Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

LIGHTEN UP MY DEAR FRIENDS!!! Believe. And. Receive.. =)

If you are an deppressed person then It is GREAT to have you here dear one...
This is the right place for you...
many of us know about depressions but know if you dont already know, that they don't lead you anywhere...
they only make you digg that hole deeper...
If you look into the stars ad start believing in dreams... all from small dreams to huge dreams...
you will feel better...

Here we can help you maybe more than you even know yourself... but in the end YOU is the one who must start this journey of freeing yourself.. and I KNOW it can be though...
and It can be very very hard to get started and to continue on the same path... BUT..

If you have a dream....
a DREAM of well being...
if you REALLY REALLY wanted it..
wouldn't you do anything neccesary to reach that dream of yours?

Wouldnt you spit on this negativity circle which you find yourself in and just start longing for a new life!?

I think you would.. and I KNOW you can...
We all have the strength within us... and I do believe that people that has been through alot of pain and rage and things like that.. are Stronger...

They have an advantage because they have seen the dark side....

ACCEPT your miracle of life as it is, and START changing it and making it more beutifull than it already is!

I believe in you all you soul that are lost...
I know you can find your way home because it is within you... That is what life is all about...
To Find YOUR Home!!!

Start with your journey.. TODAY..
or.. atleast don't wait another lifetime....

(we all have tendenses to discharge information and to "just continue our every day lives"..
but that will lead to nothing but missery)

You CAN change..
and you CAN be the one you want to be..

All you have to do is to BELIEVE and RECEIVE my dear friends....
It is simple... So I say...
KEEP your life SIMPLE, do this for yourself!
you have no idea that you will help others at the very same time....

You are the saviour of yourself... By saving yourself.. You are the saviour of earth...
You are the Hero...You are the earth!..
You are the very god which is the one you SHOULD BELIEVE IN..
It's as simple as that...

Believe and RECEIVE....

And This Is Not Only Words My dear ones....

Discover this for yourself...

Think about the words spoken today if you are one very deppressed lost soul that is digging in the past for answers.... Because you will not find them there...
You will find the real important answers very, very close....


Your brother Dave

Remember that....
There's More To This Life Than You Know Of.....

Views: 59


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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on January 14, 2009 at 10:05pm
Nice!! it`s truly inspiring. Thanks!
Comment by KigreTheViking on January 14, 2009 at 9:57pm
Be in joy. No fear. Liberate doubts. Unite. Create. Give and accept.
Allow and forgive. BE IN JOY. Invite strangers with smiles and laughter!
UNITE. We all bleed the same color. Cry the same sorrows.
Embrace abundance and be.
Comment by Betina on January 14, 2009 at 2:51pm
Nice:) Your words are needed, brother!
Comment by Melisa on January 14, 2009 at 11:11am
Its a beautiful hopeful post. Thank you so much for sharing it. Melisa
Comment by David on January 14, 2009 at 9:31am
Thank you for reading brother...

SoE Visitors



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