pm — 2 Comments

Taking care of the dust under the carpet?

I know what I must do first.... To change myself.. to stop my negativity..

but in order to do that I feel that I have to take care of this first..

things of the past haunting me is not really helping me on my positive path...

and I have some reasons that make me believe in this...

I tried to meditate last night.. I listenend to solfeggio frequencies which usually helps me to relax..... I.. it didnt feel good.. I had this bad feeling in my solar plexus chakra right… Continue

Added by David on January 12, 2009 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Opening of doors..

Today I just woke up feeling so good :) I do not know why but it don't matter... I better just take andvantage of this good day instead... really really not very often that I feel like this tbh... But That's going to change!

Yesterday and the day before almost all day I've had this small headeache just within my forehead on one very special spot, It hasn't been very annoying and I've handeled it very well..

I thought that it could have something to be with what all that I've… Continue

Added by David on January 9, 2009 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

A Branch of Hope..

I am hanging at a branch without leafs.. . .

in this endless, dark storm. I am nothing.. . .

something is banging, I get nothing achived.. . .

Beating up, making me torn, eating upp my stuffing...

So I'm just Waiting, no escaping, no taking..

All I'm taking is the awaiting of the translating of life...

so I close my eyes keep on living, shivering in my shallow disquise..

I know that this ain't right I…

Added by David on January 7, 2009 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Confused... deppressed and messed.. stressed not feeling like the best..


I've felt so strange these last few days maybe week now..

I do not know for how long...

but something is crawling inside me... I feel weak.. alone.. and on the point of breaking...

I do not know if this is due to my extreme deep thinking of late, and if it is then I do not know if it is a good thing...

what I know is that I don't want to turn insane, which it feels like I'm kind of headed right now...

but how do you define crazy? right now I just feel… Continue

Added by David on January 3, 2009 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

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